Did you know that, out of every ten people, one is an early bird, one is a night owl and the rest follow a normal circadian cycle? Early birds and night owls are energetic at different times of the day. An early bird is a person who wakes up and starts their day very early in the morning. In contrast, a night owl is someone who is more productive during the night and enjoys staying up late. We experience a body temperature of high and low every 24 hours and since we are most active and alert when
Beep!! Beep!! Beep!! I stared at my alarm clock. It read 2:00. I got out of bed and turned it off. On a normal day, I would have woken up at six and would be complaining, But today was different. I was going to an amusement park with a couple of friends for an extra curricular activity. I put on my clothes. Then I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and my hair. I grabbed my suitcase and heaved it down the steps. I grabbed my book bag and filled it with stuff like my tablet and charger, some
Endotherms are described as organisms that are able to maintain a stable internal temperature, irrespective of the outside influence. This ability to control inner temperature is considered an important biological advancement in the evolutionary development because it allowed animal life to develop in environments with temperatures significantly different from those of the body. (9) It is the major feature of mammal and bird life that distinguishes them from reptiles and other vertebrates. Endothermy