Homo Essays

  • Homo Erectus

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    Homo Erectus In the quest to explain human origins it is necessary to find a species that bridges modern man (Homo sapiens) with the apes. To fill this gap evolutionists have set forth Homo erectus, who lived approximately 400,000 to 1.6 million years ago (Johanson and Shreeve1989). Although the distinctions are somewhat vague, below the neck, Homo sapiens and Homo erectus are practically Identical and Homo erectus was responsible for pioneering the use of standard tools (such as the hand axe)

  • Homo Habilis

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    Social Study Guide A.) Definitions: 1.) Dimension - is any part of and object or event that can be measured. 2.) Absolute time - is the time measured in precise periods, dates or times. 3.) Relative time - is the time measured in relation to other things. 4.) Cyclical time - is a record of natural cycles. 5.) Linear time - is a record of events in sequence from past to the present. 6.) Equinox - is the period when day and night are the same length. 7.) Solstice - is when

  • Herto Homo Sapiens and the Origin of Man

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    Herto Homo Sapiens and the Questionable Origin of Man Many discoveries have been made that give more and more clues to the history of life on earth. Paleontologists find artifacts throughout the world that not only answer many questions but also raise many new ones. A topic that is still a mystery today is the origin of man. Scientists often debate over where man originated from and who some of his prehistoric relatives were. Some people think that all men are related, and that there has been

  • Similarities And Differences Of Homo Erectus And Homo Sapiens

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    (OCC) 15 May 2014 Similarities and Differences of Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens "In our view, there are two alternatives. We should either admit that the Homo erectus/Homo sapiens boundary is arbitrary and use nonmorphological (i.e. temporal) criteria for determining it, or Homo erectus should be sunk [into H. sapiens]." - Milford Wolpoff INTRODUCTION There are three hominids. The first one is Homo Habilis who was the most ape-like among them. Homo erectus was their later successor. They were just

  • Essay On Homo Erectus

    1493 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mr. Pfister Biology CP 4/7/14 Homo Erectus Throughout the long winding road that is human evolution; many species have helped shape who we are today. There was the early Australopithecus africanus which began to walk bipedally-upright with two feet and the Homo habilis which drastically developed the construction of handmade tools. But there is one species who is to be credited for the most critical advancements in human evolution; Homo erectus. Not only did Homo erectus advance us the most biologically

  • Homo Floresiensis Hypothesis

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    LB-1 is name of the Homo floresiensis adult fossil, who was shorter than average human today. LB-1 fossil was discovered in Liang Bua, a cave on island of Flores in Indonesia. Generally Homo floresiensis are referred to as dwarf human with an average height being about 3.5 ft. Also, this is how they’ve earned the nickname “hobbit.” Homo floresiensis brain, prior to this paper, was estimated to be about 380 to 430 cc (cubic centimeters), which is very small. Reasons for such small brain size have

  • The Debate Over the Origin of Modern Homo Sapiens

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    The Debate Over the Origin of Modern Homo Sapiens There has been a great deal of heated debate for the last few decades about where modern Homo sapiens originated. From the battle grounds, two main theories emerged. One theory, labeled “Out-of-Africa” or “population replacement” explains that all modern Homo sapiens evolved from a common Homo erectus ancestor in Africa 100,000 years ago. The species began to spread and replace all other archaic human-like populations around 35,000 to 89,000

  • Homo Sapien Monologue

    663 Words  | 2 Pages

    Episode 1: Documentary Narrator (audio recording): The sub species of Australia’s subtropical homo sapiens are most distinct and easily recognizable at a premature age. Found abundantly frolicking in their natural habitat: the university campus. Recognizable by a contrast in feather tones, mating dances and respect for fellow homo sapiens, the premature homo sapiens can be categorized into three different sub species. Firstly, Davo, straight as the photos on grandma’s wall [pause] Then, a prime

  • Homo Erectus Essay

    576 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Homo erectus was an early species of Homo and the likely descendant of the H. Habilis; the first Hominin species to move out of Africa into Asia and Europe. These were the Hominins that began to develop the characteristics behaviors that we see in living humans, that increasingly engaged intelligence and displayed adaptive flexibility, and the first depended on material culture. During the early Homo’s evolution, hominins began to colonize areas of the world outside Africa. The H.Habilis had

  • Homo Naledi Research Paper

    1345 Words  | 3 Pages

    Carson Trinh June 10, 2016 Homo naledi In 2015, a major, yet baffling find sparked much attention from both the scientific and public community. A massive collection of fossils of some sort of species had been found in the Dinaledi Chamber of South Africa's Rising Star cave system. While parts of it seemed to be of the genus Homo, other parts seemed to be much more primitive; it was a mix of old and new traits. The age of the fossils have not been confirmed yet, but it appeared to have existed

