Sexism in Sports

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Sexism has played its part in many different work environments for quite some time. It especially raises big conversation, and an ongoing problem in the sports industry. Not only does it affect the women who work in the industry, but also homosexuals, and minorities. For so long sexism has been a topic of discussion, but no real attempts at change have been made. If there was more protection for woman and players who work in sports, it could help to get women more involved in the field, establish rules that will protect people from sexism, and diminish some of the controversy between the two opposing sexes. Something in men tells them that they are men. It’s their ability to play, watch, and analyze sports. Something about watching other men throw and pass a ball around makes them feel masculine. Something about sports makes them feel superior to women. If men feel like women are beginning to overpower them in the one thing that makes them “Men”, they begin to try and limit the amount of power that women have in sports. Not only do the men on the corporate sides of sports try and limit women’s involvement, but players as well. Many players have often said that they would rather have a male for a coach than a female. In Mariah Burton Nelsons interview with Cheryl Lavin about her book “The Stronger Women Get the More Men Love Football” she says “I’d like to see women get into positions of power in men’s sports the way men are in positions of power in women sports. In the Woman’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) there are only 3 female coaches to the 14 male coaches. Even though some of the first championship basketball games were coached by women, men have still seemed to find a way to put the women coaches on the side. A wa... ... middle of paper ... ...y would rather make a way for themselves, and be independent. It is that independence in women that men feel takes away from their own masculinity. Overtime sexism in sports has continued to develop into an even bigger pest to women, homosexuals, and minorities in sports. Those in the sports industry are looked up to and idolized by many of today’s youth. A good steady system of people, from all different backgrounds empowering and uplifting one another could be a positive example for all of those watching. Sports are about ones love for their game. A person’s individual, and personal life should not interfere. In other words, let people not mix business and personal lives. Works Cited Harry, Joseph. “Sports Ideology” Excerpt January 1994 Nelson-Burton, Mariah, and Cheryl Lavin “The Stronger Women Get the More Men Love Football” Author Interview 24 July, 1994

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