Cultural Construction Essays

  • Urban Parks

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    landscapes, the physical and social uses of parks give proof to their inherently cultural “nature.” For the purpose of this paper, I will use the term “culture” to refer to human implemented social objects and actions; nature, then, as a written word and a concept circulated in culture, becomes a cultural construction. The idea of “nature” or “natural,” I will attempt to argue, refers to a certain set of cultural concepts as constructed through a discourse that is centered away from humans and

  • Art - A Culturally Constructed Myth

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    products of their times, yet many still have a troubling modern-day relevance. Barthes' Mythologies demonstrates the possibilty to find meaning through the 'trivia' of everyday life. He claims to want to challenge the 'innoncence' and 'naturalness' of cultural texts and practices, as they are capable of producing a multitude of supplementary meanings, or 'connotations'. Although objects, gestures and practices have a certain utilitarian function, they are not resistant to the imposition of meaning.

  • Gender As A Socio-Cultural Construction Of Gender And Socio-Cultural Construction

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    gender is. To define gender in the simplest way is to describe it as “a socio-cultural construction that makes biological and physical differences between

  • Definition and Study of Cultural Construction

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    Cultural construction is one of the key values in the study of Anthropology for several reasons. According to Peoples and Bailey in our Humanity book, Anthropology not only helps us understand the biological, technological, and cultural development of humanity but it’s also intended to teach us the importance of understanding and appreciating cultural diversity. By definition, “Cultural constructions are arbitrary in that they are created and maintained by each culture, cultural constructions are

  • Social Construction Of Cultural Artifacts

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    Museum exhibits are commonly understood as organized displays of a selection of items that are presented for the public. But exhibits do more than just display items that are otherwise unreachable; they also provide a site for the construction of identity. When people go to museums, they want to be told what they should value. Exhibits provide resources for reflecting upon objects, ideas, social relations, histories, and memories. Visiting exhibits, then, allows people to formulate notions of quality

  • Cultural Construction Of Happiness Essay

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    Cultural Constructions of Happiness: Theory and Empirical Evidence In this article, Yukiko Uchida et al., “identifies cultural variations in cultural meanings of happiness, motivations underlying happiness, and predictors of happiness. Specifically, in North American cultural contexts, happiness tends to be defined in terms of personal achievement. In basic terms, happiness is a universal emotion” (1). People across the world are going to prefer being happy over unhappy and pleasant over unpleasant

  • Cultural Construction Of Culture Essay

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    Preventive measures have already been taken; First and foremost with the help from UNESCO, several programs have been implemented, with the sole purpose of facilitating the development of a cultural policy, which will help in the preservation of cultural heritage, on the long term, and at a large scale (Afghanistan´s cultural campaign: Safeguarding Campaign, n.d.). By emphasizing such policies, we would witness the unification of a long divided nation, under one common identity. Initiatives, for example,

  • Socio-Cultural Construction Of Genius Research Paper

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    Hegarty AP Seminar November 2015 The Socio-Cultural Construction Of Genius The concepts of insanity and creativity are so closely connected through myths, they must be analyzed together to gather the most information. The interaction between madness and genius is a socially established tradition, particularly in the west. Within these cultural myths, not only does madness evolve from genius but genius is formed through madness. Overall socio-cultural myths "legitimate and elevate, shackle and constrain

  • The Influence Of Mughal Architecture

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    social views of a certain period may no longer be relevant, the art and design of that time often are. The Mughal period saw an outburst of cultural activity in the field of architecture, which further influenced the subsequent generations. The construction and designs of Mughal monuments of Agra is an outcome of complex yet creative combinations of cultural influences. To add a glory to the Mughal architecture, the culture of Jaali was introduced by Mughal rulers in the imperial architecture. The

  • Sustainability Environment and Construction

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    design and using building materials to minimise environmental is already develop and construction has been blame on causing environmental problems in global resources in the aspects of construction and building operation to the hazardous and contamination of the surrounding environment (Ding 2008). However depending on the design or the project itself to achieve the aim of sustainable development and construction or to lower the impacts through appropriate management on site it is not satisfactory

  • Utzon: A Cultural Analysis

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    of South Asian arts and culture, demonstrates Sydney’s diverse community and role as a cultural driver within the Asia-Pacific region. In addition to the major events and cultural infrastructure that comprises Sydney, the everyday cultural experience of the city includes permanent and temporary public art works, unexpected events and a subtle balance of fine grain activities, reflecting a layering of cultural texture in the daily life of

  • Social And Cultural Challenges: Conserving Modern Architecture Heritage?

