Alan Jay Lerner Essays

  • The Little Prince

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    THE LITTLE PRINCE In the eyes of a child, there is joy, there is laughter. But as time ages us, as soon as we flowered and became grown-ups the child inside us all fades that we forget that once, we were a child. The story begins about drawings of closed and open boa constrictors. Later, the author relates a story about the Turkish astronomer who discovers the little prince's home, Asteroid B-612. When he presents his findings to the International Congress of Astronomy, dressed in his comical Turkish

  • Little Prince

    805 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Fable For Adults -- The Little Prince by Saint-Exupery I guess that among people who have read the book The Little Prince which has an amazing amount of readers around the globe merely second to the Bible, there should be many more grown-ups than children, though the classic tale can be read on many levels and enjoyed by readers of any age. Undoubtedly, it is full of vivid imagery and beautiful illustrations that make it sweet enough for children. However, because of the symbols, metaphors, hidden

  • Friendship And Love In The Little Prince By Antoine De Saint Exupery

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    1C (Digital copy with different page numbers). “The Little Prince,” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, contains valuable moral lessons about friendship and love that resonate with audiences of all ages. The fox and the rose in particular embody such lessons. The fox teaches the little prince the meaning of deep friendship and how to forge a lasting bond. “One only understands the thing that one tames,” the fox says. His wise words explain why the little prince loves his rose so much. The time he has spent

  • Little Prince Satire

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    How is it going? Today I wanted to let you know what is going on in English class. Right now we are reading the book, The Little Prince. There are multiple different concepts to apply to The Little Prince, but the concepts that I felt were most important to the story, were allegory, and the use of satirical characters. The book, The Little Prince, is an allegory and has two different meanings. On the surface level, the story is about a Pilot that crash lands in the middle of Sahara Dessert, where

  • Analysis Of Oscar Hammerstein's Wordsmiths Of All Time

    1760 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hammerstein & Lerner: Wordsmiths of All Time For many years, American musical theatre was defined as being mere entertainment for the people. It ranged from operetta, burlesque, vaudeville, and more. If there is one towering figure in the history of American Musical Theater, that person is Oscar Hammerstein II. He was a lyricist-librettist, as well as a distinguished poet and director. For over forty years, as the theatre’s forms of entertainment shifted, he helped merge everything into the art form

  • Dance A Little Closer Essay

    664 Words  | 2 Pages

    The song No Man Is Worth It was written for the show Dance A Little Closer by Alan Jay Lerner and Charles Strouse in 1983. If you’re thinking, “that’s an odd pair,” you’re not alone. You may be more familiar with Alan Jay Lerner as part of the powerhouse duo ‘Lerner & Lowe,’ who wrote Golden Age hits like Brigadoon, My Fair Lady, and Camelot. Charles Strouse created his biggest hit with Lee Adams. The pair had great success with their shows Bye Bye Birdie, It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman

  • Essay On Oscar Hammerstein

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    Boat. The dramatic content was strong, and the music gave it a deeper meaning. According to PBS, “Show Boat firmly established Oscar’s success and reputation a... ... middle of paper ... ...rming Arts, “Hammerstein also served as a mentor to Alan Jay Lerner, and to Stephen Sondheim, who met Hammerstein when he was still very young. Sondheim credits his success with the lyrics to West Side Story to Hammerstein’s influence and guidance.” He was very influential and provided wisdom and guidance to these

  • Comparison Of Pygmalion And My Fair Lady

    1622 Words  | 4 Pages

    "My Fair Lady" is a Broadway musical Written by Alan Jay Lerner who was also the Lyricist and was Composed by Fredrick Loewe. It opened on Broadway in 1956, it ran on Broadway for 6 years and has had many Revivals. The Musical is based on a play written by Bernard Shaw known as "Pygmalion" and opened in 1913 and had many Adaptations, one being "My Fair Lady" which Shaw did not want to be created. The original play itself was based off a Greek mythology figure Pygmalion who was in love with his statues

  • Equality and Social Class in Pygmalion

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    declaration of equality ",I've a right to b... ... middle of paper ... ...e Art and Mind of Shaw.  New York: St. Martin's, 1983. Goldberg, Michael. "Shaw's Pygmalion: The Reworking of Great Expectations." The Shaw Review 22 (1979): 114-22. Lerner, Alan Jay. "Pygmalion and My Fair Lady." The Shaw Review 1.10 (1951-56): 4-7. Lorichs, Sonja. The Unwomanly Woman in Bernard Shaw's Drama and Her Social and Political Background. Rotobeckman, Stockholm: UPPSALA, 1973. Mugglestone, Lynda. "Shaw, Subjective

  • Social Differences In Shaw's Pygmalion By Bernard Shaw

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    Shaw examines the possibility of taking one's life into his own hands and transforming a poor and miserable human being into something beautiful and valuable, simply achieved by short-termed process of modifying one's language. This puts an emphasis on the importance of language for society and its perpetual effect on our lives.The language plays a major role in Pygmalion and the social differences occur at various different levels such as one's appearance, the way one talks and behaves. These are

  • Reasons for the Attack on Pearl Harbor

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    2014. "World War II." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr. 2nd Ed. Vol. 9. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 147-151. World History In Context. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Zimm, Alan D. Attack on Pearl Harbor: Strategy, Combat, Myths, Deceptions / Alan D. Zimm ; Graphics by Matt Baughman. Philadelphia, [Pa.: Casemate, 2011. Print.

  • At the Sands with Count Basie and Frank Sinatra

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    At the Sands with Count Basie and Frank Sinatra The year was 1966 Frank Sinatra was at the peak of his career. There he stood on the stage in the Copa Room at the Sands Hotel and Casino in front of Count Basie and his Orchestra recording what is considered the best album of his career. The album “Sinatra at the Sands” would be his first album recorded live to be released and the album would achieve gold in sales. Sinatra was in his environment, a cozy salon style venue with an enthusiastic crowd

  • John Fitzgerald Kennedy: The Truth Revealed

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    Productions, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. . 6. JFKMurdersolved. "JFKMURDERSOLVED.COM EXCLUSIVE - WARREN COMMISSION REPORT RIGGED." JFKMURDERSOLVED.COM EXCLUSIVE - WARREN COMMISSION REPORT RIGGED. N.p., 29 June 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. . 7. Camelot. Dir. Alan Jay Lerner. Perf. Moss Hart. Broadway, 1960. Film. 8. Feldman, Harold. "Fifty-one Witnesses: The Grassy Knoll." ACORN Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. .

  • G. B. Shaw's 'Pygmalion'

    2274 Words  | 5 Pages

    Like all of Shaw's great dramatic creations, Pygmalion is a richly complex play. It combines a central story of the transformation of a young woman with elements of myth, fairy tale, and romance, while also combining an interesting plot with an exploration of social identity, the power of science, relations between men and women, and other issues. Pygmalion is one of Shaw's most popular plays as well as one of his most straightforward ones. The form has none of the complexity that we find in Heartbreak

  • American Musicals

    2773 Words  | 6 Pages

    American Musicals From the ‘American Dream’ to the ‘Rock-Opera’. 1950 to 1978 were the hopeless years for the musical. American musical theatre had been showing signs of exhaustion. This most seemingly illogical of genres carries its own ‘ideological project’. Before this, musicals not only demonstrated singing and dancing; they were about singing and dancing, explaining the importance of that experience. Not only did musicals give the most intense pleasure to their audience but also supplied