Airsoft pellets Essays

  • Owl Pellet Lab

    842 Words  | 2 Pages

    Owl pellets are the remains of an owl’s meal. In the owl pellet there are bone that were undigested, fur, feathers, and different types of rodents. Most owls swallow their prey whole which means they can’t digest bone that they eat so they have to ‘barf’ it up. The owl that we are studying is a Barn Owl. A barn owl is found in open grasslands and farmlands. Per season a barn owl lays about 5-11 eggs. An adult owl consumes several rodents each night. To put it into perspective a barn owl swallowing

  • Airsoft for Beginners

    528 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pang! Pang! Pang! Hit! That’s the sound of fun. That is the sound of shooting people in a game of airsoft. Airsoft is a daily thing for me. It is almost like an exercise. It gets your heart rate going. You have to sprint at times, duck behind cover and dodge bb’s. I love it; it is exciting and fun but sometimes painful. If you are going to get started, I will help you out. If you are going to play airsoft you need to wear the right clothing items! You are going to need gloves. You can buy professional

  • The Dream of Gold - Personal Narrative

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Dream of Gold - Personal Narrative As I dart through "the desert" in the last game of the day, with only a few balls left in my hopper, I can feel the air of crossfire speeding by my body. I dive to the ground, see my opponent and shoot, I cover him in paint, hes out of the game! Paintballing one of the more challenging, stratigic and fun games should definetly be adoped by the Olympics, and will be if people promote the sport. Although it would be an extremely hard process, competing

  • Overview of the Airsoft Game

    1764 Words  | 4 Pages

    Airsoft is a fun sport that is played all over the world, from America to Germany to China and Japan, and everywhere in between. For those of you who do not know what airsoft is, it is a combat simulation in which players try to eliminate or “kill” other players by shooting them with a small, plastic BB fired from an airsoft gun. Most people familiar with airsoft think that in order to participate in an airsoft match they must have a military uniform and equipment with guns that cost $400 or more

  • Childhood Memories of Dad

    895 Words  | 2 Pages

    swiftly. I finally overcame my fear and decided that it was time to step up and find the will to complete the project. It took some time and money, but finally it was completed. It included automatic garage doors, sophisticated lighting system, a pellet stove for the cold winters and an air conditioner for the scorching summer. I moved all of our air tools, craftsman wrenches, sockets, vises, grinders, and the vehicles. In addition to the shop, there are things within the shop that have stories

  • Benefits Of The Airtroft In The Game Of Airsoft

    1805 Words  | 4 Pages

    Benefits of Airsoft The game of Airsoft is much like paintball. The difference between them is the kind of ammo that the guns shoot, and the player’s honesty and integrity more greatly tested in Airsoft, because it doesn’t leave a colorful mess. Many Airsoft guns are replicas made by real rifle manufacture companies, so Airsoft guns look like the real deal compared to paintball. Also the plastic pellet ammunition for Airsoft is much cheaper and less messy than paintball’s paint filled balls which

  • Does Playing with Guns as a Child can Affect your Adulthood

    1352 Words  | 3 Pages

    Boys And Guns There is something most if not all boys have in common, being an adult or a child. That is the unexplained fascination with guns, of course some being more fascinated than others. Growing up I remember making fake guns out of paper and I loved water guns, all toy guns drew my interest. Despite, I always being concerned of ever grimly wielding a gun that could actually fire a harmful projectile. A power like that never seemed to draw my interest. Every boy I knew growing up shared