Behavior And Communication Case Study

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1. Discuss the connection between behavior and communication as illustrated by Thasya and Axel.
Thasya and Axel acted out through certain behaviors due to the fact they could not communicate. Thasya would become aggressive if the schedule changed, there were new people around or if she didn’t get her way as she wasn’t able to communicate the way she felt. Axel also used aggression as a way to express himself if he was agitated by certain sounds or didn’t want to be somewhere he would just leave. Since both Thasya and Axel had no way to say how they were feeling, they had to express themselves another way to let others know.

2. What techniques did the teachers/schools use to manage Thasya and Axel 's behavior? Describe the impact of at …show more content…

First, positive behavior supports like receiving “money” for returning a signed point sheet the next day. The students always remembered to return the point sheet because of the reward. I also observed differentiated instruction during my observations. Some of the students are able to write by themselves, others need help brainstorming, and one student with autism would communicate what he wanted the paraprofessional to write down. Capitalizing on student’s strengths and interests was also used. To inspire reading there were magazines about video games and also comics. These were the interests of several boys in the class which encouraged them to …show more content…

Discuss how our perceptions/expectations can impact a child and his/her development using the stories of Thasya and Axel as examples.
Our perceptions and expectations can impact a child’s development positively or negatively. If someone expects nothing from a student, the student will not succeed. If someone expects the student to learn a certain task or concept, then they will. Expectations are important and needed in order for a child to work towards something. Giving up on a child because of their disabilities is never acceptable as there are many ways to help them academically, socially and emotionally.
In the case of Thasya and Axel, they were expected to succeed. Thasya and Axel’s teachers knew they could communicate their thoughts and ideas. Through supports and a communication device these students now can engage with others. When Axel was younger the expectations of his goals were low. His teachers back then did not expect much from him which deprived him of a quality education. Having high expectations of a student is much better than having low expectations.

5. Talk about something you learned that you didn 't know

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