The fire and explosion at the ConocoPhillips Humber Refinery (16 April 2001) A formal report was made for the incident by COMAH and ConocoPhillips detailing the whole event and the response and action at the time. The events that took place are as follows: On 16 April 2001 an explosion occurred at ConocoPhillips Humber Refinery after the failure of an overhead pipe. An investigation was launched on the incident, which is required under Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations, by the
The Holderness Coastline The infamous Holderness Coastline is located on the East coast of Yorkshire, stretching from Flamborough Head to Spurn Point. In the last 2000 years the coastline has retreated by almost 400m and since Roman times over 28 villages have disappeared into the sea between Bridlington and Spurn Head. About a million years ago the Yorkshire coastline was a line of chalk cliffs almost 32km west of where it now is. During the Ice Age deposits of soft boulder clay were built
Huber Morales, a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, has been charged with seven felonies including the repeated molestation and rape of a girl that was only seven-years-old. Morales’ behavior came to light when the girl was taken to the hospital where it was discovered the she had herpes. She told nurses Morales repeatedly molested her and after his arrest on January 16, he admitting to raping the girl twice. Morales is currently being held on a bond of $100,000 at Vanderburgh County Jail
national sports o... ... middle of paper ... ...joyment. The Humber Youth Games, the area's largest sporting event for youngsters aged 9 to 15, features competitions in nine sports. Youngsters can compete in competitions held in athletics, moderate learning difficulty athletics, basketball, hockey, netball, high-five netball, rugby league, rugby union and tennis. The Humber youth games are aimed at all youngsters. The Humber youth’s games goal is to make sport exciting for everyone by
during the first trimester, when the fetus cannot survive independently from its mother. According to Humber (2009), patients can expect to return to work the day after both types of induced abortion, but will experience bleeding and cramping for about two weeks after the procedure (p. 118). As a result, the abortions have an overall complication rate of 0.01% and 1.16% for immediate complications (Humber, 2009, p. 118). In addition, it is thought to be more humane because the fetus has not developed
Besides “these large direct monetary losses associated with Hurricane Hazel, more than 80 people were killed during the resulting flooding” (Shrubsole et al, 2013). A riverine close by, flooded causing lots of damage to the homes nearby. This was the Humber River located in Southern Ontario which caused many catastrophes. Hurricane Hazel also caused many structural damages. Many trailer parks were flooded and homes were swept away with the water, leaving hundreds homeless. Many houses were flooded and
while the children open, close, pull, push or roll the containers, I will name them what they are doing or playing with. Lew, T. (2012, September 28). Children, Play and Creativity. Teaching Strategies. Humber College ITAL. Lockwood, K. (2013, January 26). Curriculum Design. Teaching Strategies. Humber College ITAL Action: I will participate during the experience showing them how to push and pull. I will supervise and observe how children engage in this experience, how they experiment with the materials
4. Professional Identity/Ethics 4.1 Demonstrates use of professional standards and the Code of Ethics to inform safe nursing care as applicable. Use professional standards and code of ethics to provide competent nursing care. It is "the ethical values of nurses and of nurses' commitments to persons with health-care needs and persons receiving care" (CNA, 2017, p.2). This is done by providing safe, competent care. By being accountable for your own actions such as properly making corrections to a
The University of Guelph-Humber Justice studies program instills to students that professionalism is to follow student conduct in order to succeed in school. Justice is a program that the topic drugs is something fearful and to be swept under the carpet, rather investigating the fundamental aspects and benefits to marijuana. Marijuana is seen as a drug which drives and controls human impulses and is an ethical issue that cannot be an effective treatment. As my years of studying are near to the end
Being the most populous city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario, Toronto is a precise choice. The city of Toronto has dynamic, vivid life, as well as beautiful climate. Toronto has a humid continental climate with warm, humid summer, and cold winter. In addition, the city experiences four distinct seasons with noticeable length, which make city comfortable place to live. Besides, Toronto is not only host to more than 100 different festivals annually, but also home to Canada’s largest
colours of the rings, the shape of it and what animal is it. For example, “You are putting the red ring on the giraffe”. Lew, T. (2012, September 28). Children, Play and Creativity. Teaching Strategies. Humber College ITAL. Lockwood, K. (2013, January 26). Curriculum Design. Teaching Strategies. Humber College ITAL Action: I will participate in the experience and will gradually remove the support and let the children explore with the materials to encourage imagination. This experience is responsive
of urgency and dread if the man does not get what he wants. Form: couplets 5. Ganges (gnjz) A river of northern India and Bangladesh rising in the Himalayan Mountains 7. Humber: Hull, where Marvell lived as a boy, and which he represented as an M.P. for nearly twenty years from 1659, is on the river Humber. 10. The conversion of the Jews was to take place just before the end of the world. 11. vegetable love: that of his "vegetable'' soul. 29. quaint: elegant, artificial. 34. dew
health and academic performance of undergraduate varsity athletes from five Canadian post-secondary institutions. My passion for education and work with students led to a career with the Student Affairs at University of Victoria and presently, at Humber
Write a critical appreciation of Marvell's To his coy mistress. How does the lover in this poem make you feel? This poem is about a man, who is likely to be Marvell seducing his sweetheart and trying to persuade her to sleep with him. This essay will look at different parts of the poem such as how it is written and the atmosphere of it. The poem is about a man seducing his sweet heart and trying to persuade her to go to bed with him. He tries to scare her by telling her that if she does
shyness would not be wrong. She could go to the River Ganges in India, a very exotic place, and celebrate her virginity ("rubies" are symbols of preserved virginity), while he would lament her loss beside the Humber, a far less attractive place. Marvell came from Hull, which stands on the Humber, so would know it well. In Hull, outside the Church of the Holy Trinity, is a statue of Marvell with these lines from the poem written on its plinth. It was believed that "the flood" would never happen
along a slop carved in the side of the bank by years of desperate paddlers wrestling it into the water. The effort was great. Since I did not want to plunge in the water... which I found later on was three inches deep. Heading off, we paddled into the Humber River. It derived of a main channel for upper echelon boats and yardage (all of which had slightly lewd, highly sexist names: Betty Booper, 'Notty' Seamen). The resonance of nature was palpable. Right up to the oily streaks streaming across the river
The Theme of Romantic Love in To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy For this assignment, I have chosen to analyse two contrasting poems. The first poem is "To His Coy Mistress" which was written in1650 by the English poet Andrew Marvell, and it is surprising how modern the subject matter is. This poem uses language to persuade the poet's mistress into shedding her coyness. The second poem, "Valentine" by the contemporary poet Carol Ann Duffy sets out to
Andrew Marvell Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love's day. Thou by the Indian Ganges' side Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain. I would Love you ten years before the Flood, And you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise
what exactly an OTA and PTA does. I met a couple of students, who were at the time enrolled in the OTA/PTA program at Humber, and spoke to them about how the program is. After speaking to them, it opened up the doors for me; and I knew this is what I wanted to do. The following September of 2016 after graduating from High School, I was accepted into the OTA and PTA program at Humber College. After receiving the practical experience I needed in order to understand what is like to work within this profession
To His Coy Mistress: An Act of Persuasion In the poem by Andrew Marvell, he tries to persuade a lady of his love, that she should do as he wishes, and give herself up for him. In order to do so, he expresses his arguments in the poem being discussed. In the second line he starts off trying to persuade her, by telling her that she really does want to give herself up to him, but is too shy. He reassures her, and tells her that this does not matter, and there is nothing wrong with it, however