Hellblazer Essays

  • Rewriting and Transforming a Fairytale

    1239 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fairy tales are considered as stories for children, to amuse them or some bed stories before they sleep. Sandman is one of those stories created by Scandinavian narratives and written by Christian Andersen, famous children’s literature writer. In the tale, Sandman comes at midnight and puts his sands into the eyes of the children and makes them sleep. While they sleep, with his umbrella he shows them either good or bad dreams. E.T.A Hoffman uses the elements of the fairy tale and rewrites it as a

  • Constantine's Sexuality

    1200 Words  | 3 Pages

    Why The Reveal Of Constantine's Sexuality Is A Massive Win For The Arrowverse With the return of Legends of Tomorrow, we were treated to the return of John Constantine to the Arrowverse for the first time since his appearance in the Arrow Season 4 episode, ‘Haunted’. Now, he’s back and fans are finally getting the story behind his sexuality: he’s bi like his comic book counterpart. This comes with the storyline involving Mallus and Nora Darhk (John Noble and Courtney Ford, respectively) that sees

  • What Is The Decline Of DC Comics In The 1930's

    1278 Words  | 3 Pages

    Since the 1930’s, the DC industry has changed every year. These changes have made the industry better, which led to DC Comics becoming one of the top comic industries. DC Comics is iconically known for producing the famous superheroes Superman and Batman. Starting in 1934, the Eastern Color Printing (ECP) started to published new-strip comics in Famous Funnies. Later on, imitators started to published King Comics and Popular Comics. The following year, the company made the first comic book

  • History of the Punk Movement

    1091 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don’t let them take you alive.” Sid Vicious-Lead Singer of the Sex Pistols. (Brainyquotes.com) This quote by Sid Vicious from 1977 summed up the feelings of many of the Originators of Punk Music and the Punk lifestyle. The term Punk was coined by music reviewer Dave Marsh in 1971 to define a new and emerging style in music and culture. Anti-establishment