its fate. The future of Afghanistan is that it will not be stable enough to run on its own due to the high level of poverty, high levels of corruption and limited influence from foreign countries after the departure of foreign troops and the presidential elections taking place in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has had a history, full of violence and wars since the last 176 years, from being invaded by the British in 1838 to the soviet Russians in 1979, but those long wars have left the once prosperous and
our homes, in our own towns. Whatever we may think, these people have declared war on us and we must make sure that we respond with robustness and resolution" (Landale, 2014) As the British combat mission comes to an end in Afghanistan, the power of Afghan National Security Forces (AFNSF) will be greatly diminished. Taliban-led insurgency will most likely rise after the troop drawdown is complete. $6 billion will be required annually
imperative to remember that the cost of the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq—increases in casualties—was detrimental to the American credibility and brought about victory to Obama in 2008 elections. The Obama Administration did maintain the policy of Bush 43 of using massive troops, such as the Afghan surge in 2009 but steadily reverted to the draconian measure of using drones. The arrivals of Hagel and Brennan, in agreement with VP Biden’s view, earlier this year made a better case for this change
Along with the migrations are the politicians who try to use the new form of media to more easily reach the public. It's come to the point where the internet increasingly work with democracy directly; some elections in the United States even going so far as to hold online polling in a general election. "Online voting is increasingly making its way int our political process," writes President Dick Morris, "the 2000 Arizona Democratic Primary tallied 39,942 online votes," (Morris 1034). However
Politically, however, Americanism lacks such consistency, especially with regard to its foreign affairs. From George Washington explicitly warning against geopolitical entanglements in his 1796 farewell address to the CIA of the 1980s supporting Afghan Mujahideen fighters to combat communist expansion, to billions of dollars in funding