California Sea Lion Essays

  • Can Marine Mammals Suffer From Decompression Sickness?

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    Can Marine Mammals Suffer From Decompression Sickness? Marine mammals are able to suffer from decompression sickness, which is a condition that occurs when sudden decompression causes nitrogen bubbles to form in the blood and tissues of the body. The lifestyles of marine mammals makes them susceptible to this condition, however, they have adapted to overcome this obstacle. Many marine mammals are capable of storing gas in their trachea during dives. The trachea is reinforced by cartilage, which

  • All About Sea Lions

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    Sea Lions Sea lions are very social and super talented. They are true party animals, both on land and in the water. They can balance a ball on their nose, climb up a ladder, honk a horn and swim up to 13 mph. Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class – Mammalia Order – Carnivora Family – Otariidae Genus – Zalophus • External ears with flaps and big eyes. • Long flippers in the front which are like wings with no claws. • Five digits in the back limbs with extensions of cartilage. • Nails are on the

  • Personal Narrative: Volunteering At The Georgia Aquarium

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    Pier 225 and watching our California Sea Lions frolic in the water, these all are some of the signs that are a constant reminder how blessed I am to be able to work

  • Animal Rights for Marine Mammals

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    hear and navigate in the water by using their natural sonar, which happened to be more precise than most fabricated sonar systems. In the mid-sixties, Navy dolphins were used as mail carriers to underwater laboratories in their home of San Diego, California. As technology and scientific discoveries floundered through time, new uses for the animals came into play. For example, dolphins were trained to protect ships, submarines, and divers from any danger. If a dolphin were to find an enemy diver in

  • Whaling Essay

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    whales (Balaenoptera borealis) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were exploited in an increased fashion after World War II (Springer et al., 2003). Whaling did not only affect whale populations, but it also affects populations of seals, sea lions, and sea otters. This is hypothesized to be the result of top-down forces from whaling, forcing great whales to shift their food sources to these smaller marine mammals. During the Second World War, whaling of great whales was at its peak. These whales

  • Sea Lions: Nature's Playful Aquatic Land Mammals

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    Sea Lions: Nature's Playful Aquatic Land Mammals Introduction Sea lions may look like sea creatures, but they also behave like terrestrial animals. Unlike whales, mammals that spend their entire lives in water, sea lions inhabit both the water and land throughout their lives. This aquatic land animal prefers the water for food, fun, and safety; while preferring the land for socializing, territory, and procreation. Being mammals, they share many behaviors common to humans and other mammals

  • The Northern Sea Lion

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    The Northern Sea Lion, also known as the stellar sea lion, has the binomial nomenclature of Eumetopias jubatus. They received their name because the adult males have blubbery necks with long fur, like a lion. Their name basically means lion of the sea. These animals can be found in coastal waters of the North Pacific Ocean from Japan to central California. In the Western United States, there is estimated to be about 39,000-45,000 Sea Lions, and in the Eastern United States there is estimated to

  • Sharks

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    seals, sea lions, otters, dolphins, and whales. Samuel Gruber in Discovering Sharks writes that the great white consumes marine mammals when they come across a deceased one. Even though the great white has the reputation of a man-eater; they attack thinking that the diver or surfers on a short board are part of its natural prey. The San Francisco area is known as the great white capital, because of the “Red Triangle.” The red triangle is the breeding ground for its natural prey, seals and sea lions

  • The Evolution of Whales

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    sun is beaming down and decide to go for a swim. As you approach the water, you see a whale unusually close. You begin to get nervous as it continues to approach the shore. However, you aren’t worried because you know that they are confined to the sea. As the whale comes near you can see it clearly. Just as you think that it will turn around, the whale walks out of the ocean! If you were to live during the tertiary period, this would be one of the things you would often see. All of the mammals

  • A Comparison of Respiratory Systems in Sea Lions, Cobras, and Bald Eagles

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    The respiratory systems of California sea lions, king cobras, and bald eagles have a few similarities and differences, but they all allow the intake of oxygen for each organism. The California sea lion is a pinniped. A pinniped is a carnivorous aquatic mammal of the order Pinnipedia. Sea lions, like all other pinnipeds, have nostrils that they can voluntarily close while diving in the water. Inside the nose of a sea lion are bones called turbinate bones. When the sea lion inhales, these bones moisten

