Cyberspace Essays

  • Essay On Cyberspace

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    has enabled global connectedness, hence increasing the pace of globalization. This has effectively turned cyberspace into a new strategic common, the same way the sea is for global trade and international movement of goods. Modern militaries now consider cyberspace as a fifth domain, along with the traditional domains of sea, land, air and space. The US Department of Defense defines cyberspace as ‘a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information

  • Cyberspace and the Constitution

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    Cyberspace and the Constitution Cyberspace is a new frontier for American courts. In the past, when faced with new situations, courts have analogized older laws into the new situations. However, due to the many unique qualities of the Internet, courts have had a difficult time determining how to apply prior law in the realm of cyberspace. In the United States, the ultimate framework of our laws is the United States Constitution. The Constitution, and most especially the Bill of Rights, has entered

  • Privacy in Cyberspace

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    Privacy in Cyberspace Computers and the Internet have changed many things in the world today. People surf the web on a daily bases for information and entertainment. The Internet is making things like paying your bills from home a possibility. This was something that you had to leave the house to do, even if it was just dropping a check in the mail. Now you can pay your bills and buy your groceries, with every thing being just a point and a click away. Other things that can be done on the Internet

  • Free Speech in Cyberspace

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    Free Speech in Cyberspace ABSTRACT: Reno v. ACLU, the 1997 landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court providing sweeping protection to speech on the Internet, is usually discussed in terms of familiar First Amendment issues. Little noticed in the decision is the significance of the ontological assumptions of the justices in their first visit to cyberspace. I analyze the apparent awareness of the Supreme Court of ontological issues and problems with their approaches. I also argue that

  • Dispute Resolution in Cyberspace

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    Dispute Resolution in Cyberspace Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods have been in use since the early days of civilization.(1) In the middle ages, crimes were seen as acts of injury caused by one person against another. The parties were expected to reach an agreement that would restore both parties and the community to a state where all involved healed from injury.(2) As civilization has evolved, so has the types of conflicts and perspectives on conflict. The basic premise of conflict

  • Learning to be a Citizen of Cyberspace

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    Learning to be a Citizen of Cyberspace Most researchers agree that the growth of a knowledge-based society will bring about fundamental changes in the production, distribution and exchange of information and that most every social and cultural institution will be changed in some way, but none more than education (Negroponte, 1995; Oppenheimer, 1997; Stevenson, 1997; Upitis, 1997). This is because, more than any other social institution, education is fundamentally about knowledge, information,

  • Gender Gap in Cyberspace

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    Gender Gap in Cyberspace Cyberspace as a frontier is open to all comers, but currently the majority of explorers and accomplished users appear to be mostly white males. Deborah Tannen, in her article "Gender Gap in Cyberspace," discusses some of her experiences and conclusions regarding this difference in usage of computers by males and females.(The full name of the author and of the article need to appear in the first couple of sentences. . .) She sums up her main point (main claim)when she asserts

  • The Issue of Jurisdiction in Cyberspace

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    Q) What is cyberspace? How can jurisdiction be assumed in cyberspace? Introduction “Cyberspace” is a term which is now frequently used among people. Through the advent of computers and especially the internet, our very lives have changed dramatically. Now starting from acquiring information to complex online transactions involving billions of dollars have become possible due to the cyberspace. The term “Cyberspace” was used for the first time by William Gibson in his book “Neuromancer” written

  • Policing Cyberspace on the Internet

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    Policing Cyberspace on the Internet The Internet is a method of communication and a source of information that is becoming more popular among those who are interested in, and have the time to surf the information superhighway. The problem with this much information being accessible to this many people is that some of it is deemed inappropriate for minors. The government wants censorship, but a segment of the population does not. Legislative regulation of the Internet would be an appropriate function

  • The Effects Of Cyberspace: Reflections And Transformations

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    have lives that are completely unconnected to their real identity. Sherry Turkle theorizes in "Cyberspace and Identity" that those who make the most of their online lives approach it in spirit of self-reflection and those who are aware of their online personalities use the internet for personal and social transformations. Alex Pham's "Boy, You Fight Like a Girl" confirms Turkle's theory that cyberspace is used by many people as a means of self reflection as well as for personal and social transformations

  • Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace

    2103 Words  | 5 Pages

    Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace Introduction As the Internet has become more widely recognized and used by people all over the world, it has brought a new medium in which information can very easily be broadcast to everyone with access to it. In 1995 there was a projected 26 million Internet users, which has grown to almost 300 million today. One major problem with this is that everyone represents different countries and provinces which have different outtakes on certain types of freedom

  • Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace

    2593 Words  | 6 Pages

    Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace: Government Restrictions on Content in the United States of America (this essay is missing the url of each source cited) "Information wants to be free. The Internet fosters free speech on a global scale."[1] Introduction The Internet provides a gateway for an individual to speak freely and anonymously without being targeted to what he or she said. With this said, one of the biggest issues concerning the Internet today is freedom of speech. The issue of free

  • Cyberspace in William Gibson's Neuromancer

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    Cyberspace in William Gibson's Neuromancer As described by William Gibson in his science fiction novel Neuromancer, cyberspace was a "Consensual hallucination that felt and looked like a physical space but actuallly was a computer-generated construct representing abstract data." Years later, mankind has realized that Gibson's vision is very close to reality. The term cyberspace was frequently used to explain or describe the process in which two computers connect with each other through various

  • Cyberspace Hate Propaganda and Internet Censorship

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    in reality should not be treated differently than cyberhate. Given that an education is provided to youth about cultural issues in school, censorship of hate propaganda is not necessary. Cyberhate and Freedom of Speech "Hate Propaganda in Cyberspace", by Young M. Kim, attempts to address the issue of censorship of the Internet with respect to hate propaganda. The relevancy of the argument against censorship in favour of free speech is undeniable, but Kim's means of arguing so is mediocre. Kim's

  • Sweden’s Position on Personal Privacy in Cyberspace

    3558 Words  | 8 Pages

    Sweden’s Position on Personal Privacy in Cyberspace The Internet and computer age has enabled people to work faster and more efficiently, with practically unlimited access to information. As much as the technology boom has made our lives easier, as with most good inventions, there is some negativity that must be dealt with. The dissemination of information on the global network has put personal privacy at risk. Obviously, we are not going to give up new technologies that enrich human life for

  • Internet Essay - Online Anonymity and Cyberspace Crime

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    Online Anonymity and Cyberspace Crime The 90's internet boom gave rise to new ways of writing in through access to cyberspace. What used to be printed or handwritten on physical surfaces such as paper, cardboard, or bulletin boards has changed to 0's and 1's, bits and bytes of digitized information that can be displayed thru the projections of computer screens. Moreover, the internet has made the process of publishing one's works, writing letters, or chatting with one another much easier and

  • Internet - Exploring Our Inner-self in Cyberspace

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    Exploring Our Inner-self in Cyberspace Cyberspace is a new communication medium which enables us to understand our social behavior. In the ‘real world’ and ‘virtual world,’ we understand ourselves by developing aspects of our identity. However, in the virtual world, we can explore our inner-self without rejection that may be experienced in the real world. Cyberspace is, thus, a psychological ‘space’ to build and form, explore and discover, and accept and understand ourselves. To explain this

  • Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace, by Amy Bruckman

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    (Instant Message). The Net has been most helpful to me when it comes to contacting others, especially since my phone doesnt work. Most importantly, I feel that the Net has brought my family and I closer together. After I read Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace, by Amy Bruckman, an essay explaining that to enjoy the Net we need to find our own place, our own community, so I realized that my community on the Net is E-mail, enabling me to talk to the people closest to me. The movie You've Got Mail starring

  • Freedom of Expression on the Internet: Comparison between Canada and the United States

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    were put in place because the right to free speech had been abused, especially when considering its use in cyberspace. Freedom of speech in cyberspace is inherently a global issue because the Internet is so pervasive, so Canada and the United States are being extremely cautious by using preventative techniques. After looking at the ethical issues involved, I believe that speech in cyberspace should not be completely “free” and should be regulated by increasing the security measures placed on Internet

  • Cyber World Case Study

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    constrains by constant monitoring of what they do in it. Second area, Cybersecurity norms. This section deals with imposing rules for ideal use of internet by everyone. These rules will save the internet from destruction. Third area, contested cyberspace. This area deals with acquiring intelligence from data collected from competition companies to gain upper hand in the trade. Final area, cyber warfare. One country snooping in other countries military network to gain access to important data which