The Things They Carried Essays

  • The Things They Carried

    536 Words  | 2 Pages

    Vietnam War a war that took many lives. A war that change the people,the nation and our views. In “The Things They Carried” by Tim O'Brien, symbolism is the key into getting the reader understand life behind the line. Tim O'Brien writing give the readers the vivid image through the fact the war has a deeper meaning than one can believe. In this story we see how everyday life through symbols are used in literature writing. In this short story, O'Brien does not truly following a classical narrative

  • the things they carried

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    The things they carried,by Tim O'brien "Oh man, you fuckin' trashed the fucker. You scrambled his sorry self, look at that, you did, you laid him out like fuckin' Shredded Wheat." I chose to start off my essay with this particular exert from the book because I think that it very much represents the story in itself. Azar said this, after Tim (supposedly) killed a Vietnamese soldier with a hand grenade. It shows that in times of war, how callous men can become. However, callousness varies, whether

  • The Things They Carried

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    illustrates the intense discrimination that was faced by Japanese-Canadians during World War 2, and provides many reflective anecdotes to give the reader some insight on her personal situation. Tim O’Brien accomplishes basically the same goal in The Things They Carried by giving the reader many brief stories about his time in the Vietnam War. These two books- though incredibly different on the surface - share a plethora of themes and symbology, as well as many similar events. They do not, however, emphasize

  • The Things They Carried

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    The Things They Carried The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien is a captivating recitation in which Tim O'Brien maintains that all the stories featured in the entire book are indeed true stories. Tim is the protagonist as well as the narrator of this particular story and it is the experiences that he had regarding war that have drove him to write the this story. The book gives a clear depiction of the war in Vietnam by showing the horrors of war but there have been varying views regarding

  • The Things They Carried

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    The Things They Carried Tim O’Brien was an infantryman in during Vietnam War. He used those experiences to write many short stories including The Things They Carried. The story portrays how, “the things they carried” were weightless in comparison to their feelings of love and loss, fear and shame, and the torturous memories of death. “They all carried emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing- these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific

  • The Things They Carried

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    story an example of this is Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”. As the story goes on it shows not only the literal meaning of what they carried but also symbolically the burdens that they had mentally. In the literal sense O’Brien talks about what different members of a platoon in Vietnam carried. This helps him to move to a more symbolic sense at the end of the story. He starts by talking about necessities and slowly moves on to what they carried to remind them that there was a world out side

  • The Things They Carried

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    regret their behavior in the past. A friend of mine started taking care of his business after his father's death and stopped being an irresponsible jerk. He feels guilty about not having a good relation with his father. Whereas, the story "the things they carried" is about the fantasies, fears and desires and dreams of the soldiers. For instance, Ted lavender was afraid of death. Jimmy cross dreams about the girl Martha and lost his consciousness sometimes while marching and sitting. He also had some

  • The Things They Carried

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    Like an executive summary, many novels use the first chapter to introduce the major themes and contents of the work. An example of this technique is Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried. In it, O'Brien uses the first chapter, "The Things They Carried," to introduce the characters and the tangible and intangible items they took with them and sometimes burdened over. He uses these possessions to thoroughly define the man carrying it. To these men, even in a war, it is not the machine guns and claymore

  • The Thing They Carried

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    The novel The Thing They Carried is a compilation of short stories that share underlying themes and characters. One of the stories is called “How to tell a True War Story”. In this story the narrator expands on a central theme of the distinction between truth and fiction when writing a war story. The story, like most of the other stories in the novel jumps erratically between events, which oftentimes creates confusion and a sense of the surreal in the story. Throughout the story the narrator repeatedly

  • The Things They Carried

    877 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the novel The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien the author tells about his experiences in the Vietnam war by telling various war stories. The quote, "It has been said of war that it is a world where the past has a strong grip on the present, where machines seemed sometimes to have more will power than me, where nice boys (girls) were attracted to them, where bodies ruptured and burned and stand, where the evil thing trying to kill you could look disconnecting human and where except in your imagination

