Cadence Essays

  • Pop Cultural Elements of Military Cadences

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    Pop Cultural Elements of Military Cadences "HUT, TWO, THREE, FOUR...HUT, TWO, THREE, FOUR...” What do a bunch of grunts calling out raunchy marching cadences have to do with pop culture? There’s more to the cadence then just keeping soldiers in step, there is a deep sense of pride, patriotism, unity, motivation, and nostalgia, which can be found within these songs. The Military cadence is used to motivate, inspire, and foster company cohesiveness while keeping soldiers steps in time and hands


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    F Major (K.2) is far from primitive. His use of repetition and subtle melodic and rhythmic variations keep the melody interesting enough to retain the listener’s attention. Not only this, but the harmonic surprises of the modulation and deceptive cadence keep the listener guessing in the best way possible. While at the surface this work may seem like nothing more than an AABA 32-bar dance, there is much more than that hidden throughout the work. If this is what Mozart was capable of at the mere age

  • Phrase, Subphrase in Granados’s Piano suite Goyescas (Los Majos Enamorados), No.1 Los Requiebros

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    Hongwei Cai Phrase, Subphrase in Granados’s Piano suite Goyescas (Los Majos Enamorados), No.1 Los Requiebros The late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century was a flourishing era in the music community to both musicians and music fans. A great number of composers through their unique musical aesthetics and unrestrained creativity composed a great volume of different style music. A major contemporary trend or the feature of the music at that time was tonality collapse. However, there

  • Analysis Of Clara Schumann

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    musically, in a modified strophic form: Introduction (mm. 1-2), A (mm. 3-10), A’ (mm. 11-18), A (mm. 19-26), A’’ (mm. 27-36), and Coda (mm. 37-41). Each section of the strophe can best be described as a contrasting period. The A section always cadences with a half cadence on F, as though to move to the fifth scale degree (B-flat). However, the line always modulates back to the key of D-flat ... ... middle of paper ... ...ece most definitely appealed to the public, as it contains a simple strophic structure

  • Analysis of Dussek Piano Sonata in G Major

    515 Words  | 2 Pages

    Exposition The exposition of Dussek’s Piano Sonata in G Major can be broken down into two primary themes, two secondary themes, and finally a transition into cadential extension. The first primary theme is made up in large by a parallel period. The antecedent begins on measure 1 and continues to measure 4. A 2:2:4 sentence connects the antecedent with the consequent, which begins on measure 12. Much like the antecedent, the consequent gives off an impression of statement and response; however, it

  • The Importance Of Interpersonal Skills

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    Interpersonal skills are essential in everyday life, at work or in an organization. Every person needs to interact with one another, in order to accomplish their goals and objectives. The interpersonal skills described herein play an important role in our success in a business world. According to the internet articles, these interpersonal techniques can be learned and applied successfully in different circumstances. For this report, I’ve prepared a definition for each skill and how this could be

  • Analysis Of We Were Liars

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    grandchildren, Johnny, Will, Mirren, Liberty, Taft, Bonnie, and Cadence. Every summer, the family goes to their summer island, off the coast of Massachusetts. Of the grandchildren, the ones that hang out the most are Johnny, Mirren, and Cadence. On summer eight, Gat, a friend of Johnny, began coming to the island. After Gat’s arrival, Johnny, Mirren, Cadence, and Gat were known as the Four Liars. After many summers later, Gat and Cadence strike up a romance between each other in summer

  • We Were Liars Analysis

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    focuses on a group of friends Jonny, Mirren, and Gat, and Cadence who are in a relationship. They spend every summer on the Sinclair’s Beachwood Island in Massachusetts. E. Lockhart’s novel we were liars was very intriguing and entertaining and for these reasons deserves the nomination for the Rhode Island teen book award. A group of young friends that have spent multiple summers together on Beachwood Island have an accident that Cadence, the main character, does not remember. Two summers pass

  • Analysis of Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake'

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    his love, but at a ball the following evening, he is tricked into asking Odile, the magician's daughter, to marry him. Von Rothbart makes her look like Odette, but dressed in... ... middle of paper ... ...chestral introduction with an imperfect cadence. A strong rhythmic ¾ allegro passage, with sequences and descending scales is played by the orchestra, with timpani and cymbals. The music modulates, and a short, quiet woodwind passage is then alternated with an orchestral passage with dotted rhythms

  • What Is The Theme Of Sacrifice In We Were Liars

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    old Cadence Sinclair. Growing up, Cadence spent every summer on her wealthy grandfather's privately owned island. Without realizing this until the end of the book, Cadence makes an important sacrifice and it changes her life completely. Surrounded by a luxury life on the island, it becomes clear to her and her three friends, known throughout the book as “The Liars,” that money is the thing driving her family apart. The four teenagers plot a way to fix the problem. All goes wrong and Cadence ends

