Fire sprinkler Essays

  • Automatic Fire Sprinkler System

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    automatic fire sprinkler system was one of the earliest sprinkler systems placed into effect. The origin of the modern day automatic sprinkler system dates back to the early 1800’s. The first automatic sprinkler system was created in England in the 1806 by John Carey. It consisted of a pipe with valves held closed by counterweights attached by string. When flames burned through the string the counterweight dropped to the floor, which opened the valve that released the water and extinguished the fire. As

  • NFPA 13: A Summary And Analysis

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    following question: “A corridor with an 11-6, drop-in, ceiling has a suspended gyp board cloud 6 in. below at 11-0 above finished floor. Occupancy is light hazard and construction is non-combustible. The 6-in. separation does not allow space for a sprinkler covering above the cloud to operate. Is coverage above the cloud required?” In response to your question, we have reviewed NFPA 13, 2013 edition that you indicated as the applicable standard. Our informal interpretation is treat the cloud ceiling

  • Fire Sprinkler System Essay

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    one of the method in controlling fires has existed decades ago (Poon, 2013). The fire sprinkler system has found its use in both

  • Sprinkler Factory Fire Case Summary

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    that would be used to prevent fires such as fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, or even working water hoses were not available. In the case of a fire it was nothing that could really be done. Triangle Factory owners, Max Blanck and Isaac Haris, had a history with their factories catching fire. Blanck and Haris would purposely set their businesses on fire so they could collect large insurance policies, which is one of the reasons why they did not install a sprinkler system. They needed something

  • Persuasive Essay On Landscaping

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    situation, you will find that a sprinkler system is ideal for helping plants to grow vibrantly. A sprinkler is a practical method that helps you to save water and money. When you need landscape that is beautiful and healthy, installing sprinkler systems is a home improvement project that is definitely worth considering. In addition to achieving the healthy look that you want from your landscape, it will also be enjoyed by your friends and family members. When sprinkler systems are properly installed

  • Fire Protection needs Protection of the Law

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    Fire Protection needs Protection of the Law In 1864 Major Stewart Harrison, an English Engineer, gave to the world the first Automatic Sprinkler Head, his design was also in fact superior to many that followed it. But, as so often happens, it was not Mr. Harrison who gave the automatic sprinkler a practical development, and it is Henry Parmelee, of Newhaven, Conn., and Frederick Grinnell, of Providence, R.I., that the credit must be awarded for giving to the Automatic Sprinkler its practical application

  • Essay On Automatic Sprinkler System

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    Background: Automatic sprinkler systems and fire detection systems are play an important role in saving many industries from fires. In many cases an automatic sprinkler system has prevented fires from spreading across a industries or even extinguished a fire before fire can spread. Automatic sprinkler “systems have been designed to control or extinguish a fire in its early stage before the arrival of the fire department or fire brigade” (Wieder & Smith, 1998,). Automatic sprinkler systems are found in

  • The Iroquois Theater Fire

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    The Iroquois Theater fire This horrible incident took place in a theater where the audience was cast of 2000 women and children. School had been out for Christmas and that gave incentive to many of them to show up to the Wednesday matinee performance of Mr. Blue beard. Later during half way of the show, a spark from a spotlight fell down onto the curtains which caused the fire to start, having the curtain fall down onto those on the stage. The crowd bolted out in chaos, even though there were 27

  • Ghostbusters: A Change In The Fire Service

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    Change In The Fire Service “Who you gonna call? Ghost Busters” (Brillstein & Reitman, 1984). In 1984, a very popular comedy movie “Ghostbusters” hit the big screen and this one quote from the movie seemed to stick in everyone’s head. The question that seems to be posed when there is a crisis or emergency situation today would be “Who you gonna call? The fire department”. In today’s society fire departments have become the “catch-all” for every kind of emergency. Don’t you agree? Fire is still a

  • What is Arson? Criminal Investigation

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    way. The fire department is usually the ones who receive the fire call to begin with. Then the fire personnel make out the reports and then send them over to the state fire marshal. Followed by the insurance companies being present in the investigation, and with their work they are parallel to the fire and police workers. A scene of a fire is usually messy and also; complicated and making it hard to find evidence if investigators happen to find it being arson related. Even though fire fighters

