Females Essays

  • The Gap Between Female And Female Nurses

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    field is one of the more female dominated careers. In 2013 only 10 percent of the population of nurses were men (Tanner, L. 2015). If only 10 percent of the population is men are nurses, they should not get paid anymore than women. Even though they are both doing the same job and received the same training, the gap between pay between male and female nurses is astonishing because they are both doing the same job, and they are both trained equally. Some nurse’s, male or female, may get paid more for

  • Female Stereotypes

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    looking at mainstream media, it appears as half naked females getting the most likes; rather than those fully covered. Years ago pictures of half-naked females would be seen as pornography, now they are sold to common day person. The issue with this is, due to the evolution of magazines and video games, the view of females started to change. Video games and magazines portray females as sexual objects by sexualizing them. Magazines portray females as sexual objects; by putting them in clothes or positions

  • ADHD in Females

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    ADHD in Females Grace is a second grader. She sits quietly with her hand folded in front of her and watches tv. She sees Dumbo and thinks of the stuffed elephant on her bed. She remembers her brother winning it for her at a carnival, where she got to ride a pony and eat cotton candy. A few minutes pass, and Grace has no idea what is happening around her or on the cartoon. She is not worried, because there really isn't a time that her mind is not wandering. Grace is a well mannered little

  • Female Masculinity

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    Halberstam in her study of female masculinity posted a problem on the construction of the term female masculinity for its existence has only offered a distinct alternative to male masculinity, thereby protecting male’s masculinity itself. Thus, she offered a different approach in looking at female masculinity by tracing the history of female masculinities and considering the politics acting in the roles of butch/femme within lesbian communities. Halberstam (1998) claims that female masculinity is not a

  • Female Boxing

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    exciting fast paced world of female boxing? Well, you've definitely made a bold and brave decision jumping into the game at this particular point in time, with the sport still in its infancy on the local and international levels you'll have a very good chance of making your mark. In fact the upcoming 2012 Olympic Games will be hosting the first all ladies boxing competition giving both the sport and the players a large piece of much deserved publicity. Overall female and male boxing follows the same

  • Female Breasts

    1969 Words  | 4 Pages

    Female Breasts In many works of art throughout history, female breasts have been featured prominently and in the nude. The symbolic meaning credited to the breast was usually associated with fertility and nourishment, both spiritual and physical, and in the wider sense, with life. Eroticism, nourishment, abundance, expression, feminine power, as well as feminine subservience, are different contradicting themes of the breast played out in time. Different reiterating views of its importance and

  • Female Delinquency

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    boy’s and girl’s involvement or path that leads to their potential delinquency are worlds apart. In addition, bombardment by role models and advertisements of society plays a large aspect in the differences between boys and girls. The majority of female role m...

  • The Female Offender

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    Cesare Lombroso published, The Female Offender, in which he described female criminality as an inherent tendency of women who, in effect, had not developed properly into feminine women with moral refinements” (Lilly, et.al, 2015, pg. 251) Looking at this development, it is easy to question, ‘How should, or even could, the Criminal Justice System respond to female crime? If women are not developing as nature initially intended, many other developments will need to come. Times are changing, along with

  • Female Oppression

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    Female Oppression The narrator of the protagonist in Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening said, “Even as a child she had lived her own small life all within herself. At a very early period, she had apprehended instinctively the dual life—that outward existence which conforms, the inner life which questions.” In past societies, women were being oppressed by male figures. They all had something about them that wanted to conform to go along with society, but also had an inner self that wanted to rebel

  • Female Objectification

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    When you first hear the words 'female objectification' you might automatically think of men treating women as objects. And it's true. Men do play a role in degrading women to just their bodies. There is evidence of that in Men's magazines, music, and the everyday things that they say to or about a woman. However, women also play a huge role in their own objectification. Women change their bodies to make them more sexual and objectify each other. First, let me explain something that recently happened

