Excuse 17 Essays

  • Carrie Brownstein: Blurred Lines, No Boundaries

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    The 1960s cultural movement in the United States sent shockwaves through American society. Nearly every aspect of traditional life was challenged and among these was the role of women. Following in the footsteps of suffragettes during the turn of the twentieth century, a new wave of feminism was emerging in the United States that aspired to take the women's right movement beyond the realm of constitutional rights. This movement, now known as second-wave feminism, sought to bring what they viewed

  • Fear and Loathing in Shakespeare's Hamlet

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    Fear and Loathing in Hamlet When you hear the excuse, " My environment made me do it." You expect to hear it from A former gang member on an early morning talk show. But to hear it from Hamlet requires a double take. I think that Prince Hamlet was a victim of the people around him. I.E. Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Polonius, Laertes, Gertrude, and Claudius. I will start off by telling you why Claudius is involved in Hamlet's destruction. The first time is in Act I, scene 2, line's

  • This above all, to thine own self be true: Being True to Yourself

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    Ghost, Hamlet predicts: “The play’s the thing / Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King” (2.2, 616-17). Because he distrusts the Ghost, Hamlet is not true to his father. However, when his plan proves to him that the Ghost’s words are true, Hamlet still does not act; he still cannot avenge his father’s murder. Hamlet decides not to kill Claudius, using the fact that he is praying as an excuse. Hamlet does not want Claudius’s soul to go to heaven, therefore he decides not to kill him, explaining:

  • lamb

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    purity, and self justification. In William Blake’s poem The Lamb, children are biblically innocent and the speaker contrast himself to the higher divinity. In this interpretation of children the speaker may possibly be trying to use ignorance as an excuse for sin in his life. The lamb’s natural gifts are clearly envied by the speaker, the gifts being food, shelter, and happiness. William Blake may have used this scene of fertile valleys to allow the reader to also feel the envy towards the lamb’s peaceful

  • The Jealous Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights

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    Heathcliff's personality and dark moods is taken aback by the sudden change, so uncharacteristic of his usual temper --"...anxious to ascertain the truth of her statement, for to see the master looking glad would not be an everyday spectacle, I framed an excuse to go in (276)." Since Catherine has previously almost always been the cause of such wild mood fluctuations, it stands to reason th... ... middle of paper ... ...ving them subtlety and exquisitely through Nelly's narration and observations

  • J.D. Salinger's story A Perfect Day for Bananafish

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    Seymour Glass is a war veteran on vacation with his wife Muriel. He seems to suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome because of the war. He recently has tried to commit suicide twice. Once by driving his father-in-law's car into a tree and again by trying to jump out a window. J.D. Salinger's story, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish," seems to be a simple story about a couple on vacation in Florida and his encounter with a child named Sybil on the beach. Seymour's relationship with Sybil after

  • Everyone Should Go to the County Fair!

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    don't need to be convinced. You're already going back. You can stop reading right now, go buy your pre-sale tickets, and get the car packed up and ready to go. But you, yes, you, what's your excuse for not having been to the past 156 County Fairs? Oh, "I wasn't born 156 years ago," you say? That's no excuse. You're just going to have to go to this year's Fair to make amends. After all, there are more reasons to go to the Fair than there are to stay home. Of course, there are the classic reasons

  • Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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    that she was destroying school property. “...I got fired...Harlen Granger came to the school with Kaleb Wallace and one of      the school board members. Somebody told them about those books I’d pasted      over...but that was only an excuse.'; (Pg 151) This highlights some of the themes by TJ’s total lack of loyalty and personal integrity. One of TJ’s biggest mistakes in the book is befriending two white boys, R.W. and Melvin Simms (Jeremy’s brothers). He thinks they

  • We Must Do More to Prevent School Violence

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    schools on a daily basis. There are many warning signs and ways to prevent this violence from taking place, it is just a matter of using money more wisely and creating more programs for preventing violence before it erupts in schools. There is no excuse for students to feel unsafe in an environment which the government forces them to be in. It is necessary that more action take place and that more training take place in order for schools to be safer, and in the event where violence does occur, the

  • Rape: A Living Nightmare

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    war to eradicate their own acceptance of the savage crime. While it is only a minority of men that actually commit rape, it is everyone’s silence that tells them it’s ok. Before my emotions coerce me into preaching about the atrocity I survived, excuse me, am surviving, I think some clarifications are in order. L... ... middle of paper ... ... calm disposition is counterfeit. If you must be angry, be angry that by doing nothing to stop the assaults you have been made both the victim and the