  • Homo Habilis: The Evolution Of Human Evolution

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    Are we still evolving? How do humans and apes share a common ancestor? Modern human species or Homo sapiens have shown great similarities in the physical and genetic makeup to another group primates species, the apes. Both organisms share a common ancestor dating back eight to six million years ago. Evolution means change over time. Human evolution is the process by which humans have emerged from apelike ancestors. Through sequences of mutations, genetic drift, migration, and natural selection and

  • How Humans Developed: The Homo Sapiens

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    time because Ancient Earth provides ability to plenty of time.The Homo Sapien a is very complex creature. The species started off very simple by living in caves and surviving with little food and then later evolved into a species that were able to do many more complex things. The first species was Sahelanthropus tchadensis They were one of the most simple humans in that time period and on. They had very small skulls compared to Homo Sapiens today and their motor skills were just the same. We have

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Homo Floresiensis

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    In 2004, the world was shocked by the discovery of Homo floresiensis. The discovery opened up worldwide debates about the validity of the species. To this day, the excavators and researchers are still examining the archaeological site at Liang Bua to get more insight into whether or not H. floresiensis was extinct before H. sapiens, or if their existence overlapped (Callaway et al., 2014). However, with the information from the excavation that already has already been researched, aids to the validity

  • Friedrich Nietzsche's Ecce Homo: Defining Humans

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Portrait Of Friedrich Nietzsche Should human beings be defined simply by their genetics or heritage? This is a question that pains many philosophers including Friedrich Nietzsche, who is the author of Ecce Homo. In his book Nietzsche goes through implicate measures to emphasize that human beings cannot merely be defined by their genetics or national origin. According to Nietzsche, it is how we live that characterizes us. In fact, there is a specific issue in his book that thoroughly discuss an

  • How Did The Homo Sapiens Influence The Development Of Civilization

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    was a time where the Homo sapiens developed the gene to modernize their world, something more than gathering and hunting from dawn to sunset. The Homo sapiens had the ability and gene to communicate, and bond better than any other species of animal. A one on one fight between a Homo sapien and a Neantherdenal would have resulted a loss for the Homo sapien, but a war between hundreds would have the Neantherdals crushed by the Homo’s skill of communication and leadership. The Homo sapien had evolved

  • Early Homo Sapiens: Uniregional versus Multiregional Theory

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    the Homo erectus fossils. These fossils have been found not only in Africa, but have also been found in parts of Europe and Asia. This is when scientists begin to disagree on how these pre-modern humans spread from Africa to other continents. Some scientists believe in the hypothesis known as the Multiregional Theory. This theory states that Homo erectus left Africa about two million years ago and from there migrated to Europe and Asia. These H. erectus then evolved, simultaneously, into Homo sapiens

  • The Evolution of Homonin Tribe from the Time Period of Homo Habilis to Mordern

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    To the ongoing question as to how humans evolved has still been a debate over several decades. Homo sapiens is a scientific name given to humans. Homo sapiens are classified under the kingdom-Animalia, phylum-chordata, class-mammalia, order-primates, family-Hominidae, genus-Homo and species-sapiens. According to Linnaeus Carlos, scientific way of classifying living organisms (Relethford, 2010). According to Relethford, Hominin is a tribe that comprises of humans and their closest ancestor. Hominin

  • Neanderthals

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    The first Neanderthal remains, discovered in Germany in 1856, were presented to the world of science at a meeting of the Lower Rhine Medical and Natural History Society held in Bonn in February 1857 and named a species, Homo neanderthalensis, by William King in 1864. Some Neanderthal fossils and other remains are in excellent condition, giving a good idea of Neanderthal culture. In 1887, two complete skeletons were found in a cave near Spy in Belgium, and more from sites in France in 1887, 1908 and

  • The Natural Environment and the Human Condition

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    its position in a world, which includes but is not defined by human society. As far as we know, the beginnings of humanity date back to 3.5 million years ago. Homo erectus (the earliest form of man) was roaming the earth, in Africa, with his hands free enabling him to travel great distances and utilize basic stone tools. The species Homo erectus lived in small, hunter-gatherer groups. Because of constant movement, in search of vegetation and game in addition to a small population, he was unable

  • Neanderthal Extinction

    711 Words  | 2 Pages

    Neanderthal Extinction Neanderthals and modern humans coexisted for well over 100,000 years.  Then suddenly Homo neandertalensis began to die out and surrender the earth to Homo sapiens.  Paleontologists and anthropologists have entertained several possibilities to the causes of this event: interbreeding among Neanderthals and humans, competition for natural resources, and Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest.”  What the real cause has been has plagued scientists for years. Now, due to