Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Created in 1595, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is about two star-crossed lovers from opposing families who hold an ancient grudge. The theme is about love and hate throughout the play. Shakespeare built up the tension to Scene 5 from the start of Act 1 intelligently by, for example, building up the feud between the families. This build up of tension is essential to the context of the story and without this the play would not be as dramatically effective. Right from the very start, the feud between the Montague’s and the Capulet’s builds up impact and drama. For example, Tybalt said: “this is a Montague, our foe”. Prior to this scene, Shakespeare shows an insight into each character. Tybalt is portrayed as a hostile character that has extreme hatred towards the Montague’s. He is very protective of his family and this is seen in his aggression and willingness to fight: “What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee coward! This by his voice, should be a Montague, ...To strike him dead, I hold it not a sin.”(Act one scene five). It can be observed that even the servants are hostile and aggressive towards the rival family, which again contributes to the dramatic effectiveness of the scene. They fight among themselves for the honour of the family they represent. In act one scene one Romeo appears to be in love with the idea of being in love and focuses his attention on Rosaline who does not return his affection “She’ll not be hit with cupid’s arrow...she will not stay the siege of loving terms”. However, we can safely conclude that his ‘love’ for Rosaline was only a passing infatuation as she pales to insignificance when he sets eyes on Juliet. The language he us... ... middle of paper ... ... Although Romeo is always prone to lapse again into extravagant language we never doubt the new depth of his feelings. Act one scene five is paramount to the play as a whole in creating dramatic effectiveness. Shakespeare has cleverly built up tensions in the initial scenes where he introduces the main themes which are love, hate and rivalry and he gives the audience an insight into the main characters developing intrigue and curiosity leaving the audience wanting to know more. It has become a world-wide story and is very successful, to the extent that it has become a popular play to study. Act one scene five is the most important scene and without it the play would not make any sense. The scenes prior to that are mostly a build up; even if a scene was taken out it would still make sense; but if scene five was taken out it the play would lose its effectiveness.

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