CPA Australia Essays

  • Accounting: The Three Main Types Of Accounting

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    Considered by many to be language of business, accounting in all reality is a vague term. They are many types of accounting each with its own certifications and requirements. They are three main types of accountants first is the public accountant or CPA. This is a person who works for a public accounting firm, whose job is to go and evaluate the status of a company through auditing financial statements. Next, is a cooperate accountant. In cooperate accounting an accountant works inside a major cooperation

  • Common Accounting Malpractices in the Philippines

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    Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 46, 25-31. Adams, E. (n.d). Fraud prevention: an investment no one can afford to forego, The CPA Journal, 76 (1), 56-59. Christensen, J. (2010). Accounting errors and errors to accounting, USA: American Accounting Association, 65 (6), 1827-1838. Clark, R.L. (n.d). Recognizing fraud patterns in accounting data, The CPA journal, 77 (4), 68-71. Hammer, W.B. (1997). The accountant’s role in sustainable business, Mandaluyong City Philippines: Philipppine

  • Accounting Career Statement

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    preparing GAAP financial statements and some type of knowledge of GASB standards/governmental accounting. You also must have a master’s degree in Accounting, Business, Finance, and Public Administration, or in a related field, and must be a license CPA. Throughout the experience I will receive through my prior jobs could actually benefit me into getting this Chief Executive position. Knowing that I have to have a master’s degree motivates me to get it after I receive my bachelor’s

  • The Profession of Accounting

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    problem-solving, communication, math, and organizational skills (“Accountants”). These skills go hand in hand with everything pertaining to an accountant’s job, for there is slight to nonexistent room for error (Ferguson). For an individual to obtain their CPA, Certified Public Accountant, a person would have to have a minimum of “two year of public accounting experience” with an additional 150 hours of education to apply for the certificate (Ferguson). There is no main/prevalent organization that would offer

  • Certified Public Accounting

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    has worked as an accountant but life has directed her to make certain career changes. What is a CPA or Certified Public Accountant? CPA are state licensed or certified. They analyze financial data an prepare reports for individuals or organizations in order to describe the financial soundness of the business operations. These reports are used for management decision making. The requirements for a CPA are to has at least a bachelor’s

  • A Career in Forensic Accounting

    937 Words  | 2 Pages

    Forensic Accounting There are many different avenues that one could take in the field of accounting. It is a lucrative career with many areas of interest to be followed. I have chosen Forensic Accounting to further review and research. This paper will define forensic accounting, describe what it takes to be a forensic accountant, give some statistics about forensic accounting, and give my feedback on this potential career path. Forensic accounting is the use of investigative and analytical skills

  • Immigration to Australia

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    Immigration to Australia Introduction Australia is often described as one of the ‘classical countries of immigration’. The concept of being a ‘nation of immigrants’ is at the center of Australian identity. Australia is a unique country, and it has a long history of population growth due to immigration. Australia is a young country and has not fully developed. It is commonly called “The Land of Opportunity.” This paper will discuss the history of immigration, the history of the immigration

  • Australian Climate Change in the Last 50,000 years

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    Who were the first settlers of Australia and when did they arrive? Both questions have yet to be answered definitively. The most common view is that the Aborigenes’ ancestors came from southeast Asia more than 50,000 years ago (50,000 BP). That date is based on a few sites in northern Australia where thermoluminescence-dating—a technique for determining the time at which material was formed by measuring the light energy released when heating it—was used. Because a comparatively greater number of

  • The Old Parliament House at Canberra

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    Parliament House) was opened by the Duke of York. He unveiled a statue of his father, King George V in the King’s Hall. The Duke then opened the first federal parliamentary session in Canberra. Britain was then very much the mother country of Australia. History records that only two indigenous Australians were present. The OPH was replaced by a new Parliament House in 1988 as the old one could not accommodate the politicians, press etc comfortably. When built it was meant to serve Australian

  • Independence Of Judiciary In Australia

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    Independence of Judiciary in Australia a) How is the independence of the judiciary guaranteed in Australia? While the Westminster system had largely developed because of the doctrine of separation of powers, the Australian system of government is largely based on the Westminster. This doctrine of separation of powers proposes that the three institutions of government, the legislature, the executive and the judiciary should be exercised as separate and independent branches. It is this doctrine that