  • Female Objectification

    1059 Words  | 3 Pages

    Today, women are still sexually objectified to some degree. Because literature often reflects the views of a culture, the sexual objectification of women commonly appears in literature. Whether they have small or large roles in a plot, female characters are sexually submissive in some way and portrayed as subservient to men. Objectification is a concept that has been defined as ‘the seeing and/ or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object’. American philosopher Martha Nussbaum lists the features

  • Females and Technology

    3066 Words  | 7 Pages

    either added or modified to computers, which forces people to learn computer literacy at a steady pace. While some love computers, others despise them. When comparing people’s attitudes towards computers, statistics show a gender gap that proves most females’ attitudes are drastically different from the attitudes of males. Several studies prove that women not only lack an interest in technology, but they also chose not to enroll in computer classes. Since computers and technology play an enormous role

  • The Female Control Theory: The Destruction Of Female Sexuality

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    Women’s lesser sexuality arises because patriarchal culture represses female sexual desire. According to Sherfey, this behavior created social chaos. If a stable, civilized way of life was to develop, it was necessary to institute “the ruthless subjugation of female sexuality” (Sherfey, 1966, p. 119). On the contrary, men generally seem willing if not eager to meet women’s sexual demands. Men are more likely than women to say that giving pleasure to one’s sex partner is more important than pursuing

  • The Female on Trial

    5031 Words  | 11 Pages

    The Female on Trial The theme of the first semester of my senior year at Bryn Mawr College, although I have lacked any gender coursework in my first three years of semesters, unexpectedly heavily involves the collision of the science, literature, and politics of gender. As my most last minute, haphazard schedule of any semester ever, on the next to last day of the shopping week period, I found myself adding two gender studies classes to my schedule. One entitled Advanced Topics in Developmental

  • Female Athletes And Female Discrimination Of Women In Sports

    955 Words  | 2 Pages

    In sports, women will never be as good as men and will never get treated the same. In the beginning of sports coming out in schools the females were not allowed to play. Then they were allowed to play if they were good enough to play with the boys. Even if they were good enough they would find themselves being mistreated often. Nowadays, males and females are required to have the same number of sports for an equal opportunity thanks to Title XI. Somehow women are still being discriminated

  • Female Equality in Sports

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    their skill and compete with one another. For many young men getting up to such a degree is a goal that requires much skill to accomplish. But, for a woman such a goal is merely a dream, for we live in a world where a female athlete is not accepted in society. In the 21st century, female and male athletes differ enormously. A man is expected to show his skill and achieve fame. Women however, must do much more to achieve lesser fame. Great skill. Lower payment. Demanding exposure. Achieving access to

  • Female Characters In The Odyssey

    1293 Words  | 3 Pages

    are playing video games, including females. With the increase of female gamers, however, there have been a number of issues that have caused problems for females, which extends from something minor such as males being astonished that they are even playing video games, to even some males constantly telling them what to do and even insulting them for their actions. The short story, “Select Character”, gives a precedent on how male gamers can cause problems for females and why they end up doing that. “Select

  • Female Body Image

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    present day, females who are within the media (entertainers/socialites) have been given a global platform to go about showcasing their contribution to media and their lives, this way it has allowed for the ‘ordinary’ women and men to be influenced by their culture and lifestyle based on what is presented on television and social media. has shown that the amount of females within

  • Female Harassment In The Military

    1289 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction 1 For years, females have been trying to crash through the glass ceiling and be equal to the opposite sex, males. When women are compared to men, they are recognized as being the weaker sex, consequently leading to women being portrayed as sex symbols in the media and incapable of accomplishing the things that are generally

  • Female Sex Offenders

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    there are cases where the offender is female. According to ABC News (1999), about four percent of sexual assault cases involved a female perpetrator. Due to the fact that female sex offenders do not occur often, there has not been a lot of studies or research done looking at these individuals. Part of this is because women are seen as caretakers, nonviolent, weak, non-dominant, plus many others. There are the basic gender stereotypes and based on those, females would rarely be seen as a sexual offender