Savagery in Chronicle of a Death Foretold

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The irony of this quote should not be lost on the reader, After all common sense would dictate that brutality is the preserve of barbarians or the “Others”. To this day, that concept has prevailed to emphasize the notion that brutality and the savages that practiced it existed independent of normal,everyday,structured life. As the analysis of the novela,Chronicle of a Death Foretold will later prove, this independence from savagery that has come to define the separation between what is civilized and what is not could for some societies not be any further from the truth. It’s author, Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez echoes the sentiments of the aforementioned quote and firmly entrenches his ideas concerning brutality as a tool of justice and questions the moral standing of a society that depends on it to restore balance and honour. The story,which revolves around the murder of a young man named Santiago Nasar, He is killed solely due to the unproven charge that he had deflowered a girl by the name of Angela Vicario and in essence stolen her honour and that of her family. Throughout the story there is a dark and foreboding atmosphere surrounding the unnamed town in which the story takes place in as evidenced right from the start, the linguistic style is ominous,the day is described as “distressing” ,the narrator explicitly states that he will be murdered, the augury performed by the protagonists mother relays results that are nowhere near the truth. But to be able to understand the atmosphere of brutality that pervades the story, the onus is on us to determine the dominant idea in which it manifests itself. Entrenched within tradition, brutality is a tool that is most effective when an individual or a group of individu... ... middle of paper ... ...). He represents the society as not being entwined with the evils that plagued the other community, showing that there can be different forms of judgement that do not involve the brutish side of human nature. The effect aims to make the reader see the entire situation in a new light,as evidenced in the first paragraph. The Arabs there are normal,everyday,hardworking people and the “other” community exist independent of them, savage,brutal and bloodthirsty. The novella ends on an inexplicable note and like any other great form of art, makes what is understood less than what is learnt. For example,we do not know for sure who really deflowered Angela Vicario but that is not the Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s aim, his true goal as evidenced by this essay is to “carve up, like a pig” the notion that brutality and honour go hand in hand and do away with it in modern society.

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