  • Job Study on the Australian Air Force

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    JOB STUDY Training and Advancement 1.     Are there any educational or other qualifications your employer would expect for the job you are doing? Following appointment as an Officer in the Air Force, you'll undergo an Initial Officer Course (IOC) at the Officer Training School, RAAF Base Williams (Point Cook) 20 km south west of Melbourne, Victoria. This course aims to teach you the leadership skills needed to become an Air Force Officer. The course is a combination of theory and practical training

  • Immigration

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    Immigration Open the book You asked about...immigration and citizenship. Turn to page 2. "Immigration Canada aims to contribute to a stronger nation by: ... protecting refugees at home and abroad" (Immigration and Citizenship 2). Turn to page 5. "Immigration assesses immigrants...standards that do not discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion or sex" (Immigration and Citizenship 5). Disturbed? Turn to page 28. "Canada encourages the admission of business

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

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    protection, assimilation, integration and self-determination. It is hard to understand the housing disadvantages faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people if their history is not known. In 1788 when the European settlers “colonised” Australia, the Australian land was known as “terra nullius” which means “land belonging to no-one”. This decision set the stage for the problems and disadvantages faced by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for 216 years. The protection

  • Australia and the GST

    707 Words  | 2 Pages

    Australia and the GST Good morning Ms Donaldson and grade twelve economic students. Hi, my name¡¦s Candyce Pearson, a lecturer from the university of Queensland, and I am here to discuss the New Tax System, or more specifically the GST. As my previous speaker ogie said, I will give a brief yet incisive overview of the GST system, what GST is and how it works. The New Tax System was introduced in Australia on 1 July 2000 to provide a fairer and more consistent tax system for all Australians

  • Breaker morant

    1191 Words  | 3 Pages

    English Breaker Morant Essay topic: Statement of Intention: The most primary reason why I decided to express my views creatively upon this issue, of the film Breaker Morant by Bruce Beresford, is that the order made clear by the British High Command sent out to the Bushveldt Carbineers was bitter and simple. To fight the Boer on its terms, and to take no prisoners. Such an order could prove fatal, especially to Lieutenant Harry Breaker Morant, who was dishonorably used as a scapegoat for the

  • Australia In The Vietnam War

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    The only time Australia has come under direct attack from another country, was when Japan bombed Darwin and sunk a number of ships in Sydney, during World War 2. The question then has to be asked, why Australia has been involved in so many conflicts. A number of recent conflicts in this century come to mind, they include, The Boer War, World War One, World War Two and The Vietnam War. By far the conflict that drew the most outrage from Australian citizens was the Vietnam War. Australia has been drawn

  • Ecumenical Developments In Australia

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    religious initiative towards unity within the Christian church. It is the promotion of co-operation and improved understanding between distinct religious groups or denominations within Christianity and other religions. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN AUSTRALIA (NCCA) The NCCA is an example of an ecumenical movement – it brings together a number of Australia's Christian churches in dialogue and practical support. It was also the first recognized coalition between the Catholic Church and other leading Christian

  • Effects of Globalization on Applications for Asylum

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    Globalization has been driven by improvements in technology, communications, transportation and trade. These areas, among others, have contributed to an increase in the movement of people across international borders. Migratory individuals, refugees and asylum seekers are finding it physically easier and less costly to move between countries and continents. Migrants are using transportation routes, opened through increased globalization, for many different reasons; from striving for a better life

  • Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia

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    an increase in aboriginals gaining a voice in today’s society. Kevin Rudd’s apology as described by Pat Dodson (2006) as a seminal moment in Australia’s history, expressed the true spirit of reconciliation opening a new chapter in the history of Australia. Although from this reconciliation, considerable debate has arisen within society as to whether Aboriginals have a right to land of cultural significance. Thus, causing concern for current land owners, as to whether they will be entitled to their

  • Refugee Asylum Seekers in Australia

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    Australia has had a long history of receiving individuals and groups who are seeking asylum as well as unfortunately a long history of turning those away who are perceived as different. (McKay,Thomas & Blood 2011).Even though the white Australia policy was abandoned decades ago it still lives on as a strong resonance in the conservative right of politics (Westoby & Ingamells, 2010). Community fear about Australia’s border seem easily triggered, which has prompted the term ‘paranoid nationalism’ to