Dictator novel Essays

  • Imagery and Metaphor as Resistance in Miguel Asturias' The President

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    evil versus good under the strains of a terrifying dictatorship. To paint a vivid picture of the political and social atmosphere under the regime of The President, Asturias wields rich and abstract imagery, repetition and metaphors throughout his novel to punctuate, foreshadow, and illuminate. Wind is one of these recurring metaphors, and is used as a representation of a storm brewing, a constant reminder (premonition of) that what is to come. Like the weather, acts of political tyranny cannot be

  • Democracy to Dictatorship in Lord of the Flies

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    Democracy to Dictatorship in Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel that represents a microcosm of society in a tale about children stranded on an island. Of the group of young boys there are two who want to lead for the duration of their stay, Jack and Ralph.  Through the opposing characters of Jack and Ralph, Golding reveals the gradual process from democracy to dictatorship from Ralph's democratic election to his lack of law enforcement to Jack's strict rule and

  • Role Of Dictatorship In Julia Alvarez's A Genetics Of Justice

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    Trujillo caused Julia, her family, and other Dominicans to live life in fear.Similar, to this dictator was Alvarez’s mother answer to all of Julia’s questions “No flies fly into a closed mouth.” which basically means to be silent. Coincidentally, this quote applies to Julia’s life, especially in the text “A Genetics of Justice” which displays how her family was frightened when Julia published her novel, how they did not speak against Trujillo’s rule, and escaped to America to rid themselves of Trujillo’s

  • Lord Of The Flies Social Allegory Analysis

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    Lord of the Flies Social Allegory “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty”, Thomas Jefferson. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding creates an allegory to convey a message about government. In this novel a large group of boys end up stranded on a deserted island and they try to form an organized society but, a fight for power between the protagonist and the antagonist leads to chaos and destruction. Golding uses Ralph

  • Benito Mussolini

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    Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) 	Benito Mussolini was the fascist dictator of Italy for nearly 20 years. Benito was born at Dovia, a suburb of Predappio, in the northcentral part of Italy. His father, Alessando, was a blacksmith. And his mother, Rosa, was a schoolteacher. As a young man, Mussolini was a Socialist with revolutionary tendencies. He was expelled from 2 schools and later was in trouble with the authorities several times. In 1912 he became editor of the Socialist newspaper Avanti,

  • Roman Coinage

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    were small, widely disseminated representations of how rulers wished to appear to the populace. Boldly breaking tradition, Julius Caesar became the first ruler to portray himself on coins, also utilizing inscriptions to proclaim his superiority as dictator. Establishing himself under a different title and a shift to idealized portraiture, Augustus later used coinage to maintain the guise of res restaurata while distancing himself from Caesar. Though an ancient Roman coin constitutes just a slice

  • My Definition of Freedom

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    justice. Independence is granted by freedom in the sense that an outside party does not control you. To gratify ones desires by whichever ways they choose is freedom through indulgence. Privileges are g ranted through freedom. In some countries the dictator or ruler makes choices for their people on regards to what profession they shall have or to what religion they shall worship. In the United States we have special privileges that let the people of the country decide on their own religion and professions

  • How Effective Is Being Ruled A Dictator?

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    Being ruled a dictator can be very rewarding, or very dangerous. Being a dictator means that you own your own country. The dictator doesn’t have to agree with the government, the dictator completely owns everything. They own the army, the money, and all of the government. Being a dictator can be very effective because there is only one form of ruling, but can also be very bad of the dictator doesn’t care about the people and only cares about money and power. A dictator needs the social conditions

  • Dictatorship in Pakistan

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    Although many people believe that democracy is the best and successful form of the government. However History tells us that many times Dictatorship has proven to be successful. For example in France( when lead by a dictator Napoleon) and in Germany (when lead by Hitler) . Dictatorship also has proven to be successful in Pakistan. Dictatorship is much more effective way of running a government as it establishes peace, and has less room for the corruption. It provides economic stability to a country

  • Augustus Caesar

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    series of civil wars. 3 men form the first triumvirate, Julius Caesar, Pompeii, and Crassus. Julius Caesar became the victor. He was then rewarded dictator for life. On the date September 23, 63 BC a boy was born. He was originally Caesar's grand-nephew. This boy would later grow to a power and change Rome for good. Julius Caesar had become dictator for life. 2 years later he was assassinated by members of the senate. A young boy named Octavian, was 18 years old. Octavian was Caesar's grand-nephew

  • The Dictator's Handbook Summary

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    The desire to preserve political authority, has motivated leaders, both autocratic and democratic, to make decisions since the dawn of time. The Dictator's Handbook banishes political idealism and hones in on the innate human desire for wealth and power. Mesquita and Smith further defend a cynical take on politics and a realist worldview through ample real-world examples and distinct economic analysis. The authors articulate the rules leaders abide by, what the motivation for government spending

  • Napoleon: A Leader Or Dictator.

