"The Divided Self": Characterization, Identities, and the Supernatural A cursory first reading of Horace Walpole's Otranto might yield an impression that its characters are thoroughly superficial, shallow, and flat, almost to the point of being laughably so. A single character mold seems to have been applied to each character: Manfred is the incestuous tyrant, Hippolita is the helplessly devoted wife, Matilda is the picture of “tenderness and duty” (38), and Theodore is the chivalrous protector
Letters of Horace Walpole, the author Toynbee placed together a collection of letters Horace Walpole the Fourth Earl of Orford, wrote. In this volume Walpole writes to many acquaintances ranging from Reverends to Dukes during the time period 1771 to 1774. Horace Walpole, a man of letters and Whig politician is the son of the first Prime Minister Robert Walpole (Langford). He is most famous for his correspondences he wrote at his house Strawberry Hill (Langford). In this document Walpole is writing