Relativism comes from the word “Relative” which means measured, judgment, clever or a meaning or assessment that can only be recognized and may change depending with circumstance or background. It can also be used in a way of showing that something is true to a particular degree when it is being compared with other things (Cambridge Advanced Dictionary) There are different types of relativism and can be grouped or categorized into different stages namely: Moral, Cultural Just to mention but a few
their own particular considerations. On the other hand, there is a chronicled truth behind Jain Karma. The truths consist of what is considered to be soul matter, space, time, the standards of movement, and Ahimsa. Why might one inquiry whether anekantavada is genuine in its theories? The creator, Jeffery D. Long, of Jainism: An Introduction is not a Jain is a Buddhist. Long, in the same way as me discovered an interest about the religion of Jainism and all around this book he needs his crowd of bookworms
If there is one aspect of society that has endured the ages and is an integral part of society today is religion. There are currently about 7 billion people on earth and of those 7 billion more than half adhere to some form of organized religion. The world’s top religion with about 33% of the population or 2.1 billion followers is Christianity, followed by Islam and Hinduism with 1.3 billion and 851 million adherents respectively. These are just a few of the most well-known religions in the world