Barbara Ann Crancer Essays

  • Cause And Effect Essay On Chuckie Hoffa

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    Chuckie was Jimmy Hoffa’s foster son…he and I were going to be part of the bait to lure Jimmy into a car with Sally Bugs…. Jimmy was supposed to feel safe with me in Chuckie’s car so he’d go to the “house with the brown shingles” and walk right in the door with me as his back up…. Chuckie was just an innocent bystander…all he knew was that he was taking us to pick up Jimmy... and then driving us all back to an important meeting with important people….(Brandt, 2005, p. 252) Chuckie arrived to the


    8922 Words  | 18 Pages

    The day Jimmy Hoffa didn't come home By Pat Zacharias / The Detroit News On July 30, 1975, James Riddle Hoffa left his Lake Orion home for a meeting. Paroled from federal prison three years earlier, the former Teamster president had recently announced plans to try to wrestle back control of the union he had built with his bare knuckles from his protege -- now adversary -- Frank Fitzsimmons. Anthony Giacalone, a reputed captain of organized crime in Detroit, was supposed to meet Hoffa that day. James