  • Orca Research Paper

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    is sea lion. What got me interested in orcas originally was the video I saw where an orca nearly killed itself in an attempt to capture a sea lion pup, so that is the prey animal I am going to focus on in this report. 5. Write a report on this animal. Physical

  • Sea Lions Research Paper

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    Sea Lions There are many types of sea lions in the world. There are seven species of sea lions, they are: the Stellar, Australian, South American, New Zealand, Galapagos, Japanese, and California sea lions. The kingdom for sea lions is Animalia, the phylum is Chordata, the class is Mammalia, the order is Pinnipedia, the family is Otariidae, and the species is Zalophus Californianus. Sea lions live in many oceans throughout the world, but mainly in sub artic areas along the beaches. They are native

  • Sea Lion Research Paper

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    What is a Sea Lion? Sea Lions are marine mammals that live in the ocean. They have four flippers that help them to be able to swim around in water and are covered in thick layers of blubber that help keep them warm in colder temperatures. The diet of sea lions mainly consists of eating fish, although they do occasionally eat some types of squid and occasionally clams. The average weight of a sea lion is around 660 pounds and can measure up to 8 feet long for males, while female sea lions on the other

  • Orca Captivity Essay

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    including the Miami Seaquarium and and SeaWorld in Florida, Texas and California. An orca that lives within captivity experiences a different lifespan, diet, and habitat than an orca that lives within the wild. Orcas

  • Seals Versus Sea Lions

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    At any marine theme park, there are probably a cluster of seals and sea lions hanging out in their exhibits. Both animals have that chubby body and the same black eyes with large whiskers. For many, performing sea lions are the stars of the show even though many people routinely refer to the performances as “seal shows.” Even though most people are familiar with seals and sea lions, they don’t know how to distinguish between the two species. While both of these mammals share many abilities, these

  • Harbor Seals

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    land by flopping along on their bellies. They breathe at the surface and hold their breath while diving. They can dive to 1,500 feet for up to 40 minutes, although their average dive lasts 3 to 7 minutes. Their scientific name basically means 'sea calf' or 'sea dog.' This nickname is fits them well, as these seals closely resemble a dog when their head is viewed at the surface of the water. When the harbor seal pup (baby seal) is born, it has a coat that closely resembles the adult coat. Some have

  • How Was Channel Island Created

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    and all of the different species of animals it has. How Channel Island was formed: “The story of the rocks that make up the islands goes back well over 100 million years and is a history of the changes wrought by plate tectonics in southern California. Up to about 30 million years ago, the western edge of North America was a place where two large plates of the Earth's crust converged. As the oceanic Farallon plate approached the continental North American plate from the west, it descended into

  • South Sea Otters Decline

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    the Southern Sea Otter Population Decline The major threat to the Sea otter was the oil spills. The sea otters, especially the southern sea otters become hypothermic when oiled. What contributed to their vulnerability to oil is that their fur can lose insulative property, meaning they lost the ability to store things. Oil can be ingested whilst grooming, which leads to gastrointestinal diseases, other ailments, and death. Volatile components of oil inhalation causes lung damage. Sea otter fishings

  • Yosemite National Park Research Paper

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    formations, mountains, plants, animals, and entertainment. Yosemite National Park is a part of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, extending to almost 80.5-128.7 kilometers long. From the highest peak in Yosemite, Mount Whitney, the altitude, from near sea level, is more than 13,000 feet. There are many different types of granite rock that make up the Yosemite Valley. This granite was formed by hundreds of smaller forms of granite rock that have been solidified by of molten rock and constantly broken

  • Dory: Blue Green Algae Fish

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    believed that someone was looking for her. To find their parents Charlie and Jenny, Dory rampaged through an aquarium built by humans. With the help of Nemo and Marlin, she came to the coast of California from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, where she met many new friends, including octopuses, sea lions, white whales and so on. Nemo, after taking an adventurous journey, now lives like a normal fish. He was the first to swim out to help Dory when she was on his quest to find her parents. Marlin