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    architecture brings new challenges to the conservation of the building. These challenges refer not only to the technical problems, like the functionality of the building, the materials, the lack of maintenance; but also with relation to the social and cultural importance of the building. The importance of modern architecture, however, does not lie only on its materials, but also in the way architects overcame problems during the years. Modern architecture was the result of an era marked by the advent

  • Design And Construction Of Home Essay

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    1.0 Introduction The profession of architecture refers to the rendering of services associated with design and construction of buildings and their environments. Such services include, but are not limited to consultation, evaluation, planning, provision of preliminary studies, designs, construction documents, construction management, and the administration of construction contracts. Though architecture is seen to play only a small part of human lives, when the society is considered at large, it becomes

  • Essay On The History Of Architecture

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    in describing this cultural movement. This period of cultural rebirth is often credited with the renewal of the scholarship in Classical Antiquities. In 1496, when Charles VIII returned with several Italian artists from his conquest of Naples, the Renaissance spread to France at the end of the fifteenth century. Because of the different social climate, this required new buildings like; the colosseum, the residential district, hospitals and larger academies. Civil construction as roads and bridges

  • I Want to Study Construction Engineering and Management

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    leads to disastrous failures, even if specialists are used. My home country, Iran, is suffering from lack of management skills in all aspects especially the construction industry. Unfortunately, bribery and dishonesty have led unskilled managers to take the lead of construction projects, which has resulted in high cost and low quality construction. I do believe that this situation must change and I want to contribute to this change. When I was a kid, I was usually chosen to be the leader and captain

  • Social Construct of Codes

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    various counties in the United States. Home builder associations and non-governmental bodies have taken the collective responsibility in advocating for green building. Many people now believe that these programmes reflect a paradigm shift in the cultural perspective, in view of public health and environmental conservation (Moore, and Nathan 51). Building codes in the United States were adopted as a result of understanding and acceptance of the present day crisis where some individuals misuse the

  • Importance Of Construction Industry

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    INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND People serve as the most vital resource for many industries, and the construction industry is no exception. The construction industry relies on individuals from the bottom up but none are more important than the executives that establish and guide their companies. The construction industry is one of the key contributors to most economies. The importance of the construction industry to the economy can be measured by its contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP), its

  • Personal Reflection In Project Management

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    experiential conversation. Moreover, I tried to read academic books about construction project management skills, especially cases study in the construction field that allowed to have an awareness about what usually happen and their outcome in reality. In addition, I got a part-time job in construction site which helped me to get an understanding about construction field in Australia and learn how to manage a construction project from my boss. 2.2 Fostering my experience, practice and skills in

  • Fletcher Building Company: Case Analysis Of The Fletcher Building Company

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    their business in the construction sector in 1909. Timber weatherboard house in Dunedin, New Zealand was their first project and they built it. They remain the leading construction company in New Zealand until 2001. In late 2001, they change their name The Fletcher Building Company on the stock exchange of New Zealand. Their main office is in Penrose, Auckland. They have near 20,000 employees working for them. They are dealing with mainly six different sections of construction work, heavy and light

  • Essay On Sustainable Architecture

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    address the three categories of responsible design while also managing to create an entirely new category of bridge.The Helix, is the first of its kind. Located in the heart of Singapore's Mariana Bay, it acts as a cultural figurehead symbolizing the re-urbanization of Singapore's cultural centres. The Helix geometry is inspired by the unique and universally known shape of DNA. The purpose of the pedestrian bridge is to literally and figuratively connect the cultures of the region and provide a common