Freeway Essays

  • Interstate 15 and California 60 Freeway Interchange

    953 Words  | 2 Pages

    We take them for granted when driving miles to the closest mall. We are unconscious of their usefulness when traveling to see a distant relative by car. We can't take a moment to stop and admire their beauty and usefulness; the architectural wonders that are highways and their interchanges; which have such a rich history embedded in the American suburbia of today. Let's go back to the early 1900's, when the automobile was starting to become a dominate part of the American life (Morton, 2014). Around

  • Advantages Of Traffic Congestion

    1818 Words  | 4 Pages

    Traffic congestion has become a huge problem in the developing countries, such as China and India. Nowadays a lot of people prefer to buy their own cars rather than using public transportation because they think it is more convenient and time-saving. Even though owning a car has so many advantages; however, it has certain setbacks as well, which outweighs the benefits. The more cars we have on roads, the more congestion we will have to deal with on daily basis. In the urban cities of China, such

  • Traffic and Urban Congestion: 1955-1970

    1562 Words  | 4 Pages

    Traffic and Urban Congestion: 1955-1970 In 1960, Great Britain still had no urban freeways. But with the ownership of private cars becoming ever more common, the problem of congestion in British cities was unavoidable. Investigating the possibilities of freeways as alleviators of big-city traffic jams, the government-sponsored Buchanan Report was pessimistic: ... the study shows the very formidable potential build-up of traffic as vehicular ownership and usage increase to the maximum. The accommodation

  • Graduation Speech

    541 Words  | 2 Pages

    T.S. Eliot once wrote, "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." Every landmark in our lives will end but there is always a beginning to an end. As each new path ends a new one begins. Graduation marks the end of a path but as it ends a new path begins. Life is an adventure. We started out by walking on a winding path as we entered the destination of kindergarten. As our lives ventured on down the winding path, we

  • Miami is a Commuter’s Nightmare

    1056 Words  | 3 Pages

    Miami: A Commuter’s Nightmare Several surveys have shown the city of Miami to be one of the least preferable cities in which to drive. Every morning there is an exodus of Biblical proportions, as thousands or cars tightly pack into highways six lanes wide. More discouraging about driving in Miami is the mind-numbingly slow pace with which traffic moves. Moreover, bumper-to-bumper traffic causes many minimal damage accidents that ironically have larger, more negative, effects on traffic congestion

  • Rhode Island Road Condition Essay

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    Our future is our investment. The streets in Rhode Island need to be made a priority because the lives of motorist and those in their surrounding are being put in danger by their street’s poor condition. Forty-one percent of the state’s roads are damaged and has little maintenance. Making their state one of the states with the worst road conditions within the nation. Rhode Island needs to invest more money into road repair to save money, to keep residents safe, and prevent future damage. The condition

  • Snow And Ice Build-Up Research Paper

    1734 Words  | 4 Pages

    CONCERNS REGARDING SNOW AND ICE BUILD-UP The United States has become increasingly dependent on its road system to enable the reliable movement of an ever growing amount of people, goods and services (EPA). Despite the inevitability of inclement weather, Americans expect these systems to be maintained in order to allow for safe travel (EPA). Every year in the northeastern United States, municipalities are forced to find solutions to the myriad of problems presented by the accumulation of snow and

  • The Influence Of The Great North Road On The Anasazi Culture

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Great North Road is one of the longest and most famous road among the Chaco roads, which was constructed by the Anasazi residents of Chaco Canyon of New Mexico. It played an important role in the Anasazi culture through its unique design and construction patterns. The Great North Road has helped in researches on the Chaco Anasazi, by allowing to better understand the development of the Anasazi people. Marshall and Soffar's theory suggested that the Chaco roads were created as spirits path for

  • Highway to Heaven

    1104 Words  | 3 Pages

    The air was cool that morning; I can remember because the frosted tip of my breath had left a cloudy patch of fog on my window. The morning was just like any other. I had just eaten breakfast and packed my bags for work. It wasn’t until I was halfway there that I realized I had left my coat at home. You see, I was an accountant. I worked inside day in and day out; however, that day was the office picnic. Who decided to hold it on the coldest day of the year, I don’t know. Nonetheless I had to go

  • Longmire Road Widening Case Study

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    Longmire Road Widening, City of Conroe – Part of the design team for the final phase of widening Longmire Road from FM 3083 to League Line Road. Began managing the design team between the 30% and 60% submittals to address some difficult situations encountered during the design. The length of the project was approximately 3.6 miles. The existing 2-lane open ditch roadway is presently constructed of asphalt pavement with existing shallow roadside ditches. The project involves removal of the existing

