Personal Responsibility by Alex Brown

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What motivates you, is it the desire to become something better? To improve your standard of living or is it your family? Whatever the reason personal responsibility will play a major part in either your success or failure. Personal responsibility for me means, being accountable for ones actions the good, bad, and the ugly, and accepting the rewards and or consequences. In everything you do there is work involved. Question is are you doing the right work.
Everything we do is work. Be it sitting on the couch when you should be looking for a job. Sleeping in class when you should be paying attention. It remains the same for success in college because you are given dates, times, and basically deadlines in which assignments are due. It is my responsibility as the student to ensure that I allow the maximum amount of time needed to complete each task. Planning my days for studying test material, researching material for papers, while also figuring in work. These things are broken down each day, either with a written plan or just the routine that I follow.
This is what is meant by doing the right work or in this case am I doing the right work. How am I effectively using my time? It is understood that it cannot always be work, work, work, but where exactly is that line when it becomes apparent that too much time has been wasted on leisure. This is something I have to figure out. Evaluating my plan as a student am I getting the desired performance that I expect from myself. However, do my grades reflect the quality of work that I put in?
This is where what drives me come in, because if I am not getting the results I want or feel I should be meeting then I step back and remember the reason I desire to further my education. Although ...

... middle of paper ... the problems I had come into contact with in the Armed Forces. All the job experience in the world will not amount to anything. When you do not have the formal education behind it. So I take away with me from this course first and fore most time management is the blood life of my education, planning is not an option it a necessity. So my job will be planned around my school schedule to allow me to work my time more efficiently for school projects. The familiarity of my strengths, and the ability to work on my weaknesses.

Works Cited

Brown, A. (2010, August). Personal Responsblity: Why It Matters. Retrieved from Book NewsInc.:
Sen, A. (2009, September). Consequential Evaluation and Practical Reason. Retrieved from The Journal Of Philosophy:

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