Handsfree Essays

  • Using a Cell Phone While Driving Should be Banned

    625 Words  | 2 Pages

    In today's society, technology revolves around our everyday lives. Cell phones, and handheld devices have taken over our fast paced world. Although there are some positive aspects to the growing opportunities in technology, there are still many negatives involved. One of the leading causes of death in the United States today, are car wrecks (Driving While Distracted: Statistics to know). Even though accidents appear to be out of our control, in reality, most car wrecks are caused by lack of attention

  • Driving And Driving: The Dangers Of Texting While Driving

    1078 Words  | 3 Pages

    The issue with driving today is that we all think we can do more then we’re capable. Texting while driving is dangerous to not only the driver but also other motorist on the road. First, we are safer driving intoxicated then sending a text message while driving. Second, even though some may think its a safe alternative hands free cellphones aren 't any safer then texting while driving. Lastly, many people believe texting while driving is just a quick convenient thing but in truth it encourages poor

  • Bluetooth Essay

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Bluetooth, the technology that is a hot topic among wireless developers. Was designed to allow low bandwidth wireless connections to make it simple for users to use, that they integrate into user’s daily lif. Updating the phone directory on mobile phones is a simple example of this Bluetooth application. With Bluetooth, without any user involvement can make the phone comes within range of the PC. With Bluetooth, you can also share your pictures, songs, files, memos, and many more! This

  • Comparing Two Types of Nokia Cell Phones

    1186 Words  | 3 Pages

    digital talk time up to 3 hours and digital standby up to 12 days. It has service for GSM 850/1800/1900 MHz or GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz. They also have different features. In the voice feature, Nokia 6600 has voice dialing and commands, integrated handsfree speakerphone for convenient communication, record and send memos, conversations, and sound clips3, record memos and conversations for up to 90 seconds.

  • The Digital Revolution and its Effects on People

    1509 Words  | 4 Pages

    “These days, being connected depends not on our distance from each other, but from available communications technology.” Relationships today are being impacted by the digital revolution. Modern technology diverts time and attention from spouses, families, and friends. Japanese believe that cellphones, texting, instant messaging, email, and online gaming have created social isolation. The greatest ‘social skill’ nowadays is to maintain eye contact with another person while texting. In ways, texting

  • Nortel Meridian

    2093 Words  | 5 Pages

    INPUT/OUTPUT CRASH COURSE Meridian crash course faq798-5880 Posted: 20 May 05 (Edited 3 Jun 05) Programming Meridian SL1 PBX This is a short introduction into programming a Meridian PBX. The Meridian PBX's software divides information into LOADS. Each Load has a specific function for example. LD 20 is where you can print information about phones. The loads range from LD 01 - LD 143 How to HyperTerminal in to the PBX and VOICEMAIL Systems. 1. Launch HyperTerminal 2. Set phone number to your modem

  • The Pros And Cons Of Texting While Driving

    2516 Words  | 6 Pages

    It’s time to have an honest look into using phones while we drive. We don't understand why we continue the behavior, and it’s killing us. Distracted driving is leaving tragedy behind on American roadways while there is more likelihood of meeting a “texter’ than to meet an intoxicated driver. Accidents occur when people talk on cellphones or send text messages while driving. According to an article published by the CDC “Injury Prevention and Control: Motor vehicle Safety” “Some activities—such