Fire retardant Essays

  • The Impact on Health because of Lack of Sleep

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    out if there are any harmful chemicals in the products you purchase. However, surprisingly very few consumers research the chemicals that lurk into various products, trusting that manufacturers would not sell anything harmful to us. However, the fire retardant chemicals used in mattresses have caused a bit of worry among consumers lately. You might lose some sleep when you find out what exactly is in the foam in your mattresses, and even the ones that claim not to use chemicals may not be completely

  • Why Do We Need To Understand Firestorm?

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    system. There can be thunderclouds, rain, lightning, and even fire tornadoes inside the firestorm. In the past seven years, 19 firestorms have been documented. These storms have destroyed 1,388 structures, burned down 3.5 million acres, and killed 24 people. To understand firestorms one needs to understand fire. A fire needs three things to thrive: oxygen, fuel and heat. This is what experts call a fire triangle. Heat starts the fire and keeps it burning. The heat can come from lightning hitting

  • Law Officer Vs Firefighter Essay

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    Firefighters versus Law Enforcement Officers At some point in every child’s life, they dream of becoming a hero such as a fire fighter or law enforcement officer. They grow up watching amazing people accomplish impossible tasks as they stop robbers, put out a house engulfed in flames, and save innocent civilians from danger. Both of these careers are extremely valuable and needed, and without them, there would be more crime, more predators, and a lack of emergency support following natural disasters

  • Construction Of Fire Loads

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    Fire can completely demolish buildings but what keeps the fire burning long enough to destroy the building? The answer to that question would be the fire load of the building. The term fire load is defined as the weight of combustible contents per unit floor area (Gross, 1977). The fire load of a building includes anything that is combustible such as finishes, furniture, building materials, etc. These materials are divided into two categories movable contents and interior and exterior finishes

  • Electronic Waste Essay

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    Health effects of exposure to electronic waste (e-waste) The rapid advancement of technology, which causes electronics to quickly become outdated, as well as their short life spans has caused an increase in electronic waste over the years. This increase has raised many concerns about the effects of e-waste, including the consequences to human health of exposure to e-waste. This discussion will focus specifically on the various materials present in electronics and the methods of recycling of e-waste

  • Smokey Bear Argumentative Essay: Raging Fires

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    Raging Fires “ Ninety-five percent of the nation’s adults and seventy-seven percent of its children can recite Smokey Bear’s slogan, and as for the bear himself, well, only Santa Claus ranks higher as a recognizable icon” ( Spinal 38). “Only you can prevent forest fires” were Smokey Bear’s iconic words, known by nearly every American in the Twentieth Century (“The True Story of Smokey Bear”). However, why was Smokey Bear needed? Why were forest fires on the increase? Actually, during World

  • Flamethrowers: Their Psychological Effects in Warfare

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    unimaginable heights, and with this advancement, humans have learned the art of warfare. Weapons are the tools of warfare. However there are some weapons which are superior over others. One of those weapons is fire. Being one of the oldest tools in history, there is no set date on when the first controlled fire was ever created, though there is evidence to show that it was first controlled as early as 790,000 B.C. Through the thousands of years since then, the weapons which bare the flame have also evolved

  • Case Study Of Investigating An Arson

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    because fires tend to destroy evidence and firefighters while fighting the blaze will move things around and destroy even more evidence. Once an investigation is open for an arson, investigators need to find the source of heat and the material ignited in order to determine if it was a set fire. The two most important question investigators will ask is where and how did the fire start? When a fire has multiple starting points that should raise the level of suspicion and dictate if the fire was purposely

  • Baldwin's Fire Next Time

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    Baldwin's Fire Next Time We always say "Love conquers all" is commonly said and heard in our daily lives.  Ironically, this is necessarily not true as James Baldwin views our society.  He illustrates the stereotypes of both Blacks and Whites.  In his argumentative  autobiography,   The Fire Next Time, the author brilliantly perceives the idea that love, instead of fear, liberates society.     To truly "liberate" society, one must discover his/her individual and personal identity by learning

  • Analysis of Robert Frost's Fire and Ice

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    Analysis of Robert Frost's Fire and Ice For Robert Frost, poetry and life were one and the same.  In an interview he said, 'One thing I care about, and wish young people could care about, is taking poetry as the first form of understanding.'  Each Robert Frost poem strikes a chord somewhere, each poem bringing us closer to life with the compression of feeling and emotion into so few words.  This essay will focus on one particular poem, the meaning of which has been much

  • Choices and Responsibility in London's To Build a Fire and Crane's The Open Boat

