Problem Solution: Kuiper Leda

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Problem Solution: Kuiper Leda

The ability to manage supply chains effectively is a key component of corporate success. Adopting a supply chain management strategy (inventory strategy) that works to minimize costs, enhance quality and efficiency of products and services rendered, and maintain sufficient levels of inventory while reducing associated carrying costs is ideal for all businesses. Achieving such a goal, however, is quite challenging and most businesses adopt inventory strategies that best enable them to fulfill their most primary needs (e.g. reducing inventory costs and delivering high-quality products). Supply chain management relates to “the management and coordination of a products supply chain for the purpose of increasing efficiency and profitability” (Investopedia, 2008). In order to deliver quality products to customers in a timely manner while decreasing operating costs, businesses must have a sound understanding of supply chain management (SCM) and all that it entails.

“Supply chain management (SCM) is the oversight of materials, information, and finances as they move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer. Supply chain management involves coordinating and integrating these flows both within and among companies. It is said that the ultimate goal of any effective supply chain management system is to reduce inventory (with the assumption that products are available when needed)” (Search CIO, 2006)

Many businesses have difficulty realizing enough operating capacity to manufacture all their products in-house while attempting to minimize operating costs including inventory, labor, and other fixed costs. To accommodate for their capacity inefficiencies and fulfill costs objectives, businesses often rely on outsourcing production to global (offshore) suppliers.

Kuiper recently entered into another product line, Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RDIF’s). RDIF is technology among retail stores for controlling inventory costs and for reducing the costs of checking out customers. RDIF tags are specially coded cloth or plastic that sends radio signals to receiving antennas that can be far away. Currently, Kuiper is having issues with maintaining inventory with an order larger than the usual order and limited resources. In this analysis, there will be a few options discussed on where Kuiper stands in the organization now and how Kuiper is going to correct issues to get to their end state vision and take care of those large unexpected orders.

The following will provide an all-encompassing solution for Kuiper Leda.

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