  • Analysis of The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky

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    builds up to a perfect cadence with the timpani crashing. Finale The brass plays an ascending sequence, followed by pizzicato notes played by the strings, and an ascending and descending scale on the harp. Strings and oboe play the rhythmic melody, whilst the trumpet plays fanfares in syncopation. The oboe is then replaced by the flute. There is an ascending scale played by the strings, then the brass section repeats the string and oboe melody with cymbal crashes at cadence points. The orchestra

  • Endurance and Strength Training Effects on Physiological and Muscular Parameters during Prolonged Cycling

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    When performing in a triathlon, which consists of swimming, cycling, and running in a single continuous event, it is generally accepted throughout the exercise science community, that “over performing” during the cycling stage by increasing ones cadence or aerobic power, could hinder the running portion of the triathlon that follows (Hausswirth). In order to help triathletes in avoiding this potential problem, the researchers set the purpose of the experiment as follows: “The purpose of this experiment

  • We Were Liars

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    Best Young Fiction. The story went a little like this. A young girl named Cadence has a very rich and loving family. Her dad has always loved her even though he left Cadence’s mother. Cadence and her mother both go to Beechwood, there grandpa’s 15 million dollar estates. At Beechwood, The Liars, which include, Cadence, Gat, Mirren, and Johnny, are best friends but only see each other during the summer time. One year, Cadence is found lying on the beach with hypothermia, concussion, and head trauma

  • How Does Beethoven Use E-Flat Clarinets

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    In the same year that Napoleon Bonaparte was victorious in cementing his power as the Consul of France, Beethoven composed his first symphony in 1800. His symphony in C major is scored for two flutes, two oboes, 2 clarinets in C, two bassoons, two horns in C and F, two trumpets in C, timpani, and strings. The clarinet parts are commonly played on B-flat clarinet, as C clarinets are not as commonly used now. However, according to Norman Del Mar’s Anatomy of the Orchestra, there is some controversy

  • We Were Liars Book Review

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    Cadence Sinclair, the only survivor in the liars during the burn in Clairmont. She is the heiress of the island and the eldest granddaughter of Haris Sinclair. She will suddenly fall in love with Gat, one of the liars and indian-american boy who is the nephew

  • We Were Liars Title Analysis

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    motorboat fuel that overturned in the mud room" (Lockhart 201). In the title "We Were Liars," the second word is in past tense. During Summer15, Cadence had an accident and is now suffering debilitating headaches. She can't remember any details that occurred during that summer. The family has decided not to tell her anything about her accident. After 2 years, Cadence finally remembers one night. The cousins and Gat decided they’d had enough of the adult arguments over possessions. The "Liars" decide to

  • Mozart k310 sonata (2nd movement)

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    the original key, this bridge just moves from I to V7 for several bars before going to ii. Then, rather than using the ii in a familiar ii-V7-I cadence, the ii is arpeggiated for an entire bar in the melody. This is further obscured by the chromatics used in the arpeggio, a half step movement to each chord tone. The next bar returns to I without a real cadence and then quickly moves to V. We are now at the second them and it does begin in C (V, the way most second themes begin), but C has not really

  • Dufay's Piece for Peace: an Ironic Battle Between Structure and Word

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    .. middle of paper ... ... the last three measures of the work's introduction, bringing the motet full circle. The last two beats of bar 119 tease us with odd tension and dissonance on the final "men," which is peacefully resolved on the final cadence of bar 120. (Play Example 12) With "Supremum est Mortalibus bonum" Dufay has created a piece that lavishly illustrates text while also employing fauxbourdon and isorhythmic design. With so many competing forces fighting to be displayed and heard,

  • Loyset Compère Motets (Orlando Consort)

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    opening chant and ends with a strong cadence on measure 18. It uses six overlapping phrases to express the first sentence of text. The first canon starts with the bassus voice, but the starting voice changes throughout the piece. However, each canon, throughout, is sung at the fourth. There are four strong cadences, m. 2, m. 5, m.10, and m. 18, each marking the end of a thought in the text. There are also many other places that exhibit a kind of pseudo-cadence where the modern ear expects to hear

  • Felip Pedrell: Catalonia's Mark on Romantic Music

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    The cadence begins with all the strings in chromatic cadences, and after the third repeat the violin’s part is taken down a few notes. The chromaticism demonstrated in just the beginning is also a large part of the Romantic Era of Western Music. The melody is almost overwhelmingly homophonic