Electoral College Essays

  • The Electoral College

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    The Electoral College The Electoral College, friend or foe? The answer behind this question is in the minds of those that understand it. Whether it be a "friend" or a "foe" there will always be opposing sides and a controversial verse. Since the political circumstance of today, the Electoral College seems to be the topic in every conversation and the thesis to every essay. The uncontrollable desire to know the truth behind the mystery is stirring in the minds of the people in the United

  • The Electoral College: The Value Of The Electoral College

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    “The Value of The Electoral College” The Electoral College was a compromise between those at the Constitutional Convention who wanted the US president elected by popular vote and those who wanted congress to select the president. They believed that having it where each state would get a certain number of votes based on population would keep a manipulative and charming person out of office. They thought it would prevent bribery and corruption along with secret dealings. I don’t think that this

  • The Electoral College: The Implications Of The Electoral College

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    on the basis of how they were elected. Primarily, the publics opinion on the electoral college and how it is the actual determining factor in who is chosen for presidency. The problems that may spring forward will be what the electoral college actually is and how it works, why the founding fathers created the Electoral College, major criticisms on the Electoral College, and why it should be abolished. The Electoral College is a system of 538 directly elected “electors”, or government officials, who

  • Electoral College

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    1787, the Electoral College was originally created during the Constitutional Convention to help make a fair way for the president to be elected without giving too much power to either the national government or individual states. Over the years, the Electoral College has undergone a few changes in attempt to make it more fair, but there is still much debate about whether or not the Electoral College is the most effective way to elect a president. Some people believe that the Electoral College does an

  • Benefits Of The Electoral College

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    group of 538 delegates, called the Electoral College, gathers together to formally elect the President of the United States. During the Constitutional convention in 1787, the delegates debated a long time about how the President should be elected. Some delegates wanted the Congress to elect the President, while some delegates wanted the citizens to elect a candidate through popular vote. After many more suggestions

  • Electoral College Advantages

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    citizen of legal age to vote in elections. The Electoral College System provides electoral votes to candidates despite losing popular votes. The Electoral College System is unfair as candidates who do not win popular vote can still win a presidential election. This system is unfair as it grants 538 electors to become the voice of 319 million people. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 gave birth to the Electoral College system. The Electoral College system can be briefly described as a system where

  • Electoral College Flaws

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    primaries, party conventions and an electoral college system along the way. The electoral college is one of the main aspect of a presidential election. The Electoral College is made up of electors in each state, who represent the states popular vote. Each presidential party or candidate designates a group of electors in each state, equal to the States electoral votes, who are considered to be loyal to that candidate, to each State’s

  • The Unfairness of the Electoral College

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    Established in Article II of the Constitution, the Electoral College was created as a compromise between those who wanted the people to elect the President and those who wanted Congress to elect the President. This system calls for the people to vote for electors who would then in turn vote to determine who gets the presidency. These electors would be chosen by each state party committee, and they would equal the number of Senators and Representatives each state has (Document 2). In the late 1700s

  • Analysis Of The Electoral College

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    Analysis of the Electoral College Many people argue that the Electoral College is an outdated system. After all, many things have changed in the last two centuries. For one, technology is much more advanced now than it

  • Electoral College

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    THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE- IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON The next President of the United States, the successor to William Jefferson Clinton and man who will lead America as the first President of the new millennium is George W. Bush, the Republican governor of Texas, the son of a former President. Or it’s Democratic Vice President Al Gore, President Clinton’s right hand man for the past eight years. One of these gentlemen is the next leader of the free world. Who that gentleman is will in all likelihood

  • Electoral College Outdated

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    Every four years, the century-old debate over the Electoral College rekindles. Currently, as the contest between the Republican candidates intensifies and the remaining four rush toward the finish line for nomination, speculators are turning their attention toward the Presidential Election that is right around the corner. Predictably, the legitimacy of the Electoral College is once again under scrutiny. Although the Electoral College was an ingenious compromise establish by Framers of the Constitution

  • Criticisms Of The Electoral College

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    four subjects on the Electoral College will be addressed. These four subjects are: What is the Electoral College? Why did the founding fathers create the Electoral College? What are some major criticisms of the Electoral College? Should we keep it? Before these questions are addressed it should be noted that many people were not aware of the existence of the Electoral College, perhaps even the Author of this paper. What is the Electoral College? Well for one, it isn’t a college, nor a place at all

  • Pro Electoral College

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    popular vote and the winner of the electoral college in the most recent election, there has been a lot of talk about eliminating the electoral college and moving to a direct popular vote. While many people argue for this shift, usually with little knowledge of what a popular vote election would look like, there are also many citizens who are opposed to the idea. In our polarized political climate, this fact is not surprising. Those who support the electoral college defend it by claiming that it is

  • History of the Electoral College

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    History of the Electoral College The Electoral College is the name for the electors who nominally choose the president and vice president of the United States. Each of the states receives a certain number of electors, which is determined by the total number of senators and representatives it sends to the U.S. Congress. Therefore, each state has at least 3 electors. The Electoral College was devised by the Framers of the Constitution as a procedure to elect the president by the people, at

  • Unfairness in the Electoral College

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    electors who hold Electoral votes. Electoral votes are the votes that decide victory of candidate in election. This Electoral College System has limited democracy to people in major three ways. Electoral college holds an ability to alter result of Election over popular votes, discriminates candidates to campaign in certain states not others, and creates high voter turnouts. Since Electoral system can change outcome of the election, it often misrepresent the will of citizens. In electoral system, candidate

  • Electoral College Persuasive Essay

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    candidate must win 270 Electoral

  • Should Electoral College Be Changed

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    voting process. The Electoral College process has worked in the past, but now the time has come to go a different route, with the Popular Vote or something similar to it. The way the popular vote sways will be the way of the people of America’s decision not the elected members. One reason the Electoral College process should be changed is the fact that you as a voter are not actually voting for a president, you’re electing people that will decide who your state’s electoral votes will go to. In

  • Persuasive Essay On Electoral College

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    the president soon bloomed into the formation of the initial College of Electors. Although some individuals cherish this firm establishment, I firmly think the Electoral College fails to balance power and politically sustain our nation. In order to address the issue whether the Electoral College should be thrown away or not, the reasons why it was first established in the first place must be discussed. Generally speaking, the Electoral College’s main intent is to deliver ‘the people’s choice’ in

  • Electoral College Argumentative Essay

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    express their opinion. Many people walk into the voting booth with the thought that every vote counts, and that their vote might be the one that matters above all else. But in reality, America’s voting system is old and flawed in many ways. Electoral College is a commonly used term on the topic of elections but few people actually know how it works. Every ten years after a census, politicians redraw the district boundaries that determine the house and state legislature. The problem with this system

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Electoral College

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    concerning the Electoral College and whether or not it should be abolished. There was multiple way that were being considered at the time of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Some including election of the President and Vice President by the Congress, by the governors of each state, by the state legislation, and by direction popular vote. Each idea was found to have some flaw which then lead to the creation of the Committee of Eleven which was is currently known as the Electoral College. The Electoral