Cornelius Van Til Essays

  • Biblical Apologetics Methods, Definitions, and The Basic

    2353 Words  | 5 Pages

    Classical Apologetic: A Rational Defence of the Christian Faith and a Critiques of Presuppositional Apologetic. Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1984. Til, Cornelius Van. In Defense of The Faith Vol 2: A Survey of Christian Epistemology. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1969. —. "The deffense 77." Wesminster Theological Journal 57 (1995): 126-128. Till, Cornelius Van. "The Methodological Objective of a Biblical Apologetics." Wesminster Theological Journal 57 (1995): 126-128. Wood, W. Jay. Epistemology

  • Presuppositional Apologetics: The Moral Argument for the Existence of God

    2183 Words  | 5 Pages

    verbal defense of the biblical worldview. A proof is giving a reason for why we believe. This paper will address the philosophical question of God’s existence from the moral argument. The presuppositional apologetic method of Reformed thinkers Cornelius Van Til and John Frame will be the framework. Topics covered here could undoubtedly be developed in more depth, but that would be getting ahead, here is the big picture. Apologetics comes from the Greek word, ‘apologia’ meaning verbal defense. The