  • A Postmodern Tendancy in Their Eyes Were Watching God

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    A Postmodern Tendancy in Their Eyes Were Watching God ...Zora Neale Hurston lacks [any] excuse. The sensory sweep of her novel carries no theme, no message, no thought. In the main, her novel is not addressed to the Negro, but to a white audience whose chauvinistic tastes she knows how to satisfy. She exploits the phase of Negro life which is "quaint," the phase which evokes a piteous smile on the lips of the "superior" race. -- from "Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937)," a

  • Human Development: Nature vs. Nurture

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    Psychology and influenced a lean towards the nurture side. It was not effectively argued against until 1928 when Watson published his book. This opened up the floodgates for environmental influences studies. Soon the idea of nurture was the popular excuse for behavior. Studies using animals were the most popular was in which scientists used to prove a theory, or disprove a theory. The newest studies use human twins to prove nature vs. nurture. An age-old question has been asked for generations

  • Pros and Cons of Abortion

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    did not want her child and died because of an illegal abortion." ***My Assessment: Yes, people will continue to sin, but we should never sit band condone theirs inn by either verbal support or merely apathy. We certainly should not use the dumb excuse of: "Well, they are just going to do it anyway and at least if abortion is legal, they won't be doing them in dirty back alleys." It is always tragic when a human being loses their life, but if abortion is once again outlawed (as it should be), these

  • Is it Safe to Pray?

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    that lends itself to secrecy. The priests who commit these immoral acts are masters at using justifications, denial, and within an environment of religion, to look for a higher power for forgiveness which allows the abusive priest in his own mind to excuse the behavior. The failure of some bishops of the Church and the Church itself to respond effectively in the manner consistent with their positions as leaders with a duty to protect to most vulnerable members of the Church, is in some ways more disturbing

  • Borders and Dreams by Chris Carger

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    Linguistically delayed"(p. 54) Labeling is something we in American have to do, it's just our nature. However, labeling can be dangerous because it can be a stigma that they have to live with for the rest of their lives, also I think it gives the child an excuse to fail. They can just say well, I'm dropping out because I'm learning disabled. A second way is by ethnicity or social standing, granted this is a sometimes racist way to characterize children. We do see this in Borders and Dreams, with Alejandro

  • Reaction Paper On A Man For All Seasons

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    courage he had during his stand against the King. Sir Thomas More was a character who was faced with a number of difficult choices. The major one being, when Henry VIII's first wife was unable to produce an heir to the throne, he used that as an excuse for the pope to grant him a divorce, so he could marry a new wife. The King is backed by everyone on this request except the highly regarded and religious Sir Thomas More. When the old Chancellor of England, named More his successor, it became important

  • Handmaids Tale

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    The aim of the indoctrination centres is clearly shown by the quote: "Some women believed there would be no future, they thought the world would explode. That was the excuse they used, says Aunt Lydia. They said there was no sense in breeding. Aunt Lydia's nostrils narrow: such wickedness. They were lazy women, she says. They were sluts. . . . They made mistakes, says Aunt Lydia. We don't intend to repeat them. Her voice is pious, condescending, the voice of those whose duty it is to tell us unpleasant

  • The Need for Mandatory Foreign Language Study in America

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    The Need for Mandatory Foreign Language Study in America "Cultural isolation is a luxury the United States can no longer afford." -Senator Paul Simon Americans have hidden behind the excuse that everybody important knows English for too long. The United States is the only country in the world where a student can graduate from college without ever having learned a foreign language. Most countries start foreign language instruction at ten years of age or younger. It is time we did something

  • Causes of WW1

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    mismanaged. There was a long-standing rivalry between Austria-Hungary and Russia due to their interests in the Balkans. Russia saw her role as leading and supporting her fellow Slav peoples in the Balkans. This Pan-Slav concept provided an ideal excuse to interfere in the Balkans and to extend Russia's influence towards the Eastern Mediterranean. Ideally Russia wished to open the Dardenelles straits to its warships. Austria-Hungary was concerned that this Russian encouragement of nationalism may

  • Free Macbeth Essays: The Greater Guilt

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    Macbeth and Macbeth feel guilty at different times and different ways. Macbeth feels guiltier than Lady Macbeth after the murder of Duncan. During the Banquet, Mecbeth is very upset and nervous after seeing the ghost, But Lady Macbeth is making an excuse about her husband’s fear, and she doesn’t show any guilt. At the end of the play, the opposite is true: Lady Mecbeth feels guiltier than mecbeth.. Guilt is responsible for the death of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. In Act II, Scene ii, Macbeth regrets