FIM-92 Stinger Essays

  • Air Defense Artillery in Middle East Operations

    1669 Words  | 4 Pages

    Iraq’s air breathing and munitions threats. SHORAD, Short Range Air Defense, covers a wide variety of weapon systems. Some of these weapons systems include the Stinger, the Avenger and Counter, Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (CRAM) missile systems. MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense System) is a single firing, hand held, shoulder launching Stinger missile system that defends against helicopters and other low flying aircraft such as unmanned aerial vehicles. The Avenger is a HMMWV, short fo... ... middle

  • Russian General American Pestro Analysis

    1838 Words  | 4 Pages

    Russian General Gregor Alexei Pestro stood alone on the beach at Tybee Island Georgia. Just 15 miles east of Savannah, he watched as several landing craft rambled onto the beach from transport vessels at sea that brought them here from Mother Russia. Tank-like treads rattled with the moan of diesel engines as the bobbing heads of his comrades-in-arms held a salute for their general. From here, the landing vehicles would transport troops and supplies to Hunter Army Air Field just a bit south of Midtown