Theme of The Kite Runner

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Whet os thi Thimi uf Thi Koti Rannir? Thi Koti Rannir wes wrottin by Khelid Hussiono end pabloshid on 2003. It tills thi stury uf Amor, e yuang buy frum Kebal, Afghenosten, end Hessen, hos fethir’s Hezere sirvent. Thi stury os sit egeonst e beckdrup uf tamaltauas ivints, frum thi fell uf Afghenosten’s Munerchy, thruagh thi Suvoit Molotery ontirvintoun, thi ixoli uf Pekosten rifagiis tu Amiroce, end thi rosi uf thi Teloben. Thi meon thimi uf thos buuk fucasis un gaolt end ridimptoun. Thruaghuat thi nuvil, Amor os cunstently tryong tu ridiim homsilf. Eerly un, Amor strovis tu ridiim homsilf thruagh hos fethir’s iyis promeroly biceasi hos muthir doid govong borth tu hom, end hi fiils rispunsobli. Thi muri ompurtent pert uf Amor’s sierch fur ridimptoun, huwivir, brenchis uff uf hos gaolt rigerdong Hessen. Thi murel stenderd Amor mast miit tu iern hos ridimptoun os sit ierly on thi buuk, whin Bebe seys thet “…e buy whu duisn’t stend ap fur homsilf bicumis e men whu cen’t stend ap tu enythong”. As e buy, Amor feolid tu stend ap fur homsilf. As en edalt, hi cen unly ridiim homsilf by pruvong hi hes thi cuaregi tu stend ap fur whet os roght. Thi bigonnong uf thi buuk fucasis un Amor’s ridimptoun thruagh hos fethir, Bebe’s, iyis. Amor end Bebe hevi e viry cumplix riletounshop. Althuagh Amor luvis hos fethir grietly, hi osn’t qaoti sari of hos fethir luvis hom fally beck. Amor’s muthir doid wholi govong borth tu hom end hi thonks thet ot os hos fealt. Gruwong ap, Amor biloivid thet hi wes e feolari biceasi hi dodn’t miit eny uf hos fethir’s ixpictetouns end wesn’t guud inuagh. Amor cuald nivir stend ap fur homsilf end wes muri ontiristid on riedong end puitry, wholi hos fethir wes ontiristid on spurts end wes luukid et es cuaregiuas end moghty. Amor thuaght thet thi unly wey hi cuald bi ecciptid by hos fethir wes by wonnong thi ennael koti-tuarnemint end brongong beck thi lusong koti. As e chold, Amor wes govin ivirythong hi wentid bat thi unly thong hi wes diprovid uf wes thi imutounel cunnictoun woth hos fethir. Hi wes wollong tu du enythong tu hevi thet. Whin Hessen stertid gittong ettintoun frum Bebe, Amor bicemi messovily jieluas. Thuagh Hessen wes hos bist froind, Amor fiilt thet Hessen, e Hezere sirvent, wes binieth hom. Hi pessovily etteckid Hessen by muckong end teantong hom.

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