Archimedes Essays

  • Archimedes

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    Archimedes (287BC-212BC) was truly one of the greatest mathematical minds of all time. The discoveries and inventions of Archimedes formed the basis of many of the fundamental concepts of modern physics and mathematics. Born 287 BC Archimedes grew up in the thriving commercial hub of the port city of Syracuse, Sicily. His father, Phidias, was an astronomer and mathematician and it is thought his family enjoyed the life of aristocracy. Very little is known about his life, what is has been reported

  • Archimedes

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    Archimedes Few certain details remain about the life of antiquit^s greatest mathematician, Archimedes. We know he was born in 287 B.C. around Syracuse from a report about 1400 years after the fact. Archimedes tells about his father, Pheidias, in his book The Sandreckoner. Pheidias was an astronomer, who was famous for being the author of a treatise on the diameters of the sun and the moon. Historians speculate that Pheidias^ profession explains why Archimedes chose his career. Some

  • Archimedes

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    Archimedes, a name commonly associated with the beginning of science, was an engineer and one of the greatest mathematicians in history. His impact on modern science rests on his use of experiment and invention to test ideas and his use mathematics to describe the basic principles of physical phenomena. Knowledge of the lives of ancient philosophers like Archimedes is not prevalent. We know from his writings that he grew up and spent much of his life in Syracuse, a Sicilian port on the Ionian

  • Archimedes

    731 Words  | 2 Pages

    Archimedes was a Greek mathematician and scientist. He was born in Syracuse, Sicily in the year 287 B.C. He was educated in Alexandria, Egypt. Due to the lack of information about Greek mathematics, many Greek mathematicians and their works are hardly known. Archimedes is the exception. Archimedes was very preoccupied with mathematics. For instance, he often forgot to eat and bathe because of his always wanted to solve problems. He found areas and volumes of spheres, cylinders and plain shapes.

  • Archimedes

    1150 Words  | 3 Pages

    Born the son of an astronomer, Phidias, in 287 B.C., Archimedes' education began as a young man in Syracuse. He furthered his education in Alexandria, where he studied with fellow scholar Conon, an Egyptian mathematician. What we know of Archimedes comes from his personal works as well as those of Cicero and Plutarch. However, "due to the length of time between Archimedes' death and his biographers' accounts, as well as inconsistencies among their writings, details of his life must remain subject

  • Euclid and Archimedes

    830 Words  | 2 Pages

    Euclid and Archimedes are two of the most important scientists and mathematicians of all time. Their achievements and discoveries play a pivotal role in today’s mathematics and sciences. A lot of the very basic principles and core subjects of mathematics, physics, engineering, inventing, and astronomy came from the innovations, inventions, and discoveries that were made by both Euclid and Archimedes. Euclid, who lived from about 330 B.C.E. to 260 B.C.E., is often referred to as the Father of Geometry

  • The Life of Archimedes

    997 Words  | 2 Pages

    Archimedes was a Greek mathematician who created multiple inventions, formed new mathematical techniques, and made advances in geometry that we use in everyday mathematics. Regarded as one of the utmost mathematicians of all time (“Archimedes c.287 B.C.-212 B.C.”), he is responsible for improving the arithmetical meaning of infinity and how we use mathematical models in the real world (Noel, 28). He opened many doors in the world of geometry and math, making very important contributions to our lives

  • Essay On Archimedes

    1203 Words  | 3 Pages

    Archimedes is a very well-known physicist, engineer, inventor, astronomer, and a great mathematician. Besides these things, he also had other interests such as poetry, politics, music, art, and military tactics. There is not much known about his life; however, he is known as one the greatest mathematicians of all time. In fact, he is said to be one of the three greatest mathematicians in the world including Carl Gauss and Isaac Newton. Many called him “the wise one” or “the master.” He has made

  • Archimedes Research Paper

    1612 Words  | 4 Pages

    A little info: Archimedes was a Greek Mathematician who was born in 287 BC and died in 212 BC. He was born in Syracuse, Sicily; during this time, the city was an independent Greek city-state which held a 500-year history. At the Siege of Syracuse Romans at the siege were specifically ordered not to harm Archimedes but he later was pronounced dead by being stabbed by a Roman soldier. His father (Phidias) was an astronomer and is believed to be related to the King of Syracuse. This information was

  • Archimedes Research Paper

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    Archimedes was one of the last ancient Greek mathematicians, following in the footsteps of Plato, Socrates, and Euclid. Historians call him "the wise one," "the master" and "the great geometer". Although he was also a scientist and inventor, it was his work in mathematics that has ranked him as one of the three most important mathematicians in history, along with Sir Isaac Newton and Carl Friedrich Gauss. Further, he was one of the first scientists to perform experiments to prove his theories. Archimedes’