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    Choices and Responsibility in London's To Build a Fire and Crane's The Open Boat Naturalism portrays humans' control over their actions and fate as limited and determined by the natural world, including their very humanity. The freedom described by Jean-Paul Sartre results in all individuals having the ability to make present choices independently. Despite the fatalism illustrated in naturalism, the characters in London's 'To Build a Fire' and Crane's 'The Open Boat' are ultimately responsible

  • Pyrotechnics, The Art Of Fire

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    Pyrotechnics is defined as the art of manufacturing or setting of fireworks. There are many different forms of pyrotechnics. Some consider fireworks dangerous, obnoxious bursts of noise; others consider them beautiful, artful displays of light. Either way you look at it, pyrotechnics is an interesting and dangerous hobby. Many colors and designs may be created by the placement of different compounds in distinct areas of the fireworks, either projectile or stationary ones. Some of the many different

  • Hearts Under Fire in Centralia Fire

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    Hearts Under Fire in Centralia Fire If you want a community interest story portrayed through a film, then Centralia Fire is the one. Centralia Fire relates to anyone that is connected to at least one type of community—weather it is a town, a sport’s team, or a family. No one wants to be forced out of his or her comfort zone. Centralia is a town—created in the 19th century because of the invention of coal—filled with diverse communities threatened from poisonous gas and toxin (deadly carbon

  • Diverse Australian Biomes Adapting

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    climates that force the vegetation living there to adapt in many interesting ways. Australia is the driest continent, and biomes such as grasslands and savannas are prime sources of widespread catastrophic fires. The plants that grow in the vast arid and semi-arid regions of Australia are prone to fires simply because of the desert climates that they grow in. High temperatures combined with low fuel moisture contents, little humidity and drying winds that sweep across the landscape encourage many of the

  • The Existential Theme of London’s To Build A Fire

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    The Existential Theme of London’s “To Build A Fire" Jack London’s short story, “To Build a Fire,” is the tragic tale of a man who decides to travel alone through the hostile environment of the Yukon in sub-freeing temperatures and falls victim to the unrelenting and unforgiving power of nature. During his journey, the man gets his feet wet as he falls through the ice into the water of a hot spring (London 122). Because of the severity of the cold, some “one hundred and seven degrees below [the]

  • Comparing Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Laurence's The Fire-Dwellers

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    Loss of Identity in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Margaret Laurence's The Fire-Dwellers The protagonists in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Margaret Laurence’s The Fire-Dwellers are very different in character.  However, both of these women lose their identity due to an outside influence.  In each of the books, we see the nature of the lost identity, the circumstances which led to this lost identity, and the consequences which occurred as a result of this lost identity

  • Coal Fires

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    Coal Fires I’ve long been familiar with the concept of coal mines, but a common occurrence I was unfamiliar with previous to this class was the concept of coal mine fires, but it is a huge problem, both economically and environmentally. Perhaps the most infamous American example of a coal mine fire is Centralia, a town in the anthracite region of eastern Pennsylvania. Centralia was like any other coal town until one fateful day in 1962, when a heap of burning trash in a dump that doubled

  • Analysis of Braving the Fire by John B. Severance

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    Analysis of Braving the Fire by John B. Severance I read the book Braving the Fire. It takes place in the year 1863. The book is about a 15 year old boy from Maryland named Jem Bridwell. He lives on a farm with his father, grandfather, and their slaves. Because Maryland was a “border state” during the civil war, it was not considered part of the Confederacy, although most of the people living in Maryland at the time were for the Confederates. Jem’s father, Tom Bridwell, on the other hand had joined

  • Significance of the Dog in To Build a Fire

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    Significance of the Dog in To Build a Fire With regard to Jack London's, "To Build a Fire", I will attempt to analyze the significance of the dog, however in doing so I will need to discuss not only the dog, but the man and nature as well, because they all impact one another with equal significance.  It is my opinion that throughout most of the story the dog is to represent a living creatures innate instincts (although I was lead to question this at the end), the man represents desire and

  • The Fire That Burns Within

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    The Fire That Burns Within "...we but level that lift to pass and continue beyond." Walt Whitman, "Now I Will You to Be a Bold Swimmer," Song of Myself. I never really thought about how one's childhood continues to shape one's future. When I was young it never crossed my mind to say, "I wanna be a medical doctor of endocrinology when I grow up" or "I wanna be a biomedical researcher at A&M University." It was, of course, always "I wanna be a fireman" or "I'm gonna be an astronaut." Somewhere