The Real Estate Crisis

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The current real estate crisis that America finds itself in is one of the greatest challenges America has ever faced. America’s troubles are further compounded by increasing unemployment of American citizens and environmental problems like global warming. Solving any one of these problems would be a Herculean task, yet they must each be addressed in order to protect American families from disaster. However, it is possible to find a solution to the problems of the real estate crisis that can also be used to improve the problems of the unemployment and environmental destruction. The first part of the solution involves the United States government purchasing the homes that have been foreclosed and using them to offer temporary housing to homeless families. The second part involves the employment of local labor and construction crews to improve the quality of these houses so that they can be more desirable to home buyers and less destructive towards the environment. This will help to ease problems involving the real estate crisis, unemployment, and the difficulties presented by pollution and energy waste.

Every foreclosed home that is boarded up and abandoned represents a loss in the American dream. This loss is also felt by the people around the foreclosed home. The neighbors of foreclosed homes who are able to keep up with their mortgage payments must stand by helplessly as their own property values lower. Empty houses also become havens for drug addicts and other illicit activities that further bring down the neighbors’ property values. The quality of life in the local area quickly deteriorates. The difficulties that come with foreclosure can be remedied by the federal government purchasing the foreclosed homes that ha...

... middle of paper ... of utilities in the home to 50% with these and more installations. These fixtures can help to reduce the cost of living in the home. Magavi paid for the training of the plasterers from Agape Plastering to go to New Hampshire to learn how to use a new type of eco-friendly plaster for the home. The new training that the construction workers learned and developed while working on the house allows them to expand their own business ventures. If the federal and state governments were to hire and train people to enhance the foreclosed homes, millions of jobs could be created.

Direct investment by the government into foreclosed homes would be the best solution to ending the real estate crisis. The federal government has the opportunity to use this dilemma as an opportunity to help solve problems of home foreclosures, unemployment, and environmental destruction.

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