  • Things They Carried Essay: Strength in The Things They Carried

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    Strength in The Things They Carried Everybody has to deal with adversity at some point in their lives. The adversity that they go through varies from person to person. For First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, he had to make it through the Vietnam War alive. In the short story, "The Things They Carried," where Cross draws his strength from is somewhat unclear. He seems strong at the beginning of the story, but then again, he also seems to be gaining strength towards the end of the story. This paper

  • The Things They Carried

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    Martha has defected his ability to perform his duties as a leader. Martha has possessed him so much that even "without willing it, he was thinking about Martha." This shows that he has lost control on where and when is the right time to think about things like that. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross was never the military type. He still wonders why he joined. His rank as lieutenant seems unreal. He never truly demonstrates leadership. He separates himself from the rest of the Alpha Company as he thinks about

  • Things They Carried in The Great Train Robbery and The Things They Carried

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    The soldiers that fought in the Vietnam War had to endure many incredibly horrifying experiences. It was these events that led to great human emotions. It was those feelings that were the things they carried. Everything they carried affected on them whether it was physical or mental. Every thing they carried could in one-way or another cause them to emotionally or physically break down. Pain, loss, a sense of safety and fear were probably the most challenging emotional, and psychological feelings

  • Flaws In The Things They Carried

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    target, loss of respect, and personal standards they have for themselves, the soldiers in “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien feared looking weak above all else. Appearing weak before an adversary is possibly the worst thing one can do in times of war, because once one shows weakness, they show the opposition that they are an easy target, and they get hunted down like an animal. In “The Things They Carried”, one night, the narrator, Tim O’Brien, was on watch, and he saw an enemy. It was a single

  • Things They Carried Reflection

    846 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Things They Carried, written by Tim O’Brien, is not just a book about what soldiers carried during the Vietnam War, but a book about what they carried with them for the rest of their lives. The book also describes the traumatizing deaths which caused many soldiers to start to blame themselves. In the first chapter during a tunnel search, Ted Lavender went off to use the restroom. When he was walking back and was close to the other soldiers, he was shot in the head and killed instantly. The

  • Surrealism In The Things They Carried

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Things They Carried What is surrealism? Surrealism is a 20th century avant-garde movement in art and literature that released the creative potential of the unconscious mind. When surrealism is used by an author we can’t tell if it is real or it is exaggerated. Surrealism is used in the story The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien. He writes his stories as if he wants things to go one way but they go another way. In O’Brien’s two stories, “How to Tell a True War Story” and “Sweetheart of the Song

  • The Things They Carried Analysis

    842 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do You See What I See: The Unseen Burdens in “The Things They Carried” “What a heavy burden is a name that has become too famous.”- (Voltaire). In the short story “The Things They Carried” Tim O’Brien expresses the metaphorical meaning of carry which are the physical, mental, and emotional burden that the soldiers have to carry during the war. Even though the author explain to the reader about the things the soldiers carry as a description it also help the readers define who the person is and what

  • araby and the things they carried

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    James Joyce with “Araby”, and Timmy O’Brien with “The Things They Carried” both demonstrated similar characteristic traits of the narrators. The main characters of these short stories both have a deep crush on someone. However, “Araby” and “The Things They Carried” take place in very different places from each other. “Araby” has the main setting in a neighborhood while “The Things They Carried” was at war in Vietnam. The stories take place in different places from each other, but both authors had

  • Ambiguity In The Things They Carried

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    Even though the science strives for objectivity, the facts and numbers never speak to us so as real human stories can. Many historical events would not be comprehensible to us without such reference to individual experience. Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried is a dazzling example of the writing that shows us the reverse side of the Vietnam War. The book demonstrates that despite the inspired and ardent rhetoric of the President and the government, the soldiers themselves were far less committed

  • Analysis of "The Things They Carried"

    531 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” is the first story in a collection about the Alpha Company, led by First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross during the Vietnam War. The platoon is deployed near Than Khe, an area filled with dense jungle and unrelenting rain where the men must carry or “hump” an unspeakable amount of weight both literal and emotional to survive. The narrator, O’Brien, is one of the soldiers, and he distinguishes one soldier from another with a vivid description of what each one must,