Fifi Abdou Essays

  • Essay On Belly Dancing

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    feelings from deep within (Jarrar I). The dancers also consider it is a weight bearing exercise and can also earn them money during performances (Harris and Denise 29). People that are known for belly dancing included Dina Talaat, Terezka Drnizk and Fifi Abdou.

  • djbg

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Senegal location is very important in the West Africa, mainly because of its contribution in the Atlantic slave trade, as well as the anti-colonial traditional reason which is Islam. Yet, Islam became a powerful force “…in Senegal area three Muslim states- Futa Toro, Futa Bondu, and Futa Jalon- had been founded as a result of Islamic Revolution in the eighteen century.” . After the independence, Senegal faced many obstacles over the course of the next fifty years. Moreover, the 3rd president