Gulf Coast of the United States Essays

  • BP’s Gulf Oil Spill

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    The April 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will forever change the way Americans view deepwater oil drilling. No one could have foreseen that BP’s well would spew into the Gulf waters for over 80 days before it was successfully capped. Over the years, many articles have been written about the disaster, and many different viewpoints given in the articles. This essay discusses the oil spill’s effect on Gulf coast animal and plant life, plus whether the government is implementing effective legislation

  • The Role of Setting in Literature: An Analysis of 'The Awakening'

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    their home in New Orleans. The disparity between these locations and what they represent allows the reader to fully capture Edna’s emotional state throughout the novel. Grand Isle, a secluded island retreat for New Orlean’s wealthiest families, is also the favorite vacation spot of the Pontelliers. Located

  • Cause And Effect Of Hurricane Katrina

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    climates on the coasts. “In late summer, above the warm, Tropical seas that lie on either side of the equator, enormous rotating storm systems can develop with wind speeds of 75mph and above. These vigorous winds are created in the Atlantic Ocean, usually in the months of June-March, prime hurricane season.”(Claire).Hurricanes like these can not only devastate homes, but families as well. For example, on August 29, 2005, a hurricane by the name of Hurricane Katrina hits the United States, causing mass

  • Case Study: The Gulf Coast and the BP Oil Spill

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    1 Case Study: The Gulf Coast and the BP Oil Spill About the Gulf Coast The Gulf of Mexico is bordered by five of the United States: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. It is also bordered by Mexico and is the location of Cuba. The gulf itself covers an expanse of 600,000 square miles and has a developed a circulation pattern for the waters (General Facts about the Gulf of Mexico, 2011). Water enters the Yucatan Strait, flows through the Loop Current, and exits through the Florida

  • Hurricane Camille Research Paper

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    Mississippi and the United States. This hurricane began to cause damage as soon as it made landfall on the Gulf Coast, and continued to wreak havoc on the United States until it headed back to sea. Camille continues to live in the minds of those who were in the hurricane or affected by the hurricane. Hurricane Camille will always be remembered as one of the worst hurricanes to ever make landfall in the United states not only because of its effect on the Mississippi Gulf Coast but also because of

  • Consumer Ethnocentrism: The Impact Of Consumer Ethnocentrism?

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    than ever to support our Gulf Coast Shrimpers and buy local shrimp.” According to the survey, 68% of respondents either strongly agreed or agreed with this statement. In addition, 60% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed when presented with the statement: “I don't trust the local shrimp because of the oil and the oil dispersants that I hear are in the water.” Only 26% remained neutral to this, proving that the vast majority felt they could still safely enjoy Gulf Coast shrimp. A study conducted

  • Atlantic Canada Storm

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    U.S, Atlantic Canada Slammed By A Storm The news article is from the Toronto Star and was written on January 5 2018. The event occurred on Thursday January 4 2018. The article took place in the U.S. East Coast and Atlantic Canada. The severe storm that hit the U.S. East Coast caused hurricane-force winds, snow and flooding that closed schools, offices and stopped transportation systems. When the storm hit Atlantic Canada it shut down everything from schools to bridges with extremely high winds, and

  • Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and Around the World

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    During the summers the oxygen content atop the water normally has a salinity level consistent with “more than 8 milligrams per liter”; but when oxygen content drops down to “less than 2 milligrams per liter” the water is then known to be in hypoxic state (CENR, 2000; USGS, 2006). Hypoxia is the result of oxygen levels decreasing to the point where aquatic organisms can no longer survive in the water column. Organisms such as fish, shrimps, and crabs are capable to evacuate the area but the fauna that

  • Oil Spill Essay

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    the octant of Gulf (the area of the oil spill from Deepwater Horizon) contained 8332 species of plants and animals. In the main taxonomy of animals at all depths of disaster , there are 1461 mollusks, 604 polychaetes,1,503 crustaceans, 1,270 fish, sea turtles, 218 species of birds and 29 species of marine mammals (Gulf of Mexico biodiversity Applications Deep Horizon oil spill MM Thomas C. Shirley , John W. Tunnell , Jr. , Fabio Moretzsohn and Jorge Brenner , Harte Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies

  • Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Environment

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    the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that killed 11 workers and injured 17 more. The drilling rig, located 66 kilometers southeast of the Louisiana coast, left an oil gusher that was finally capped on July 15, almost 2 months later. This was the largest accidental marine oil spill in history and the largest offshore environmental disaster in the United States (Telegraph, New York Times, BBC News). It is estimated by scientists that over 4.9 million barrels of oil were released into the ocean, about half

