What On Earth is a Chiminea and What Does it Do? You may have never heard the word chiminea before, but I can bet that you've seen one. You may not know them by that name, but they are quite common in the world today. More importantly, do you know what a chiminea does? Does it grant wishes, race across the world, feed the hungry? While the first two possibilities are clearly false, the third is a possibility! (67) What is a Chiminea and where did it come from? A chiminea is quite simply an
Shinto: The Way Home written by Thomas Kasulis is a book designed to inform the reader of Shinto traditions and history, but how does his work stand on its own as a scholarly source. Kasulis uses simple organization strategies to control the flow of the work the simplest method is the separation of the book into six chapters as well as a two prefaces one from the editor and one from the author. The first chapter discusses Shintoism in the terms of a western audience while the second chapter confers