Ballona Creek Essays

  • Saving the Ballona Wetlands

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    has been willing to part with 91 percent of its wetlands, Southern California having lost 95 percent. Los Angeles County has only one wetland remaining. This being the Ballona Wetlands located between Marina del Rey and the Westchester bluffs, it was once a major part of California’s natural wetland systems. Before development, Ballona wetlands natural habitat covered 2002 acres. This area, 800 to 1000 acres, referred to as Playa Vista by its owners is made up of salt marsh freshwater marsh and part

  • Hanging Woman Creek

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    Hanging Woman Creek is set in an era of American expansion when the major conflict of the Indian population was not much of a worry. The bigger worry for most men on the frontier was other whites. Bandits were plentiful, and the law was dealt out by the people. The book starts out in Chicago, concerning a man who had just been released from an overnight stay in prison. This man is called Pike, and has a reputation for being a fighter. His reputation is not that well however, because it seems that

  • Dawson’s Creek, the Movie Woo, A Perfect Storm, and A River Runs Through It

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    Dawson’s Creek, the Movie Woo, A Perfect Storm, and A River Runs Through It What is it that improves an author’s writing ability? Is it inborn creativity? In many ways yes, but without a doubt an author’s ability to write comes from skills that he has acquired through everyday life. One of these skills is the combination of watching and reading. It is not just the ability to watch and read, it is how well he can incorporate these skills into a written work. Television and the movie screen can

  • Durkheimian Theories Applied to Buffalo Creek

    1934 Words  | 4 Pages

    This essay will describe Emile Durkheim’s concepts of social integration and social/moral regulation and will explain how Durkheim connects them to suicide. It will then utilize those concepts to analyze the social effects of the Buffalo Creek flood, as described in the book “Everything In Its Path�, by Kai T. Erikson, showing other consequences besides higher suicide rates. Durkheim’s concept of social integration refers to social groups with well-defined values, traditions, norms, and goals

  • JumpOff Creek

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jump Off Creek The Jump-Off Creek introduces the reader to the unforgiving Blue Mountains and the harsh pioneer lifestyle with the tale of Lydia Sanderson, a widow who moves west from Pennsylvania to take up residence in a rundown homestead. She and other characters battle nature, finances, and even each other on occasion in a fight for survival in the harsh Oregon wilderness. Although the story is vividly expressed through the use of precise detail and 1800s slang, it failed to give me a reason

  • Foster Creek Post Office Case Study

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    Foster Creek Post Office Case Study Background of Case This case is about an experienced city postal carrier who has recently filled a position at a small town post office and has difficulty adjusting to a different way of life. The central characters include: Larry (the postmaster of Foster Creek), Jim (a senior carrier) and George (a senior carrier). The Foster Creek Post Office exists in a small town and the typical way of life is carried through at the post office. Harry has arrived at Foster

  • Bethany Hills, Omemee Esker and Fleetwood Creek

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    Stop 2: Glacial Lake Peterborough Glacial Lake Peterborough had many attributing spillways attached to it, feeding meltwater and sediment from the ice margin and or other glacial lakes. Much of the sediment that was deposited in Glacial Lake Peterborough came from either from the stagnant ice blocks located on the Oak Ridges moraine or from the Lake Algonquin drainage system. Much of the deposition in this lake was dominated by sediment stratification, which may have been largely influenced by thermal

  • Salado Creek Narrative

    806 Words  | 2 Pages

    following me. Salado Creek was more than just a creek for us when we were younger; it was a never-ending trail in the woods that ran from the north side to south side of San Antonio, Texas. The creek had many parts to explore some as swampy as Florida and others as dry as Arizona. Salado Creek is full of story’s from my friends and I childhood, from sixth grade to eighth we would often explore its dark natural beauty’s and run around its never ending narrow trails. The creek was the perfect spot

  • Ballajura Housing Development Essay

    1675 Words  | 4 Pages

    1.0 Introduction: Ballajura is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia, in the City of swan local government area. Ballajura, which is approximately 8.2 square kilometres, is located 14km north of the Perth Central Business district (CBD). The area is bounded by three main roads, that is, Beach Road, Alexander drive and Hepburn avenue. According to the 2015 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimate, Ballajura has a population of 20855 people and has a median population age of about 35 years (ABS

  • Annie Dillard's A Pilgrim At Tinker Creek and Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five

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    Annie Dillard's A Pilgrim At Tinker Creek and Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five Throughout history people in general have tried in countless ways to explain the presence of a ‘higher being’. It is basic human nature to wonder about such things. Each and every one of these people has come up with a different explanation for their interpretation of the spiritual power. Annie Dillard and Kurt Vonnegut have given wonderful examples of how these interpretations can differ in their respective

