Ernest van den Haag Essays

  • Comparing Two Arguments on Capital Punishment

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    Anthony G. Amsterdam and another by Ernest Van Den Haag both authors make two very important views. Although one supports capital punishment and one is against capital punishment, both authors have good reasons to support their case. Amsterdam believes that capital punishment is a brutal process that a murderer has to go through. Amsterdam believes that the murderer should be punished for their actions, but should not go through capital punishment. Although Ven Den Haag agrees that capital punishment

  • Death Penalty: Ernest Van Den Haag And Hugo Adam Bedau

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    also a large number of people who against it. While Ernest van den Hagg believes that death penalty is a form of retributive justice that is needed to maintain the legal order by punishing the one who deserves to be punished, on the other hand, Hugo Adam Bedau believes that the purposes of death penalty are to be valued in term of utilitarianism, or giving positive consequences to the society.

  • Free Euthanasia Essay

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    recover for certain and could not see inside of him to determine his breaking point. Yet the doctor decided he would not assist him in dying. Ems 2 The third reading by Ernest van den Haag made me realize that people have the right to decide, but the doctors have the right to decide not to participate. This point is illustrated when Haag states, “But why should we enforce the gratification of this wish on those who, for whatever reason, decide not to gratify it?” (408.1). Applied to Sidney Hook’s case

  • What Effects the Death Penalty Causes to Society?

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    What effects Death Punishment causes to society? My first instinct about the topic as a part of the society was “People, who private another person of his life, should not have any right to conserve his own life either”. Putting ourselves in the positions of the victims, the families’ victims and the fear caused to` society in general. Death punishment, gives closure to the people involved with the tragedy. It helps to the overpopulation problem in the prison system, instead keeping an intern 25

  • Should the Death Penalty be Reintroduced in South Africa?

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    instituted which insured that death penalty cases are fairly administered according to due processes . What the death penalty serves to do is provide the ultimate form of protection of human life, by deterring potential criminals in taking a life. Ernest Van Den Haag simply argues, “ Miscarriage of justice does not warrant the abolition of the death penalty”. He further argues that in daily human activities, such as driving a car, air travel and war, there are deaths of innocent people. However those activities

  • The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment

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    percent of voters support the death penalty and according to followers of capital punishment, capital punishment upholds our society ((Sharp , 1997). Ernest Van den Haag, Professor of Law, believes that the death penalty is a form of punishment that should be implemented to individuals who violate the freedom of other fellow individuals. Van den Haag contends, the Constitution does not enforce the death penalty, yet merely grants the power to elected officials to authorize capital punishment. “Murders

  • Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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    greatly discourages any wrongdoers from committing any crime such as murder. Many people’s greatest fear is death; therefore if they know that death is a possible consequence for their actions, they are less likely to perform such actions. Ernest van den Haag, a professor and author of “Punishing Criminals:Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question” wrote about the issue of deterrence: “…capital punishment is likely to deter more than other punishments because people fear death more than anything

  • The Death Penalty Has a Positive Effect on Society

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    Effective Deterrent." Does Capital Punishment Deter Crime? San Diego: David L. Bender; Greenhaven Press Inc. 1998. 18. The King James Version of The Holy Bible. New York: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1972. ---- The Three Strike and You're Out Law. van den Haag, Ernest. Punishing Criminals. New York: Basic Books, Inc. 1975, 49+. ---- World Book Online Americas Edition. Ed. Franklin E. Zimring. Capital Punishment. 17 Apr 2002 14 Apr 2002.

  • Capital Punishment is an Appropriate Penalty For Murder

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    Legal professor Ernest van den Haag believes that the death penalty is the good as in a punishment for terrible crimes that are committed. On the other hand professor of philosophy Hugo Adam Bedau thinks that the death penalty is not appropriate, do to it takes the lives of people that can not afford a good defense. I would have to agree with Ernest van den Haag. When a person commits a serious crime like murder, the only fitting penalty is death. "Maldistribution inheres no more in capital punishment

  • Capital Punishment Justified

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    if someone is going to commit mass murder they should pay with the ultimate human right which is of their life. This topic has been widely thought of in the world with a few philosophers really encompassing my views. Those are the views of Ernest Van Den Haag and Bruce Fein. Philosophers who oppose our views are such like Justice William Brennan and Hugo Adam Bedau. I will prove my point using the ideas of deterrence and morality of the issue of capital punishment. If the government would show that

