Society's Dependence on Modern Technology

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The human race could be at risk. Observing the world and its inhabitants, this planet has proved to be a very dangerous place for the human being. We as a species, although not nearly as strong or as fast as most animals are, a brilliant, mechanically inclined race that has created and designed ways to make us the most dominating force on the planet. Our advancements in modern technology has grown to become a necessity. Ironically, modern technology although vital to the survival of men and women, through evident health risks, less jobs, and invasion of privacy may also become our specie’s very demise.

With every passing day, the ingenuity of the human race brings new and easier ways to complete everyday tasks. With such advancements there is a possibility that the human race may evolve into a weaker and much unhealthier species. For example, even though considered a stretch, in the 2008 computer animated film “Wall-E”, Humans no longer walk. Humans are carried from place to place on-board robotic cars. Everyday tasks such as cleaning, errands, and simple chores are no longer needed to be done by humans, instead computers and robots handle these issues. Humans become extremely over-weight, over reliant on machines, and lose intelligence due to lack of interaction with the world around them. Humans are becoming more, and more reliant on the mechanics of robotics everyday. Modern technology has given men and women great power; the power to travel great distances, live longer, gain vast knowledge, even change their appearances. What if today all modern technology is suddenly stripped from the planet? How would humans who have lived with it since they were born handle day to day life? With less work needed to be done manually, thi...

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...efield and will also provide information about the soldier that he or she may not wish to share. This technology has also been put into consideration for the general public of United States civilians, which would be a major invasion of privacy. If not monitored or watched over closely, this technology could also become America’s and possibly also the worlds way to track every single human being that exists on the planet.

As you can tell, technology has helped shape the human species into what it is today, bringing new ways of life, shifting the ways of living, and it is the driving force behind what is and what will become of all men and women. Although, very helpful in some cases to the species, modern technology, like most things, has a dark side and has proved time and time again to be a very treacherous and dangerous virtue to human life after all.

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