  • Compare Dawson's Creek and Felicity

    701 Words  | 2 Pages

    actually the title characters of two shows that air on the Warner Brothers Network. The shows “Dawson’s Creek'; and “Felicity'; share similarities in programming techniques, lead characters, and relationship storylines “Dawson’s Creek'; and “Felicity'; share similarities in programming techniques to cater to an exploding youth market. “Dawson’s Creek';, which currently airs at 8pm on Wednesday, is one the highest rated shows airing on the Warner Brothers network

  • Dawsons Creek Value

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    A seminal one-hour drama series, “Dawson’s Creek” chronicles with wry humor the undeniably intense period of awakening known as the teenage years. A startlingly fresh and realistic approach to adolescence, bringing an edgy, keen perception to the turmoil of that time in life, “Dawson’s Creek” in its first two seasons ranked as one of the highest-rated shows among female teen viewers. Set in a picture-postcard Boston suburb, just off of the Atlantic Ocean, this coming-of-age series explores the blooming

  • The Creek Indians

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Creek Indians Location and Background The early English traders gave the Creek native Americans their name because they usually built their villages on or near creeks or rivers. If they were to still have their villages it would include areas of Northern Florida and Eastern Louisiana and Southern Tennessee. The majority of the villages were located along the banks of the Coosa, Tallaposa, Flint, Ocmulgee, and Chattachoochee rivers. The native word for the most powerful band of Creeks was

  • Osceola Pros And Cons

    815 Words  | 2 Pages

    often have you heard of people talking a stand for what they believe in? How many times have you heard of a minority sticking up for themselves against the majority? How many times have you actually heard tell of it working? Osceola, the son of a Creek-Indian and speculated offspring of white trader, William Powell, was a cocky, spit-fire of a young man. Osceola was born in 1804 on the outskirts of Alabama, Georgia

  • Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

    3006 Words  | 7 Pages

    Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Annie Dillard opens Pilgrim at Tinker Creek mysteriously, hinting at an unnamed presence. She toys with the longstanding epic images of battlefields and oracles, injecting an air of holiness and awe into the otherwise ordinary. In language more poetic than prosaic, she sings the beautiful into the mundane. She deifies common and trivial findings. She extracts the most high language from all the possible permutations of words to elevate and exalt the normal

  • Comparing Women in House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek

    1646 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ethnic Identity of Women in House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek The novels The House on Mango Street (Cisneros 1984) and Woman Hollering Creek (Cisneros 1992) relate the new American through the eyes of Cisneros. The women in both novels are caught in the middle of their ethnic identity and their American identity, thus creating the "New American." Cisneros moved between Mexico and the United States often while growing up, thus making her feel "homeless and displaced" (Jones and

  • Use of Water in Chopin's Awakening and Cisneros' Woman Hollering Creek

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    Cisneros' Woman Hollering Creek. In The Awakening, the ocean tends to be a place where Edna Pontellier, the main character, goes to be awakened. In the short story "Woman Hollering Creek," Cisneros uses the creek as a springboard for comments and topics of discussion. This use of water is important because it is. The differences between Cleofilas and the Woman Hollering Creek, or La Gritona in Spanish, run throughout the story. Though the reasons that the creek is named this are never

  • John Gordon Biography

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    interesting individual and ancestor of mine. I found out about him when I told my grandmother about how we were talking about Andrew Jackson in class. John Gordon was a very close friend to Andrew Jackson, helping him with many conflicts during the Creek War of 1813. He was born on July 15th, 1759 near Fredericksburg, Virginia. Captain Gordon was well known as an Indian fighter, as well as being a Postmaster, ferryman, and even a spy. Although John Gordon is not one of those people you read about in

  • The Red Sticks: A Case Study

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    had a good understanding of the military doctrine that Gen. Jackson was going to use. The weapons of war in 1814 where muskets and cannons limited by range. To render the U.S. cannon fire and musket fire ineffective. The leaders had the Red Sticks Creeks build breastwork that zigzag across the peninsula with open ground to the front. The breastwork was around five to eight feet in height, with inner locking fire port for muskets reducing the warrior exposure to fire. The Red Sticks know that the

  • Kaiser Permanente Scholarship Essay

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    If I can turn back in time, I would advise my young self to join the Kaiser Permanente volunteering program sooner and to skip the small conversations in meetings. Those talks may seem necessary for the first few times, but this communication method can become meaningless since people do not interact on a personal level. Joining the program had supported me by allowing me to associate with various friends through teamwork and encouraged me to thrive beyond my comfort zone. During the first two years