  • Death Penalty Essay

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    nefarious crimes, such as murder (“Justice Is Served with the Death Penalty”). In general, one of the things people fear the most is death; therefore they are less likely to perform heinous actions if they know that death is a punishment for it. Ernest van den Haag, professor at Fordham University, stated, “ …capital punishment is likely to deter more than other punishments because people fear death more than anything else. They fear most, death deliberately inflicted by law and scheduled by the courts…

  • Death Penalty

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    life. Therefore it serves no purpose other than to kill. Response: Resurrection has never been the purpose of the death penalty. The family members just want to start healing and they can’t while the perpetrator is still alive. Bibliography Van der Haag, Ernest and John P. Conrad, The Death Penalty: A Debate (New York: Plenum Press, 1983). Arlen Specter, “Congress must make Death Sentences Meaningful Again” (Human Events, July 1994). Hugo, Adam Bedau, Ed., The Death penalty in America: Current Controversies

  • Capital Punishment Essay: Benefits of the Death Penalty

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    tallionis" - a life for a life. Deterrence means to punish somebody as an example and to create fear in other people for the punishment. Death penalty is one of those extreme punishments that would create fear in the mind of any sane person. Ernest van den Haag, in his article "On Deterrence and the Death Penalty" mentions, "One abstains from dangerous acts because of vague, inchoate, habitual and, above all, preconscious fears" (193). Everybody fears death, even animals. Most criminals would think

  • Lex Talionis Death Penalty

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    Capital punishment is the sentence of death, or practice of execution handed down. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offenses. The main question surrounding this form of punishment is “should the death penalty be legalized in all states?” My answer is “yes,” and that is for a few reasons I believe that it should be legalized in all states. It is morally defended by lex talionis, which derives from the Babylonian law code of ancient Mesopotamia called

  • Ernest Van Den Haag's Arguments Against Capital Punishment

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    Haag argues the predictability does not reduce the responsibility. He counters Reiman’s view on discrimination, Haag states that the wealthy have resources available to keep them from the death penalty that include education, attorneys, and other sources of means that help with any legal situation they may find themselves in. If the wealthy cannot use their resources and if they are not available, then there is no reason to achieve wealth in the first place. Haag defends that capital

  • Ted Bundy Case

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    One purpose of the death penalty is to instill fear into people who may be planning on committing heinous crimes. There is argument that the death penalty is not actually a deterrent of future crimes, but a professor of jurisprudence named Ernest van den Haag stated that even though statistics do not prove that the death penalty is a deterrent, it still is a greater deterrent than any other because millions of people fear death. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the fear of death

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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    deterrence of crime that the death penalty creates is not seen very well in statistics because of some flaws in the research. Although the statistics are not in favor nor against capital punishment, common sense is in favor of the death penalty. Ernest Van Den Haag, a supporter of the death penalty once said, “People fear nothing more than death.” This fear of death has the ability to dissuade criminals. If criminals weren’t afraid of death, they wouldn’t put so much effort into receiving life in prison

  • Captial Punishment: Just or Unjust?

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    does the current system fail to deter but it is enforced unfairly because of the bias infesting our courts. Ernest van den Haag counters this belief with his article, “The Ultimate Punishment: a Defense,” which shifts the focus away from deterrence, stating that it is not a beneficial argument for either side. Haag also argues that “justice is independent of distributional inequalities” (Haag, par. 7) We will not be able to truly determine with studies whether or not death is an effective deterrent

  • Crime Philosophy On Criminal Justice

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    Crime Philosophy Paper Collin Davis CRJ 451 Professor Griffin May 2014 Crime Philosophy Crime control, consisting of many elements of prevention and punishment, is a widely debated and often contentious topic. Myriad agendas occur in government and society, depending upon the kind of organizational or philosophical objective trying to be met. Political differences are present within the criminal justice system that draw upon certain models, techniques, and methods associated with crime

  • The Brutality of Capital Punishment

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    The Brutality of Capital Punishment The use of capital punishment has been a permanent fixture in society since the earliest civilizations and continues to be used as a form of punishment today.  It has been used for various crimes ranging from the desertion of soldiers during wartime to the more heinous crimes of serial killers. However, the mere fact that this brutal form of punishment and revenge has been the policy of many nations in the past does not subsequently warrant