  • Hurricane Katrina Research Paper

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    destructive and costly tropical cyclones that have hit the United States in decades. Katrina was part of the hurricane season in the Atlantic in 2005. It was the third most powerful storm of the season; it was a great tropical cyclone that hit southern and central United States in August 2005. Producing serious damage in Florida, Bahamas, Louisiana and Mississippi, including material damage and severe flooding. It made landfall on the Louisiana coast on August 29 becoming a Category 3 hurricane, and although

  • Pipeline Transportation Essay

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    mode of transportation for over one hundred countries around the world. As of 2014, there is approximately 2,175,000 miles of pipeline, enough to wrap around the Earth 87 times. Of those millions of miles, 64% of the world’s pipeline is in the United States alone. Pipelines are mostly used for the transportation of both crude and refined petroleum, fuels such as oil, natural gas, and biofuels, and other fluids like water and sewage. Even alcohol is sometimes transported using pipelines. Pipelines

  • The Causes Of Hurricane Katrina

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    shoreline and left devastating effects for years to come. It was very early in the morning on August 29, 2005; Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States. For days before, the hurricane could be charted by various meteorologists so there was no mystery that a very large storm was approaching a very vulnerable part of the United States coast line. The storm made landfall as a Category 3, meaning sustained winds of 100–140 miles per hour. The hurricane stretched some 400 miles across

  • Texas

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    Texas, one of the West South Central states of the United States. It borders Mexico on the southwest and the Gulf of Mexico on the southeast. To the west is New Mexico, to the north and northeast lie Oklahoma and Arkansas, and Louisiana bounds Texas on the east. Austin is the capital of Texas. Houston is the largest city. Texas is the size of Ohio, Indiana, and all the New England and Middle Atlantic states combined, and its vast area encompasses forests, mountains, deserts and dry plains, and a

  • Hurricane Katrina: America's Costliest Storm

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    Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina was the most expensive hurricane that hit the United States ever. The hurricane was the third strongest of the season, behind both Hurricane Wilma and Rita. The hurricane was the third strongest of the season, behind both Hurricane Wilma and Rita. Early in the morning on August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States. When the storm made landfall, it had a Category 3 rating on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale–it brought sustained

  • The Oil Spill Disaster Exposed The Major Factors in BP’s External Environment

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    renewable energy projects. BP has oil drilling projects all over the United States and operates heavily in the Gulf Coast. BP owns 4 major drilling platforms in the gulf and produces over 200,000 barrels of oil a day from the region. On April 20th, 2010, BP was operating an offshore exploratory rig named “Deep Horizon” and there was a massive explosion that killed 11 people and injured 16 others. The oil rig sank into the Gulf and continued to dump oil into the waters until July 15th, 2010. This

  • The Arab Gulf States

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    Arabian Gulf or the Persian Gulf: is the arm of the Arabian Sea, extending from Gulf of Oman in the south to along the Shatt-AL Arab in the north. Its length around 965 km from Shatt-Al Arab to the Hormuz fjord, which links it in the Gulf of Oman. The area of the Arabian Gulf approximately 233 100 km², and varies in width between a maximum of about 370 km to a minimum of 55 km in the Hormuz fjord. A maximum depth of the Arabian Gulf is 90 m. The gulf separates the Arabian Peninsula and south-western

  • Essay On Coastal Erosion

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    “On the Atlantic and Gulf coastlines, which are made up largely of barrier islands, the beaches are eroding at average annual rates of 3 and 6 feet respectively. “1 When it comes to coastal erosion, not just in the Gulf of Mexico but also anywhere in the world, we have to take notice and most importantly action. Coastal erosion is one of the key signs of serious problems that are happening in today’s society. “The earth covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface and contains 97 percent of the planet’s

  • Hurricane Katrina And New Orleans

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    On August 29, 2005 is the day when Hurricane Katrina hits the Gulf Coast of the United States. (Staff, 2009) Hurricane Katrina was known as the eleventh Hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season. This Hurricane was known as one of the 5 deadliest Hurricanes in U.S History. On the day of August 29, 2005, New Orleans had its most dreadful day in history when Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans which caused damage worth up to 108 billion dollars, gas prices going up significantly, and causing

  • Does the End Justify the Means?

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    There are many things that must be consider when looking at whether or not the end of a given situation was justified by the means in which were used to get there. The biggest of which is what was the cost to achieve the desired outcome. Was it a loss of life, damage to property, financial cost, or un-repairable damage to relationships whether personal or political? Could any of these been avoided and still achieve the same outcome? This has been a topic of debate on many things in our nations history