“200 years ago, there was around 16 million greater sage grouse; Today there may be fewer than 200,000” (Dantzker and Swartwout). The Greater Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is a magnificent bird that only lives in the Sagebrush-steppe habitat. This habitat is seen in the western part of the United States and also some area of North and South America. From the study above, it should be obvious that the greater sage grouse were considered endangered by Fish and Wildlife Organizations. However
The Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is the largest members of the Phasianoidae family in the United States. The Sage-grouse is a ground-dwelling species living predominantly in Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) step habitat (Connelly et al., 2004). The Sage-grouse is a polygynous species where, one male will breed with multiple females, further, they exhibit a clumped polygyny where Sage-grouse migrate to breeding areas called a “Lek”. The males exhibit several courtship displays during
First lets start with the basics. What is the Keystone Pipeline? The Keystone Pipeline System is an oil pipeline system in Canada and the United States, commissioned since 2010. It runs from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in Alberta to refineries in Illinois and Texas, and also to oil tank farms and oil pipeline distribution center in Cushing, Oklahoma. Under the forest in northern Alberta, Canada lie the world’s largest deposits of tar sands, sand mixed with thick, tar-like oil. “To produce