Scientists and their Roles in Promoting Environmental Awareness and Climate Change

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1) As environmental groups and activists work to promote action on climate change and other environmental problems, scientists are increasingly asked to play more prominent roles in public life, as communicators, policy advisors and/or as advocates. Drawing on readings and discussion in class, discuss the different roles that scientists and their organizations can play relative to engaging the public and policymakers, providing specific examples. Discuss the advantages, trade-offs or risks to each role and how the role chosen by a scientist often relates to both their personal values and outlook but also their institutional or organizational affiliation.

The knowledge gap between the scientific community and the general public has always existed. Public opinion holds scientists in very high regard and overall scientists are one of the most trusted professions in America. Most citizens and policy makers say they support making decisions based on science. However, although much of our culture embraces scientific advances in consumer electronics, we have a difficult time identifying how science should and can inform public policy.

Science is frequently viewed as a relatively static and straightforward process when in fact science can be complicated, messy and constantly unfolding. Scientists have traditionally been thought of as non-partial, objective researchers. However, scientists are also citizens and as experts in a subject may feel compelled to advocate for a particular course of action given their specialized knowledge as a scientist or their personal values as an individual. This paper will explore what roles and responsibilities scientists have in steering policy makers and communicatin...

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... who should have authority in the political debate. The debate over the science thus politicizes the science and distracts from policy.” For complicated contexts expecting science to help reach consensus may compromise the chance of reaching consensus and the role that science could play in providing policy suggestions. He recommends that scientists don’t expect different policy viewpoints to be resolved by science.

Climate change is an issue that highlights the difficulties scientists have in identifying their role in public debate and the resolution of public problems. Scientists need to be aware of their role in such debates, in order to maintain their credibility and help policy makers and help the public determine the best course of action. Scientists can choose individually to be a pure scientist, a science arbiter, an advocate or an honest broker.

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