British Raj Essays

  • British Raj Imperialism

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    The British Raj attempted to colonize India in an organized fashion while utilizing its luxury, wealth and pleasure. However, that wasn’t always the case. A majority of the time, the British Raj faced political confusion, revolts, and extreme racism towards both British and Indian people. These conflicts were hidden by the common stereotype that India was a realm of spice, wealth, and glory. Suggesting the British Raj was beneficial to the Indian subcontinent would be an indistinct opposition. To

  • How Did The British Raj Affect India

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    The Raj of the Influencers India is an exquisite nation shaped by the lush farmlands of Punjab, soaring mountain peaks of the Himalayas, arid terrains of the Thar Desert, and many more exceptional elements. The country is known for its beauty, but the people of India have seen the frightful and unattractive side of India not many years ago. India was greatly influenced by the ruling of the British Raj as they completely reconstructed the government as we know today. The British Raj has affected

  • E M Forster and the British Raj in a Passage to India

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    dimensions. Among these writers E.M. Forster made a mark in the literature of his age through his last novel A Passage to India (1924), which was entirely different from Forster's other novels in that it dealt with the political occupation of India by the British, a colonial domination that ended soon after the publication of this novel. Forster, a liberal and humanist in outlook, emphasised the importance of love and understanding at the personal level in this novel. Edward Morgan Forster was born in London

  • British Raj Research Paper

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout the British Raj, it is evident that the British had a mission to dominate over India by exploiting the country and its people in order to benefit their empire. In terms of prosperity, it can be argued that India’s depressing economy and lack of investment was a result of the country being a colony. Whilst under British rule, both domestic manufacturing trade and production of food crops decreased vastly leading to widespread impoverishment, penury for farmers as well as several famines

  • British Raj Imperialism

    1606 Words  | 4 Pages

    The British Raj was the direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent between 1858-1947 which was established due to the rebellion of 1957 by British Sepoys (local Indian Soldiers), and murder of British officers due to the British greatly disrespecting the cultural values of both Hindus and Muslims. As a result, the British established an imperial legislative council under the Government of India Act 1958. (Britannica, 1998) Due to a lack of British manpower and resources, the crown relied heavily

  • Analysis of the Film Passage of India

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    the 1920s. The film shows India under the British Raj during a time of animosity and the Indians’ anti-imperialist attitude. Furthermore, the film displays themes of prejudice and India on its journey of becoming its own independent nation. “A Passage to India” has a powerful message of the racism in India during the time of the British Raj and the message shines through vivid imagery and a thrilling plot. A short synopsis of the film is two educated British women travel by boat to India. When they

  • The Indian Mutiny of 1857

    1951 Words  | 4 Pages

    Indians mutinied. The factors which will be assessed include the British East India Company’s expansionist economic policies, cultural and religious clashes including British evangelism, and comparatively poor treatment of Indian Sepoys within the British army. Interviews and modern analysis from British and South Asian sources on the subject will be assessed. An interview with Dr. Hassan and “Raj: the Making and Unmaking of British India” a book by James Lawrence will be evaluated for their limitations

  • The Impact of Sepoy Revolution on India's Movement

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    This investigation seeks to discover whether or not the Sepoy revolution in 1857 had a sufficient impact on India’s rise to independence and separation from the British Empire. The Sepoy revolution was a revolution of the Sepoy soldiers in 1857, and complete independence from the British Empire was not achieved by Indians until 1947. Therefore, did the Sepoy revolution catalyze their rise to independence, or was independence inevitable? The impact of the Sepoy Revolution will be found by looking

  • Imperialism In Pakistan

    1358 Words  | 3 Pages

    individual independence were being fought against the British in unison. The Muslim League, led by their President Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was aiming to create an Islamic nation state from the removal of Britain in the region (Britannica). The Indian National Congress had the goal of Hindu-Indian independence and was led by President Dadabhai Naoroji (Robinson). Both groups were fighting the British leadership, but for their own goals. When the British gave in to the pressure that the nationalists were

  • Essay On Pakistani Army

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    this ethnic division. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a relatively new nation, having only gained independence from British India in 1947. Britain ruled the Indian subcontinent for a little less than 350 years prior to Pakistan’s independence. This included time during the rule of the British Raj, as well as the British East India Company prior to that. The rule of the British raj in the Indian subcontinent ended in 1947 through independence for India and Pakistan. Pakistan’s entire history has

