Equations Essays

  • The Determination of a Rate Equation

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    The Determination of a Rate Equation Aim --- The purpose of this experiment is to develop a method to determine the rate equation for the reaction between Magnesium ribbon and 2.0mol dm Hydrochloric acid, HCl. Hypothesis and Theory --------------------- When I react the magnesium ribbon with hydrochloric acid they will undergo the reaction according to the equation below: Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) à MgCl (aq) + H (g) For a reaction to be successful the molecules must collide with

  • Media Equation

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    The media equation is a theory developed by two professors of communication, Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass, at Stanford University. The theory is simple. They state that people treat the media as if they were real, hence the equation: media = real life. Basically Reeves and Nass are saying that people on an unconscious level perceive the media as real. People view objects of the media are talking to them personally. Reeves and Nass view things such as computers, televisions, radios, and other media’s

  • Cubic Equations

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    Cubic equations were known since ancient times, even from the Babylonians. However they did not know how to solve all cubic equations. There are many mathematicians that attempted to solve this “impossible equation”. Scipione del Ferro in the 16th century, made progress on the cubic by figuring out how to solve a 3rd degree equation that lacks a 2nd degree. He passes the solution onto his student, Fiore, right on his deathbed. In 1535 Niccolò Tartaglia figures out how to solve x3+px2=q and later

  • Five Equations That Changed The World

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    Five Equations That Changed The World “He [Isaac Newton] sought out secluded areas, where he would sit for hours at a time, not so much to observe the natural world as to immerse himself in it” Sir Isaac Newton was a man who would keep to himself. If not for that quality he may not have made the discoveries that he did. He would often sit in the garden for hours on end just thinking and formulating his ideas about the universe. In fact, that is the very place where the ideas of gravity and

  • Differential Equations

    2562 Words  | 6 Pages

    Approximating Solutions for Differential Equations A differential equation is defined as an equation which relates an unknown function to one or more derivatives. When solved and transformed into its original equation in the form f(x), an exact value can be found at any given point. While some differential equations can be solved, it is important to realize that very few differential equations that come from "real world" problems can be solved explicitly, and often it is necessary to resort to numerical

  • Three Methods to Find Roots of Equations

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    Three Methods to Find Roots of Equations There are many different kind of methods which can be used to find the roots of equations which can not be sold algebraically. In this coursework we are going to analyse the use of three of these methods which are called the: change of sign, Newton-Raphson and the rearrangement method and are going to use them to find roots of different equations. Change of sign method A root of an equation (where the graph crosses the x-axis) can be detected

  • The Quartic Equation and Lodovico Ferrari

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    The quartic equation is used by geometry teachers around the world and in computer graphics. This formula originated in Italy in the 1500’s. It was rare for someone to find a solution and achieve fame in doing so. The chances of that happening were slim to none due to the lack of education during this period. A mathematician named Lodovico Ferrari beat those odds and created a formula that still has applications today. Italy in the 1500’s was a different place than what people know now. They had

  • Integro Differential Equations Essay

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    Evaluating Volterra Integro-Differential Equations in terms of Global, Polynomial and Numerical Equations in Boundary Conditions The integro-differential equations are originated from different mathematical models for many scientific phenomena. Nonlinear integro-differential equations are also can be seen in various applications of various scientific fields that are modeled by nonlinear phenomena.[3] The solutions using in integro-differential equations have an important role in lots of engineering

  • Cubic Equations Essay

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    Solution of the Cubic Equation The history of any discipline is full of interesting stories and sidelines; however, the development of the formulas to solve cubic equations must be one of the most exciting within the math world. Whereas the method for quadratic equations has existed since the time of the Babylonians, a general solution for all cubic equations eluded mathematicians until the 1500s. Several individuals contributed different parts of the picture (formulas for various types of cubics)

  • The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin Analysis

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cold Equations Analysis In a galaxy far away, where an EDS ship has fuel limited to the exact weight of the cargo there is a stowaway on the ship. In order to calculate for fuel ,a math equation is used to determine the amount of fuel the ship needs to get safely to its destination. If there is an unwanted x added into the equation the ship will run out of fuel and crash. In the short story, The Cold Equations, written

