Skating for the Sisterhood

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While some depictions suggest that roller derby includes staged fights, nearly everyone familiar with the sport disagrees with that assumption. I conducted two interviews, and both derby players displayed annoyances when asked about fake fighting in roller derby. Samantha Boehle states, “I actually get kind of angry when people compare roller derby to things like professional wrestling. We don’t perform fights like they do. Roller derby is a competition. Yes, it’s rough, but there’s no performed fighting.” Likewise, Josie Esker states, “I am so frustrated with derby’s early history of staged performances and ridiculous theatrics. We have to follow rules just like other sports, which means no fights.” Speaking from my own personal experience, fights, staged or not, do not normally occur in roller derby. I have never witnessed nor heard of one happening. While derby girls push and shove, fist fights are unlikely to occur. In roller derby, any violation of the rules will result in penalties. Penalties normally consist of spending a minute in the penalty box before re-entering the jam. If any player accumulates too many major penalties, it can “lead to expulsion from the game” (Parnavelas). Because fighting is punishable, roller derby players are encouraged to maintain roller derby's objective of professionalism.
The athleticism of roller derby is evident in the many hours of demanding training it requires. Like any other serious sport, derby teams practice several times a week, and they focus on conditioning and stamina training. Because tired players are more likely to injure themselves, derby teams work extremely hard to make sure that their players have the stamina to handle the challenging physical requirements that derby entail...

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...ouisiana State U, May 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
Parnavelas, Ellen. The Roller Derby Athlete. New York. Bloomsbury Publishing, 1 Dec. 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.
Peoria Push Derby Dames. “Re: Team Survey." Survey by Maria Esker. 22 Feb. 2014. Email.
Prahl, Crystal. Team Photo. 2013. Photograph. JPEG file.
Rosecrans, Mary. “Fan Interview." Personal interview. 22 Feb. 2014.
Wehrman, Michael M. "Response to Cohen: Separating Sport from Sexuality in Women's Roller Derby." Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal 21.1 (2012): 71-78. ProQuest. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
WFTDA. "Roller Derby Demographics: Results from the Third Annual Comprehensive Data Collection on Skaters and Fans." World Flat Track Derby Association, Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
WFTDA. "The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby." Women's Flat Track Association, 2014. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

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