Therapuetic Cloning

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Children grow up watching movies such as Star Wars as well as Gattaca that contain the idea of cloning which usually depicts that society is on the brink of war or something awful is in the midsts but, with todays technology the sci-fi nature of cloning is actually possible. The science of cloning obligates the scientific community to boil the subject down into the basic category of morality pertaining towards cloning both humans as well as animals. While therapeutic cloning does have its moral disagreements towards the use of using the stem cells of humans to medically benefit those with “incomplete” sets of DNA, the benefits of therapeutic cloning outweigh the disagreements indubitably due to the fact that it extends the quality of life for humans. Understanding the facts as well as procedures between the many different types of cloning is very crucial. When everything boils down there are three types of cloning known as DNA cloning, therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. DNA cloning is the copying of a gene in order to transfer it into another organism which is usually used by farmers in most of their crops. Therapeutic cloning is the use of stem cells used to help take the place of whatever cell is missing which is potentially used to help the ill. Stem cells contain the potential to grow and help replace the genes that are missing in order to fix whatever is genetically wrong with your body or any genes that you may be missing. Reproductive cloning actually produces a living animal from only one parent. The endless possibilities and perhaps hidden motives of using genetic engineering are what divide as well as destroy the scientific community’s hope for passing laws that are towards pro cloning. Many people within soci... ... middle of paper ... ...+Research. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. Ballaro, Beverly. "Point: The Medical and Moral Advantages of Cloning. By: Ballaro, Beverly, Sprague, Nancy, Points of View: Cloning, 2013.", n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. Driscoll, Sally. "Counterpoint: Human Cloning Treats Human Life as a Commodity. By: Driscoll, Sally, Griswold, Ann, Points of View: Cloning, 2013.", 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. Farrell, Courtney. "Cloning: An Overview. By: Farrell, Courtney, Carson-Dewitt, Rosalyn, Points of View: Cloning, 2013.", 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. Roddenberry Productions. Cloning Body Parts. 2009. Photograph. Gene's Journal.Http:// Roddenberry Entertainment Inc, 2014. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.

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