  • What Is Partial Differential Equation

    3084 Words  | 7 Pages

    ABSTRACT A partial differential equation is a differential equation that contain unknown multivariable functions and their partial derivatives while ordinary differential equations contains function of a single variables and their derivatives. Therefore, an ordinary differential equation is a special case of partial differential equation but the behaviour of a solution is quite different. It is much more complicated in the case of partial differential equation because it has more than one independent

  • The Great Unification: Maxwell's Equations

    1671 Words  | 4 Pages

    Maxwell’s Equations are a set of four equations that govern all of electromagnetism. The equations show a unification of the electric and magnetic fields and are often considered one of the greatest unifications in physics, describing one of the four fundamental interactions, the electromagnetic force. The unification of the electric and magnetic forces in the 19th century by Maxwell’s Equations led to several scientific advancements – including an entire new branch of physics, electromagnetism

  • Essay On Partial Differential Equation

    3085 Words  | 7 Pages

    ABSTRACT A partial differential equation is a differential equation that contain unknown multivariable functions and their partial derivatives while ordinary differential equations contains function of a single variables and their derivatives. Therefore, an ordinary differential equation is a special case of partial differential equation but the behaviour of a solution is quite different. It is much more complicated in the case of partial differential equation because it has more than one independent

  • Determining the Correct Equation for the Decomposition of Copper Carbonate

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    Determining the Correct Equation for the Decomposition of Copper Carbonate Introduction and background information: Important points to note: ‘At room temperature, 25°C and atmospheric pressure at 1 atmosphere, I mole of any gas will occupy a volume of 24 dm³.’ We will need this to work out how much copper carbonate to decompose to obtain a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide gas. To work out the amount of copper carbonate to use I will need to use the following equations: Number of moles

  • Being Human in The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    is simply conveyed as human nature in “The Cold Equations”, by Tom Godwin, where the author shows the common ground that makes each and every one of us human. First of all, everyone must obey universal Natural Laws. For example, Death is inevitable. “b amount of fuel will not power an EDS with a mass of m plus x safely to its destination…to the laws of nature she was x, the unwanted factor in a cold equation.” (Godwin pg. 21) In “The Cold Equations”, An EDS pilot found a stowaway in the closet, and

  • The Cold Equations Play Summary

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    Our group selected our play presentation on “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin. This play is about a girl named Marilyn who was ejected from the Stardust aircraft. Our group selected this play so we could create an exciting, interesting, and suspenseful alternative ending. We titled our alternative ending, The Slightly Warmer Equation because of the happier and lighter storyline that our play has in comparison to “The Cold Equations” dark and dreadful storyline. The reason we did this was so that

  • The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin Summary

    511 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin tells a story with the central thematic tension of one person's life against the winning aspect of the greater good. On the frontier of space there are very precise rules that must be followed and when they are broken there is a punishment. In this story Marilyn hid on The EDS to see her brother who she had not seen in ten years. However, if she had only waited a year Marlin and her brother Gerry would have been working on the same planet. The ship captain has to

  • Summary Of Tom Godwin's The Cold Equation

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    Tom Godwin’s short story “The Cold Equations” elucidates the thematic tension law versus opinion; accordingly, the author shows bias towards law because he believes it overcomes opinion when being forced to make a decision. The Cold Equation begins by bringing the reader to a dangerous situation where there is a stowaway on this man’s EDS, spaceship, and he is forced to do the unthinkable, the law--kill it. Then when the man finally stands up and forces the stowaway out, he is shocked to see it

  • Analysis Of Tom Godwin 'The Cold Equations'

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    The short story written by Tom Godwin “ The Cold Equations” illustrates appreciate what you have because it could be taken away in a matter of seconds. The story starts in the late 2170’s, when a girl, Marilyn, who just wants to see her brother boards a ship without anyone knowing . The pilot ,Barton, then finds her and calls the ship ,Stardust, to tell them that they had an emergency, a stowaway. Then the commander says that they have to get rid of her­­ they needed to kill her. Barton finds

  • Essay On Structural Equation Modelling

    920 Words  | 2 Pages

    The use of structural equation modelling (SEM) has steadily increased in behavioural science where two submodels are identified including a measurement model and a structural model. In this study the research paradigm indicates and concurrently strives to combine measurement and structural model for complete parameter tests. SEM is a quantitative data analytical technique which specifies, estimates and tests theoretical relationships between observed endogenous variables and latent, unobserved exogenous