English film actors Essays

  • Dennis Potters' Blue Remembered Hills

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    Dennis Potters' Blue Remembered Hills A.E. Houseman’s poem looks back at childhood as a “land of lost content” meaning that when you are a child you are innocent and you don’t have a care in the world. Also he says that childhood is a “happy highway where I went / and cannot come again” meaning that they are the best years of your life but you can never go back there. Dennis Potter took the poem and turned it in to a play about a group of children who were on there school holidays in the

  • Leslie Norris

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    How do you choose between two stories and choose which one is better? If you choose based on how interesting the storyline, then you would choose the story, by W.D. Wetherell ( The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant) is a better story than Leslie Norris (Shaving) because it has a good storyline that you can actually follow rather than, by Leslie Norris which is a shorter and less interesting storyline that makes it not interesting to read. Also, by W.D. Wetherell is the best because it shows conflict

  • Chuck Norris Research Paper

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    asked him if he knew what his name meant in English and that name meant Chuck too. Chuck Norris fought Bruce Lee because Bruce had a fight scene to do and he wanted him to be his opponent.

  • Paul Newman, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe

    1996 Words  | 4 Pages

    great film icons. A truly gifted actress and two talented actors, Paul Newman, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe have helped to shape and mold our generation, and are still a great influence with in our society today. We Americans are famous for worshiping dub ions demigods of the miraculous moment. The celebrities, who have inspired, identified with and transcended screen roles to become an active part of popular culture and people's lives became icons. Based upon their bodies of work in films, Paul

  • A Jury of Her Peers, by Susan Glaspell

    860 Words  | 2 Pages

    Glaspell spent more than forty years working as a journalist, fiction writer, playwright and promoter of various artistic. She is a woman who lived in a male dominated society. She is the author of a short story titled A Jury of Her Peers. She was inspired to write this story when she investigated in the homicide of John Hossack, a prosperous county warren who had been killed in his sleep(1).Such experience in Glaspell’s life stimulated inspiration. The fact that she was the first reporter on scene

  • Research Paper On The Catcher In The Rye

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    Well, my fanfiction is about Sunny from The Catcher in the Rye. Sunny is the prostitute whom Holden Caulfield attempts to connect with, and not the kind of connect one would normally do with a prostitute. Holden attempts a real emotional connection with her. In my little fanfiction I am going to create my own little back-story for our little prostitute, but I have not done a whole lot of writing so I am sure it will be a woot, more or less. Sunny is a young prostitute, to be exact she was “young

  • Margaret Leann Rimes Research Paper

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    Margaret LeAnn Rimes (Cibrian) is a well known American Pop / Country / Contemporary Christian music celebrity from Mississippi. LeAnn, as she is most referred to by, was born to (Father) Wilbur Rimes and (Mother) Belinda Butler Rimes on August the twenty-eighth in the year of nineteen eighty-two, in the state capitol of Mississippi, Jackson. (2.) LeAnn’s music career fell forward when she was three years old, at the occasion she introduced herself to singing. At the age of five years old, roughly

  • Singin In The Rain: Gene Kelly's Largest Dance

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gene Kelly was and American actor, singer, film director, producer, dancer and choreographer who was born August 23, 1912 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States where he grew up and began his dancing career. He is the best dancer of all time as his moves are outstanding and can make the littlest dance moves into big and mouth dropping. Gene Kelly excelled at numerous things over the course of his extended career. It was obvious to see that since the age of eight, when Gene began to take dancing

  • Marilyn Monroe Research Paper

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    Marilyn Monroe, also known as, Norma Jeane, Norma Jeane Baker, Norma Jeane Mortenson, or Norma Jean depending on how you would like to spell it. Before Monroe was born there is some information about Norma Jeane. Norma Jean was born on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. On her Birth Certificate, her “father”, Edward Mortenson, and her mother Gladys was a supposed chaotic, desperate, and a lunatic, so she was sent to a psychiatric, unit after Norma Jean's birth. When Marilyn was born, she

  • Seven Year Itch

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    beginning of the Romantic Comedy genre in a decade where America experienced a wave of affluence, optimism and new technology. The Seven Year Itch conveys an idea of marriage jokes along with some gender roles remarkable for the time the film was made. The humor in this film is a type of mordant humor. It is also based on an entertaining romance story and characters. The Seven Year Itch tells the story of an American man (Richard), whose family goes on vacations during summer meanwhile he gets to stay in

  • Jim Carrney Research Paper

    981 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jim Carrey is a successful comedian and actor, who has been a part of many award-winning films, and is world renowned for his talents. He did not start out this prosperous; he overcame many obstacles, and encountered many choices from a very young age that affected his path to infamy. He kept trying diligently to reach his goal of making people laugh, and through trial and error, he succeeded. Jim Carrey’s childhood did not begin as challenging as it developed to be. Born January 17, 1962, to parents