  • America Burning Impact

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    FST-107-Fire Prevention Changing a Nation: Impact of “America Burning” on Fire Prevention in America Devan Brower 3-20-2016   In 1973, one of the most influential reports to ever come out of the fire service was created. This report would change the fire service forever and still to this day have a great impact on the way things are done in the fire service. One of the most impacted sectors within the fire service is the way firefighters perceive and implement fire prevention strategies and

  • Firefighter Research Paper

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    men or women who works to combat and extinguish fires. They also take steps to prevent fires, act as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and investigate the causes of fires. A firefighter is almost always the first official "on the scene" of fires, car accidents, or

  • What Motivated Arson

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    of burning or charring property on purpose. The act of arson may include such acts as setting fire to a property maliciously, or burning a property with the intent to collect insurance money. While most people consider arson to be the burning of buildings, it may also be the burning of cars, boats, personal property, and land. According to common law, there are certain elements required to determine a fire to be caused by arson. These elements of arson include (1) the malicious, (2) burning, (3) of

  • The Importance Of Fire Investigation And Fire Prevention

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    Fire investigation and fire prevention are hands down the most important aspects of the fire service. Public knowledge for both of these topics should be more known, and are in need of a further explanation to all individuals. Something as simple as having a fire alarm installed would be considered a good practice of fire prevention. Fire prevention is easy to understand, but its definition is the act of teaching the public of ways to prevent fires in homes, schools, businesses, and other places

  • NFPA Case Studies

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    According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a fire is any process of uncontrollable combustion or burning. A structural fire, refers to any fire occurring in or on a structure, including, if this is limited to the contents. Fire spread rapidly, causing economic losses, injury and even death. The majority of the injuries or deaths caused by fire, occur in the home, either in properties of one, two or multiple families, especially while people are sleeping. In addition, the risk of

  • Flamethrowers: Their Psychological Effects in Warfare

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    unimaginable heights, and with this advancement, humans have learned the art of warfare. Weapons are the tools of warfare. However there are some weapons which are superior over others. One of those weapons is fire. Being one of the oldest tools in history, there is no set date on when the first controlled fire was ever created, though there is evidence to show that it was first controlled as early as 790,000 B.C. Through the thousands of years since then, the weapons which bare the flame have also evolved

  • Case Study Of Investigating An Arson

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    because fires tend to destroy evidence and firefighters while fighting the blaze will move things around and destroy even more evidence. Once an investigation is open for an arson, investigators need to find the source of heat and the material ignited in order to determine if it was a set fire. The two most important question investigators will ask is where and how did the fire start? When a fire has multiple starting points that should raise the level of suspicion and dictate if the fire was purposely

  • Baldwin's Fire Next Time

    589 Words  | 2 Pages

    Baldwin's Fire Next Time We always say "Love conquers all" is commonly said and heard in our daily lives.  Ironically, this is necessarily not true as James Baldwin views our society.  He illustrates the stereotypes of both Blacks and Whites.  In his argumentative  autobiography,   The Fire Next Time, the author brilliantly perceives the idea that love, instead of fear, liberates society.     To truly "liberate" society, one must discover his/her individual and personal identity by learning

  • Analysis of Robert Frost's Fire and Ice

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    Analysis of Robert Frost's Fire and Ice For Robert Frost, poetry and life were one and the same.  In an interview he said, 'One thing I care about, and wish young people could care about, is taking poetry as the first form of understanding.'  Each Robert Frost poem strikes a chord somewhere, each poem bringing us closer to life with the compression of feeling and emotion into so few words.  This essay will focus on one particular poem, the meaning of which has been much

  • Choices and Responsibility in London's To Build a Fire and Crane's The Open Boat

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    Choices and Responsibility in London's To Build a Fire and Crane's The Open Boat Naturalism portrays humans' control over their actions and fate as limited and determined by the natural world, including their very humanity. The freedom described by Jean-Paul Sartre results in all individuals having the ability to make present choices independently. Despite the fatalism illustrated in naturalism, the characters in London's 'To Build a Fire' and Crane's 'The Open Boat' are ultimately responsible