Similarities Between Shirley Jackson's The Lottery and Bullying

900 Words2 Pages

When the strong devours the weak, its nature in its purest form. Yet when one over-powers another repetitively to hurt them physically and mentally, that is bullying; human cruelty. The Lottery is a good story with a plot twist that has some major points that relate to bullying in schools. The lottery can be easily contrasted to bullying because they connect together with power imbalance, repetitive actions and human cruelty; Even if are the most intelligent creatures on Earth, we are the most brutal monsters since the start of time. The setting of The Lottery is at the past where humans had valued traditions, while bullying is in modern day time, no matter the past or present; we humans are cruel as deep the universe can be.

The first link between the lottery and bullying in school, is the power imbalance; The power in-equality between their power and strength have a signified gap. A huge distance that the victim has no chance to fight back, in the lottery, Ms. Hutchinson tried to shout, "Its not fair, it isn't right!". Yet no matter how loud she shouts or how hard she tries to fight back, she had no power and strength to even stand a chance. Tessie Hutchinson did try her best to fight back but she was defeated by sheer number. There was no escaping, they were superior and she was inferior. She alone couldn't fight back, they out-numbered her and gathered together, circling her just to stone her to death. Simultaneously in school, the bully has the higher-caliber of strength and destructive words to put fear and abuse their victim mentally and physically. No matter how hard you try to fight back, there is no chance because the bully picks on the weak that cant fight back. Not only they fight with remarkable strength, most of ...

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...r human nature is the most dangerous animal dead and alive throughout the whole history of Earth. Cruelty is the main connection between The Lottery and bullying because they both share human cruelty.

In conclusion The Lottery and bullying has similar qualities that connects them together. They may bond together with the the power inequality between them. Either by repeated behavior or by inhumanity, human malice. "Cruelty has a human heart", quoted by William Blake. Thus human itself is the existence of cruelty, the pleasure of giving pain to others. The Lottery is a story that could have had happened and bullying is an action that is happening in today's time. In The Lottery, Mrs. Adams said, "Some places have already quit lotteries." and the Lottery could be stopped. Bullying in schools could be stopped too, not just in one place but all over the planet Earth.

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