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    Napoleon: A Leader or Dictator. There are never ending inquiries on the nature of Napoleonic power. But reason can prove to one that the Age of Napoleon was infact a time of democratic rule. Through Political, Social, and Economical reforms, Napoleon Bonaparte did not only transcend France, but he changed the course of history for Europe and the World today. To begin, Napoleon proved himself a democratic leader thorough many Political reforms. In 1798-99, Napoleon, with the directory's blessing

  • Latin American Dictatorship

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    but only if used in time"(Draper). The "surgery" has been applied through direct intervention, and through training future dictators and assassins in the School of the Americas, for example. Here is a rundown of some of the major dictatorships: In Mexico, Porfirio Díaz ruled from 1876 to 1911. In 1930 Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, from the US-trained national guard, became dictator of the Dominican Republic, and lasted ... ... middle of paper ... ...er "real" or as an excuse to protect economic interests

  • Anthem Essay

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    It is in a child’s inherent nature to contemplate the meaning of his/her existence. Every child undoubtedly fights the battle to find his/her true identity and their family is a vital element in determining that character. A child unconsciously conforms to ideas exerted around them. A child’s parent exhibits a profound influence, in his/her desire to nurture their child to their apex potential, but it may not necessarily in the best interest of the government. In a society that is based on a totalitarian

  • Totalitarian Societies

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    In many real and fictionalized totalitarian societies, children live apart from their families. I believe that dictatorial leaders enforced this living arrangement because they don’t want parents to influence their children, to make sure people are loyal to the society, and to maintain everyone equal. They do this so that they have total control over their society. Dictatorial leaders don’t want parents influencing their children because they know in the end most parents would want to do what is

  • Dictator Learning Curve

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    mentions that it is hard for dictators to keep their crimes away from the world. Dobson also talks about how communication media first affected dictatorship. In 1974, the Portuguese military played a song that signaled for a military coup, which caused the nation to exile its own dictator the following day (3). In essence, Dobson proposes that throughout the years the internet and social media have greatly hurt dictatorial regime’s power. However, Dobson also claims that dictators have learned their mistakes

  • Similarities Between Julius Caesar And Napoleon Bonaparte

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    The month:September. The year:52 BCE. In the rolling hills of present day central France, near the town of Alesia, one of the greatest minds in history prepares for the battle that will change the fate of his country. The man is a Roman general named Julius Caesar. Almost 2000 years later in 1815 CE, near the flat town of Waterloo in modern day Belgium, another titan of battle fights the battle that will determine the fate of his country. The man is a former French emperor named Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Dictatorship and Dictators

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    A revolution has begun by the people in the Middle East against their long time dictators. The domino effect began first with Tunisia then Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya. Thousands of protestors were gathered on the streets with posters, shouting for change and democracy. Why would there be protests unless the people are unsatisfied with the way the country is governed. Why would they go against their dictator unless they feel they have no rights and that they have no voice. Unlimited power should

  • Ancient Greece: The Positive Effects Of Dictatorship

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    is exercised by a dictator. A dictator is a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession. This ruler can come into power from family, military and many more, but the main things is that dictators does not come into power or rules through democratic means. Dictatorship has often been associated with brutality and oppression, but people have forgotten that there have been some good dictators who have brought

  • Similarities Between Macbeth And Joseph Stalin

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    hand of temptation and abuse their power--these leaders are known as dictators. Through the history of the world, some dictators that were infamous for their inhumane acts toward humanity are Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. However, dictators can be found in not just history but also in literatures such as Shakespeare’s notorious play Macbeth, as well as Geroge Orwell’s novella Animal Farm. Throughout History and English dictators are depicted as being manipulative, as well as greedy, which ultimately