  • Explanatory Synthesis on Gunsmoke

    830 Words  | 2 Pages

    Explanatory Synthesis on "Gunsmoke" Gunsmoke the radio program, which aired on the CBS Radio Network, was first broadcast on April 26, 1952 and the final broadcast aired on June 18, 1961. During its nine year radio run, Gunsmoke would air 413 radio stories and six of the seasons would coincide with Gunsmoke the television series. Many of the original cast members of the radio show would go on to have memorable television careers: William Conrad, who played Matt Dillon, went on to play in "Cannon"

  • The Stereotypical Old-West Hero

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Stereotypical Old-West Hero Gunsmoke was the longest running radio show ever made. It is based on the historical city of Dodge. The series is centered around the character of Matt Dillon, who is the U.S. Marshall at Dodge. Each episode is one of his adventures, usually with his fellow helper, Chester, in keeping the peace and bringing justice in the area. Dillon's independence, sense of justice, and keen problem solving ever epitomize the stereotypical old-west hero. No matter what situation

  • Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature in The Killers

    2239 Words  | 5 Pages

    Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature in The Killers Hemingway's "The Killers" illustrates that unexplained violence is an integrated part of society.  To acknowledge the cruelties of life is to come to terms with horrifying events that can not be denied.  A person may lack the maturity to cope with everyday life if they do not realize that evil can exist in any given society. The story is told in the objective point-of-view.  "Hemingway's approach to his story is different; he approaches

  • An Analysis of Paul Laurence Dunbar's We Wear the Mask

    503 Words  | 2 Pages

    An Analysis of Paul Laurence Dunbar's We Wear the Mask It has been said many time that "You can't judge a book by its cover" and "Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes"? A person may appear one way on the outside but may be feeling the total opposite on the inside. He may be masking his true emotions with a false appearance. In "We Wear the Mask" it seems that Paul Laurence Dunbar is conveying this message to his audience. The African-American slaves of the early United

  • Double Jeopardy Summary

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the movie, Double Jeopardy, Libby Parsons, played by Ashley Judd, and her husband Nick, Bruce Greenwood, go out on a weekend sailboat trip. During the night, Libby wakes up finding herself alone and covered in blood. As she gets up to search for her husband, all she finds is more blood all over the boat and a bloody knife on deck. As the investigation is underway, Libby is charged with her husband’s murder. It is found that Nick and she had two million dollar life insurance policies. This is used

  • Story Analysis of A Jury of Her Peers

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    At the time of this story men had precedent over women. Minnie Foster was actually a victim even though the story suggests that she and only she was the one that could have committed the murder of her husband, John Wright. Minnie Foster’s behavior when the sheriff and others arrived at her residence suggests this. She was pleating her apron instead of greeting them, which suggests she was nervous and suspicious. She had left things half done, such as the half wiped table, half poured sugar bag and

  • Shirley Lucille Hardin, Lou For Short

    963 Words  | 2 Pages

    II. LOU Her full name was Shirley Lucille Hardin, Lou for short. She was the daughter of Herbert Sidney Hardin and Shirley Lucille Jackson. Lou was born in 1919 in San Francisco, California. Lou’s childhood was very unstable due to the mother being only nineteen when she had Lou. Her mother, Shirley was known as a 1920s flapper girl, which at the time was similar to an exotic dancer. Flappers bobbed their hair, smoked, drank, and treated sex very casual. Herbert disappeared shortly after the birth

  • Analysis Of Cloverfield

    1215 Words  | 3 Pages

    When Cloverfield stormed the big screen in Godzilla-like fashion, it was clear producer J.J. Abrams was on to something. The film followed a group of adults that found themselves in the dead-center of an alien attack - with the “survivors” documenting the events using a camcorder. Now, when the film ended, viewers had absolutely no idea what was happening or whether or not humanity managed to secure the upper hand in the alien invasion. And to be honest, that was half the fun. This time, Abrams

  • Symbolism in Sam Shepard's The Buried Child

    1541 Words  | 4 Pages

    Symbolism in Sam Shepard's The Buried Child In Sam Shepard’s The Buried Child there are numerous twists and turns that have the reader spinning and wanting more. Shepard develops a play that has a plethora of illusions, not only towards such works as Oedipus Rex, where he includes the theme of incest. He has also incorporated symbolic emasculation and Native American symbols of renewal with the abundance of vegetables in the backyard. At first glance, Buried Child seems as a typical Middle