  • 1920's Route 66: A Brief History

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    Route 66 is the mother road for all highways, it stretches 2,448 miles. It starts in Chicago, illinois, through missouri, kansas, oklahoma, texas, New Mexico, and Arizona before ending in Santa Monica, California. In the 1920’s Route 66 served as a path for those who migrated west, and today its legacy has shaped a more modern way to travel. Route 66 was used for migrating west during the dust bowl. The article says “ during the Great Depression, hundreds of thousands of farm families, displaced

  • Traffic Essay

    1864 Words  | 4 Pages

    Afghanistan has suffered from decades of war and conflicts. During these decades of war and due to lack of regular maintenance much of the transportation infrastructure has either been damaged or has deteriorated. This paper presents an overview of the current challenges of transportation in Kabul in particular the traffic jam by using some geographical theories, experiences, and methodologies will propose some policy-oriented recommendations and opportunities for improving the transportation situation

  • Roads Planning

    3793 Words  | 8 Pages

    Roads Planning Roads are skeleton of any town plan , or ,to vary the simile ,the arteries of the organisms through which the life blood of communication flows. The planner must necessary let the road engineer have the last word regarding road material , gradient camber ,super elevation, radii of horizontal and vertical curves , etc through he should be well aware of the technical factors governing them , and he should regard the traffic engineer or traffic planer as an indispensable colleague

  • Interstate Highway System Research Paper

    982 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Interstate Highway System also known as "National System of Interstate and Defense Highways" is a large-scale system. It has been development and perfected in the 20th Century. This large-scaled system was developed in the efforts of making transportation safer, and more efficient for people driving throughout the United States. Hughes presents phases of development for technological systems which include invention, development, innovation, technology transfer, technological style, growth and

  • Beckton Roundabout

    3490 Words  | 7 Pages

    Part (a) Justification for proposed location Most sections of the A406 has a history of unreliability and poor journey times due to delays caused by high levels of traffic, particularly at the Beckton roundabout. Also During morning and evening peak times, the A406 has insufficient capacity as queues extend northbound towards Ilford and Barking from the Beckton junction therefore, providing a flyover will elevate many of these issues. This will be explained in the following sections. Method of

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Construction System

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    3) BOT (BUILD, OPERATE AND TRANSFER) DEFINITION BOT basically is a type of contract which involves two sectors that are private and government. The government requested the private sector to provide some infrastructure for the living, so that it can helps in the development of the country. The non-government sector will design, provide finances, construct and also operates the facility (building, school, road, etc.). After some period of time, the ownership will be transferred back to government

  • Repairing the Problem with America's Transportation System

    1781 Words  | 4 Pages

    Repairing the Problem with America's Transportation System There is a serious problem with our nation's roads and highways.  I find myself repeatedly avoiding trips to the city for this very reason, as I'm sure many others do as well.  This nerve-wracking congestion is even beginning to find its way into the suburbs and surrounding areas of large cities.  It is a   serious problem that affects everyone who owns an automobile, as well as, businesses that are dependent on reliable and convenient

  • My First and Last hike in Poly Canyon

    1614 Words  | 4 Pages

    My First and Last hike in Poly Canyon I knew it was coming. A couple weeks before, I received an introductory email from my instructor explaining the textbook we needed and providing a link to the class website. I selected the link and navigated curiously around the site, arriving at last at the class itinerary. To my horror, I saw planned on the third class day a “moderately strenuous hike over steep, rough ground.” Subsequent readings of this statement produced the same result, and so

  • Mixed Traffic Essay

    937 Words  | 2 Pages

    The present study is undertaken to fulfill the following objectives – (i) To collect data for the calculation of time headway of different vehicles on six lane urban roads under mixed traffic condition. (ii) Use actual field data collected from the traffic monitoring sites on the six lane urban roads to determine free-flow speed (FFS). (iii) To establish a relationship between the headway and free flow speed for six-lane urban road under mix traffic condition. The traffic condition on Indian roads

  • Straight Roads In America

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    Since the dawn of mankind, humans have always held an instinctual desire to travel. There is a route to any destination, and in this day and age, these routes are much faster due to the implementation of interstate systems. These long, straight highway roads provide America’s citizens a place to drive their cars at higher speeds, thus allowing us to reach our destination much faster than taking standard roads. When Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, he set into motion