  • The history of British India

    1212 Words  | 3 Pages

    The history of British India is remembered for its controversial events surrounding Indian nationalism. The seemingly indestructible empire was brought down by Indian nationalists following years of reforms and suppressions. Daniel Headrick’s article, A Double-Edged Sword: Communications and Imperial Control in India, provides insight into how and why the Indians were able to attain dominance over an apparently impregnable empire. This paper will examine Headrick’s specific argument about the significance

  • The Indian Independence Movement

    1331 Words  | 3 Pages

    India was granted independence from the British on 15 August 1947. Her to path independence was not because of one person or just one movement. It was rather a collection of multiple events which were both violent and nonviolent in nature. In essence the Indian Independence Movement lasted nearly a century starting with the Sepoy rebellion(1857) to the formation of the Indian National Congress to the Salt Satyagraha(1929) to the Quit India Movement (1942) and finally Independence in the 1947. In

  • Jinnah's Responsible For The Partition Of India

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    Jalal ,the author of ‘The Sole Spokesman’ provides some arguments in favour of Jinnah’s efforts for Hindu Muslim Unity. “The Khilafat Movement” was launched in India by the Indian Muslims in support of the Calif or the ottoman emperor against the British. Mahatma Gandhi extended support to this movement so as to unite Hindus and Muslims for his Non-cooperation movement.This decision of Gandhi was opposed by Jinnah (Jalal 1999). According to Jalal (1999), Jinnah

  • Indian Indepdendence and Mahatma Ghandi

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    World War I was making the British busy. Many people question why Gandhi did not break apart from the British while they were vulnerable, but the answer is simple. Gandhi vowed to not take advantage of his opponents troubles. Instead of fighting the British, Gandhi influenced people. He used satyagraha to change inequities between Indians. For example, Gandhi persuaded landlords to stop forcing their tenant farmers to pay increased rent and mill owners to peacefully settle a strike. Gandhi's goal

  • Historical Context of The Jewel in the Crown

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    demonstrates that the elements of life and love are colorless and timeless and that arrogance and hate are universal. Through a historically accurate setting using imaginary characters we are shown the fictionalized city of Mayapore, India during the British Raj and told the "story of a rape, of the events that led up to it and followed it and of the place in which it happened" (Scott 3).  The story is relayed to us, in the most part, through an unnamed narrator that began his quest for answers, concerning

  • Geroge Orwell

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    imperialist society commanded Orwell to enforce this injustice: “I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil-spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible. With one part of my mind I thought of the British Raj as an unbreakable tyranny…with another part I thought the greatest joy in the world would be to drive a bayonet into a Buddhist priest’s guts. Feelings like these are normal by-products of imperialism” (qtd. in Lewis 41). Obviously, imperialism

  • Impact Of British Colonialism on the Indian Caste System

    2707 Words  | 6 Pages

    The caste system in India is elaborately structured to have an Indian touch to it, clearly distinguishing it from social structures worldwide. Caste is a word often used to describe a cluster of people who have a specific rank in the society. Each caste system is elaborately crafted to suit the needs of the society and they vary from group to group; each has its own rules and customs. Different chaste systems are planned in a hierarchical manner to become part of any of the four basic colors; varnas

  • Guyana

    1168 Words  | 3 Pages

    Guyana Guyana is a country located on the northern coast of South America. It is bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east by Suriname. On the south side Guyana is bordered by Brazil, and on the west side is Brazil and Venezuela. Guyana achieved its independence on May 26, 1966 when it broke away from Britain. Land and Resources Guyana has three different major geographical regions. These consist of a belt of soil which ranges from five to forty miles, a dense forest area which

  • Mohammad Ali Jinnah

    1226 Words  | 3 Pages

    Pakistan was formed. At midnight the next day India won its freedom from British rule after 350 years of its presence. The British left India divided in two separate countries, which were founded on the basis of religion. There were several reasons for the partition of India and three different parties all contributed to it. These parties were the British, the Indian National Congress, and the Muslim League. The British had based their knowledge of the people of India on their religious backgrounds

  • Analysis Of Sir Allama Iqbal

    1970 Words  | 4 Pages

    Allahabad, Iqbal described the famous quotation during his address which gave him the title of the father of the Pakistan idea. “I would like to see the Punjab, NWFP, Sind, Baluchistan combined into a single state as a self-government within the British Empire or without. This is the final destiny of the Muslims of North West