Should Human Cloining Be Continued in the World

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Should Human Cloning be Continued in the World?

When it comes to things on this earth that are scientifically advanced one is the cloning of plants. We have clones plants for thousands of years. As humans we use the cloned plants to make new plants or make more plants to be consumed. Now I have come to a conclusion about cloning plants it is completely one hundred percent ethical.

Now we also have the cloning of animals. The one that everyone knows of is Dolly the sheep. She was the first sheep cloned using a fully grown nucleus from one cell and put into an embryonic cell of another sheep. Then the embryonic cell was implanted in a surrogate mother who later gave birth to Dolly. Now Dolly was a one in a million shot and the scientist just kind of got lucky but there are a few down sides to the clone Dolly. She would have half the life expectancy of a normal sheep and was more likely to develop diseases. This is questionable if it is ethical or not but what is it that makes it unethical? Is it the fact that God didn’t create her or is it because it is just not acceptable to make another living being that way?

Now lets move on to Human cloning. Technically we could never fully clone a human and make a perfect human being appear at the same age. They would have to start from the age of an infant and grow up but there would also be the risk of a short life expectancy. So yes there is that scary though of an early death but it is still worth the research. With the continuous study and development of human cloning the world could potentially help cure medical diseases and help people understand the human body and brain even further without harming actual human beings.

There are many different potential diseases that could be ...

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... before what makes this unethical to some people? Well this is basically just an opinion. The ethics are basically thrown out the window when trying to create something that is considered a right of only a God but when you let it go and just kind of separate God from the creation you can find something much more beautiful in cloning. We have found another way to make people and another way to potentially save lives. When I look at the future cloning is the way to go because we can find a way to make people live longer and healthier lives even if there are a few downfalls we can only improve by working with people. The more we work with cloning people the better it will get and then we can start improving medical care. This will be just like how Dolly started with a lot of failures and then a few successes and then hopefully a way to cure the thing most people fear.

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