  • An Essay About Archimedes

    2001 Words  | 5 Pages

    His name is Archimedes. Archimedes was a Greek mathematician, as well as a physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer. There is not a whole lot that is known about Archimedes, but he is regarded as a leading scientist in classical age. Archimedes designed and created very innovated machine and tools that are still used to this day. Archimedes was also considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient world and also plainly one of the greatest all time. The life of Archimedes, the machines

  • The Life and Work of Archimedes

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Life and Work of Archimedes Archimedes was a very intelligent and a great man. He is thought of as one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time, along with Newton and Gauss. In his time he was referred to by such great aliases as “The wise one”, “The Master”, and “The Great Geometer”. And his work has yet to have been forgotten. He was indubitably was one of the last of the great Greek mathematical minds that this world has ever seen. I will attempt to show you what the mere

  • Archimedes and Fluid Mechanics

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    Archimedes and Fluid Mechanics Fluid mechanics studies the behaviour of liquids and gases at rest or in the motion. It can be divided into 3 different areas; fluid statics research on fluids at rest, fluid kinematics that investigates fluids in motion, and fluid dynamics that analyses the effect of forces on fluid motion. The second and especially the third areas are greatly used on both solved and partly solved problems. The study of fluid mechanics is significant to engineers; because the main

  • What Makes Archimedes Become Successful

    1181 Words  | 3 Pages

    qualities which lead them to be successor. The qualities that found from Archimedes are dedication in gaining knowledge, excellent in critical thinking skill, take up the challenge and loyalty. These qualities of life shape him to be a good person. Archimedes was a dedicated person. He always hunger for knowledge. During the rise of Alexandria, Alexandria became the most important scientific centre of the world. When Archimedes

  • Significance Of Archimedes's Contribution To Mathematics

    601 Words  | 2 Pages

    Contribution of Mathematics Field Archimedes had huge contribution in mathematics filed since he loved mathematics so much. He used his entire life to discover the mathematics field. He has contribution in integral calculus, calculate the value of pie and fluid displacement. One of his contributions in mathematics fields are invention of integral calculus and recorded in a text named Method. In the text of Method contains many of his researches such as the determination of the area of parabola, the

  • Calculus and Its Use in Everyday Life

    1302 Words  | 3 Pages

    discovery of integral calculus, which is still expanding. The first mathematicians came from Egypt, where they discovered the rule for the volume of a pyramid and approximation of the area of a circle. Later, Greeks made tremendous discoveries. Archimedes extended the method of inscribed and circumscribed figures by means of heuristic, which are rules that are specific to a given problem and can therefore help guide the search. These arguments involved parallel slices of figures and the laws of the

  • Physics of Boating

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    force of gravity (9.8 m/s^2), V= volume of the submerged object All object displace fluid when in a liquid, because no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. Archimedes principle states that the magnitude of the buoyant force always equals the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Archimedes Principle Fb=Mw Where Fb= magnitude of buoyant force and Mw= mass of the water displaced. (Equations taken from Physics for Scientists) Buoyancy can be applied to boats

  • history of algebra

    1187 Words  | 3 Pages

    Papyrus that described the Egyptian mathematic system of division and multiplication. Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes, Erasasth, and other great mathematicians followed Ahmes (“Letters”). Although not very important to the development of algebra, Archimedes (212BC – 281BC), a Greek mathematician, worked on calculus equations and used geometric proofs to prove the theories of mathematics (“Archimedes”). Although little is known about him, Diophantus (200AD – 284AD), an ancient Greek mathematician, studied

  • Greek Contributions

    1476 Words  | 3 Pages

    Major Greek contributions include astronomy, optics, and acoustics, along with major advances in mathematics. Science in ancient Greece was based on logical thinking and mathematics. The Greeks were very interested to know about the world, the heavens, and themselves. Greek geniuses were articulate thinkers. (Pg. 55, Society and Technological Change) The Greek philosophers were very much drawn to mathematics. They invented its generality, analyzed its premises, and made notable discoveries

  • Galileo Galilei

    750 Words  | 2 Pages

    doctor and brought him home to Florence. He was never really interested in medicine and studied mathematics at the University of Pisa. He was especially interested in famous mathematicians like Euclid (geometry) and Archimedes. In fact in 1586 he wrote his first book about one of Archimedes theories. He eventually became head of mathematics at the University of Pisa where he first wrote about a very important idea that he developed. It was about using experiments to test theories. He wrote about falling